From my understanding the AG references A64 (rec) when he states that it doesn't allow for home production period. Keep in mind, the uneducated see the closed loop much like a bomb as they fail to grasp how difficult combustion is sans oxygen inside the unit. Wonder if medical has more protection in the law or if that's the same we aren't allowed to run closed loop at home?
This is the AG, not a committee.can't believe this is even an issue! someone in the mix (line) must have some knowledge of this process. just seems strange the law is on this.....
From my understanding the AG references A64 (rec) when he states that it doesn't allow for home production period. Keep in mind, the uneducated see the closed loop much like a bomb as they fail to grasp how difficult combustion is sans oxygen inside the unit. Wonder if medical has more protection in the law or if that's the same boat.
Imma bet "essential oil extractor" or some similar then what does this hold for the companies that are based out of CO that make closed loop systems, also when asking for extraction tubes now are we going to have to use some special lingo like asking for a "bong" in Texas "no no its a water pipe sir we don't sell bongs."
Commercial extraction is the key phrase. Also Denver is one city. The fact the state DA says there is no protection for doing such simply says it's ok to make any local ordinance prohibiting said process outside of the regulated, taxed, MIP licensed environment.Denver published IFC-2009 to cover commercial extraction with flammable hydrocarbons...
nope, what are you using to extract the oils then???Imma bet "essential oil extractor" or some similar lingo....
There's other oils, from other plants. So products could be marketed as such and not tied to pot.nope, what are you using to extract the oils then???
I have heard "test tubes" was used in areas "cali" that banned all BHO
Then they would make it harder to purchase the tane and not equipment that could be sold as "not intended for use with butane or propane".I think it is the butane not the oil.... BAM!!!! in yo face Snaps lol I am having to much fun with this...