So I think I have everything ordered for my arduino based e-nail project, I got the coil and xlr connector from
gimido everything else is from from ebay. I try to get everything from the same
store so they would all arrive together.
- 25A Solid State Relay for turning the heating coil on and off
- MAX6675 Thermocouple Module for amplifying the signal from the thermocouple. I know the MAX31855 is the newer version of this chip but these are a lot cheaper and I think they should work anyway. I dont need the thermocouple that comes with it as the coil has one already but it whatever.
- Logic Level Converter because the arduino outputs data at 5v and the the thermocouple amp is only 3v3. I'm not sure if I need this or not because the MAX6675 module says its operates at 5v but I don't see and 3v3 regulator on the module like the adafruit ones have. Its cheap enough that I don't care.
Now for a display and controlling the settings I already have a
Adafruit RGB LCD Shield with buttons for changing settings. I will use that to get the program all setup and working but will replace it with cheaper parts later so I ordered them now.
- I2C 16X2 Character LCD Module for display the I2C is not needed for this project because only 2 pins are used for the thermocouple and the SSR but it makes the wiring so much easier.
- Rotary Encoder Module for changing the temperature and PID settings. I'm not sure but I think this can be used as a button also when you push on it, if not I have some tactile push buttons laying around.
Thats all I need I think, I have little things like power cords, sockets, switches and wire connectors already but just because I was ordering and it was such a cheap order I added a few things just for the fun of it.
When everything arrives I will see if I can get it together and working properly, If all goes well I will post the code and wiring info here.
Different subject, I was LUCKY enough to be the Blue Ribbon prize winner in the 5th party cup comp which got me a $100 from This is awesome as I'm in need some new beans and their selection is pretty amazing. When
@Midweek Song contacted me with my prize code I was informed that shipping was included, I was not expecting this and thought it was pretty cool of him. So once again I would like to thank them for sponsoring this competition and the next one.