EFs R&DiY LED, Circuits, Arduino, Hot Peppers and more thread

great data, very informative.

hows the growth compare between the two tents ? you seem to have roughly same amount of light in each tent.
I can tell you that growth under both setup healthy and vigorous (praying) and that my buddy and I are very happy with both. That being said we haven't run the same stain under each for comparison, or even the same style (dwc, soilless, hempy). There is lots of experimenting and really I haven't come across anything I would call a keeper yet. I took a long break (6+ years) and just started back up again slowly in late 2013. Together we have identical tents, and fans, with the best (IMO) commercial lights available in one and a top of the line DIY setup (no expense was spared) in the other.

We only grow for ourselves, split it 50-50 and really I haven't even been able to grow enough for myself let alone share half with someone. Thats why I got the cxa setup and second tent, I smoke a lot of weed and spend easily over 500 a month at dispensaries around town (I don't drink or even take tylenol). If this works out and I don't have to pay outrageous prices for B grade dispensary weed I'm going to be stoked.

Around here the "Top Shelf" is machine trimmed, quick dried, raped for all its crystals in a tumbler and sold at the highest price. Then if you want to actually get high from it you have to buy some of the hash the stole off the buds in the first place. The worst shit I have grown with LED is better than 90% of the dispensary stuff and I wouldn't call mine top shelf anything. Yes I am a weed snob, very picky with a high tolerance.

Both lights produce EXCELLENT quality nugs with more crystals than anything I can buy. Anyone who invests in either will be very happy, especially if they actually know how to grow BIG BUDS and not just nugs. I am in the process of fading out my DWC setups because its been a year of root rot/PH issues and going back to what I know. Peat/Perlite/hydroton mix. Once I we find something we like and work out a few kinks a side by side will be done. Same cutting, same setup, different lights.

Obviously not for a while, sorry for the rant.... WeedSnob out.
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I can tell you that growth under both setup healthy and vigorous (praying) and that my buddy and I are very happy with both. That being said we haven't run the same stain under each for comparison, or even the same style (dwc, soilless, hempy). There is lots of experimenting and really I haven't come across anything I would call a keeper yet. I took a long break (6+ years) and just started back up again slowly in late 2013. Together we have identical tents, and fans, with the best (IMO) commercial lights available in one and a top of the line DIY setup (no expense was spared) in the other.

We only grow for ourselves, split it 50-50 and really I haven't even been able to grow enough for myself let alone share half with someone. Thats why I got the cxa setup and second tent, I smoke a lot of weed and spend easily over 500 a month at dispensaries around town (I don't drink or even take tylenol). If this works out and I don't have to pay outrageous prices for B grade dispensary weed I'm going to be stoked.

Around here the "Top Shelf" is machine trimmed, quick dried, raped for all its crystals in a tumbler and sold at the highest price. Then if you want to actually get high from it you have to buy some of the hash the stole off the buds in the first place. The worst shit I have grown with LED is better than 90% of the dispensary stuff and I wouldn't call mine top shelf anything. Yes I am a weed snob, very picky with a high tolerance.

Both lights produce EXCELLENT quality nugs with more crystals than anything I can buy. Anyone who invests in either will be very happy, especially if they actually know how to grow BIG BUDS and not just nugs. I am in the process of fading out my DWC setups because its been a year of root rot/PH issues and going back to what I know. Peat/Perlite/hydroton mix. Once I we find something we like and work out a few kinks a side by side will be done. Same cutting, same setup, different lights.

Obviously not for a while, sorry for the rant.... WeedSnob out.

Tumbleweed topshelf seems to be all over the place!

You seem to be happy with both light systems. love to see a side by side when you get there.
This is the code for a simple dual timer for arduino I pieced together, Its for keeping your main lights and flower initiator in sync and can be set to the second if you see fit to do so. It requires a DS1307 clock module and you have to set the time from a computer. I have a more advanced one that has a display and tracks temp and humidity but its starts to get more expensive when you add more shields. I figured I would post this first so if anyone wants to start with something basic they can. I use data logging shield that has has RTC module and sd card built in, and though the data logger is not being used in this sketch it was the only clock module I had around. I have seen cheap arduinos on fasttech for less than 10$ and 5v 2 channel relays also. I don't know much about the rtc modules but I see bad reviews for them. Mine only slipped out 36 seconds in 10 weeks so I haven't even fixed it yet cause its not out far enough to care about.

