Aid to Israel rape of American taxpayer

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Med, I dare you to go out and start telling everyone you see, face to face, all of this anti-Semitic shit you spout here. :D
I look at it more as an attempt to change the subject, which is what in the hell does the United States get in return for the insane amounts of taxpayer money we lavish on Israel? Nothing!
I disagree, I think it's of UTMOST importance to remember HOW we got to where we are. Otherwise, how do we find our way out? How do we correct messes if we don't know how they got there? Ignore that, and remain entrenched.
Med, I dare you to go out and start telling everyone you see, face to face, all of this anti-Semitic shit you spout here. :D

My stepdad absolutely hated Jews. Every time he spouted off about Jews, I would say ... "How can you hate Jews, you don't know any Jews." It would stop him in his track every time.

I disagree, I think it's of UTMOST importance to remember HOW we got to where we are. Otherwise, how do we find our way out? How do we correct messes if we don't know how they got there? Ignore that, and remain entrenched.

Our official aid to Israel is for no other reason then to prop up the Jewish state. As an American taxpayer I feel no obligation or responsibility to pay for that. That money could be better put to use at home, particularly in htese hard-pressed time. And that use of the money wouldn't bring all the rediculous worldwide negative ramifications that it does now.
My stepdad absolutely hated Jews. Every time he spouted off about Jews, I would say ... "How can you hate Jews, you don't know any Jews." It would stop him in his track every time.

I don't hate jews, just Leiberman. I only dislike what they are doing to the world. I have stated here before (I guess the seabitch doesn't read all my posts) that my next door neighbor is Jewish and we are good friends. Jews have contributed much to the advancement of civilization, the arts, the cinema, science, there are many fine Jewish people on the planet, and I wish them well, but the Zionist movement (Jewish members only) is a hateful greedy organization. The Bible does make referance to the Jews being Gods chosen people, but that makes sense as it was written by Jews, hell they were responsible for crusifying Christ. That alone should raise suspicion. I don't ask a persons last name before deciding if they are friend or foe. I wait untill I see their actions. If you crucified Christ instead of Barrabas, a known thief and malcontent, your guilty conscience is showing.
I don't hate jews, just Leiberman. I only dislike what they are doing to the world. I have stated here before (I guess the seabitch doesn't read all my posts) that my next door neighbor is Jewish and we are good friends. Jews have contributed much to the advancement of civilization, the arts, the cinema, science, there are many fine Jewish people on the planet, and I wish them well, but the Zionist movement (Jewish members only) is a hateful greedy organization. The Bible does make referance to the Jews being Gods chosen people, but that makes sense as it was written by Jews, hell they were responsible for crusifying Christ. That alone should raise suspicion. I don't ask a persons last name before deciding if they are friend or foe. I wait untill I see their actions. If you crucified Christ instead of Barrabas, a known thief and malcontent, your guilty conscience is showing.

Shut up father...........
I don't hate jews, just Leiberman. I only dislike what they are doing to the world. I have stated here before (I guess the seabitch doesn't read all my posts) that my next door neighbor is Jewish and we are good friends. Jews have contributed much to the advancement of civilization, the arts, the cinema, science, there are many fine Jewish people on the planet, and I wish them well, but the Zionist movement (Jewish members only) is a hateful greedy organization. The Bible does make referance to the Jews being Gods chosen people, but that makes sense as it was written by Jews, hell they were responsible for crusifying Christ. That alone should raise suspicion. I don't ask a persons last name before deciding if they are friend or foe. I wait untill I see their actions. If you crucified Christ instead of Barrabas, a known thief and malcontent, your guilty conscience is showing.
I am amazed you haven't put me on ignore. I dare you to go tell your neighbor, no, better yet, SHOW your neighbor all your posts here talking about how Jews control the world.

You're a liar, Med, and a pretty awful one at that. :D
I am amazed you haven't put me on ignore. I dare you to go tell your neighbor, no, better yet, SHOW your neighbor all your posts here talking about how Jews control the world.

You're a liar, Med, and a pretty awful one at that. :D

I think one of the things that causes confusion when discussing jews, and i know this has brought up before, is the double meaning of th word.

Some people use the word to refer to the cultural group and some are using it to refer to the religion and religious group
The religion and the culture/"race" are inseparable. They are one and the same, just as with Zoroastrians. Either way, it's bigotry because it's a prejudice directed against a particular group that has, as a whole, done absolutely nothing wrong other than exist.
The religion and the culture/"race" are inseparable. They are one and the same, just as with Zoroastrians. Either way, it's bigotry because it's a prejudice directed against a particular group that has, as a whole, done absolutely nothing wrong other than exist.

thats not true at all.

I can go to my local synogue and convert to judaism. does that mean ive suddenly become part of another race? or even culture? not at all. I agree that using the word judaism can refer to a specific group, but there are white,black,asian and eskimo jews, all different cultures and races
And then there are some of us who don't hate the Jews or the Palestinians.
It's Certain groups on both sides that are the problem.
Zionist on the Side of the Jews and Hamas on the side of the Palestinians.
Neither Side get's a free pass as far as I'm concerned.
One side is just as guilty as the other.
And then there are some of us who don't hate the Jews or the Palestinians.
It's Certain groups on both sides that are the problem.
Zionist on the Side of the Jews and Hamas on the side of the Palestinians.
Neither Side get's a free pass as far as I'm concerned.
One side is just as guilty as the other.

i think you've pretty much summed it up as good as its gonna get
And then there are some of us who don't hate the Jews or the Palestinians.
It's Certain groups on both sides that are the problem.
Zionist on the Side of the Jews and Hamas on the side of the Palestinians.
Neither Side get's a free pass as far as I'm concerned.
One side is just as guilty as the other.
I like to say that an asshole is an asshole no matter what color it's been painted.

I also like to say that beauty fades, stupid is forever.

Timing is everything.

Determination and persistence, alone, are omnipotent.

Everything is relative.

But, usually, what comes out of my mouth is more colorful language, and it's usually muttered under my breath. :lol:
Some people imply or suggest that you're anti-semitic if you question anything about Israel, including the political.
And then some people, after reading post after post after hateful post from a bitter, angry, emasculated old man, just get fucking sick and tired of his spouting against people based solely upon their fucking last name. All because he couldn't shoot his own wad. He is a bigot, through and through. And a liar. And a piss poor one at that. So, they decide they've had enough of his bullshit to call him on it. As for him, I won't imply or suggest anything of the sort, I will make an unequivocal declarative statement, he's a bigot, and anti-Semitic bigot.

Aid to Israel is not where the American taxpayer is really being raped. Far more of our dollars are wasted far more frivolously than what we spend in "aid" to Israel.
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