#include <Wire.h>
#include <RTClib.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <TimeAlarms.h>


// Start Time for relayOne --- here it is set to 8:00 am -- main lights come on
int s1Hour = 8; // 0-23
int s1Minute = 0; // 0-59 do not add the zero for 0-9
int s1Second = 0; // 0-59 use 1 instead of 01

// End Time for relayOne --- here is is set to 8:00 pm -- main lights go off
int e1Hour = 20;
int e1Minute = 00;
int e1Second = 0;

// Start Time for relayTwo -- here it is set to 7:58 pm -- flower initiator will come on
int s2Hour = 19;
int s2Minute = 58;
int s2Second = 0;

// End Time for relayTwo -- here it is set to 8:05 pm -- flower initiator will come of
int e2Hour = 20;
int e2Minute = 5;
int e2Second = 0;

// Set Pins for relays
int relayOne = 2;
int relayTwo = 3;

int r1State = HIGH; // LOW = Relay ON
int r2State = HIGH; // High = Relay OFF

void setup() {
// Set the relays to off immediately
digitalWrite(relayOne, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayTwo, HIGH);

// Set the pinmode
pinMode(relayOne, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relayTwo, OUTPUT);


// Notify if the RTC isn't running
if (! RTC.isrunning()) {
Serial.println("RTC is NOT running");

// Get time from RTC
DateTime current = RTC.now();
DateTime compiled = DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__);
if (current.unixtime() < compiled.unixtime()) {
Serial.println("RTC is older than compile time! Updating");
RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));

// Use RTC time to set the start time for relayOne
setTime(s1Hour, s1Minute, s1Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t s1 = now();

// Use RTC time to set the end time for relayOne
setTime(e1Hour, e1Minute, e1Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t e1 = now();

// Use RTC time to set the start time for relayTwo
setTime(s2Hour, s2Minute, s2Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t s2 = now();

// Use RTC time to set the end time for relayTwo
setTime(e2Hour, e2Minute, e2Second, current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t e2 = now();

// Use RTC time to set the current time
setTime(current.hour(), current.minute(), current.second(), current.day(), current.month(), current.year());
time_t n = now();

// Test if relayOne should be on
if (s1 <= n && n <= e1) {

// Test if relayOne should be on
if (s2 <= n && n <= e2) {

Alarm.alarmRepeat(s1Hour, s1Minute, s1Second, oneOn);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(e1Hour, e1Minute, e1Second, oneOff);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(s2Hour, s2Minute, s2Second, twoOn);
Alarm.alarmRepeat(e2Hour, e2Minute, e2Second, twoOff);

void loop() {
DateTime now = RTC.now();
setTime(now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second(), now.day(), now.month(), now.year());

Serial.print("Current time: ");
Serial.print(now.year(), DEC);
Serial.print(now.month(), DEC);
Serial.print(now.day(), DEC);
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.print(now.hour(), DEC);



void oneOn() {
r1State = LOW;
digitalWrite(relayOne, r1State);
Serial.println("Turning Relay One On");

void oneOff() {
r1State = HIGH;
digitalWrite(relayOne, r1State);
Serial.println("Turning Relay One Off");

void twoOn() {
r2State = LOW;
digitalWrite(relayTwo, r2State);
Serial.println("Turning Relay Two On");

void twoOff() {
r2State = HIGH;
digitalWrite(relayTwo, r2State);
Serial.println("Turning Relay Two Off");

void printDigits(int digits) {
if(digits < 10)

void relayState(){
Serial.print(" Relay One is ");

// if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:
if (r1State == LOW){

// set the LED with the ledState of the variable:
digitalWrite(relayOne, r1State);

Serial.print(" Relay Two is ");
// if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:
if (r2State == LOW){

// set the LED with the ledState of the variable:
digitalWrite(relayTwo, r2State);

The code, when it powers up check to see if the should be on/off and automatically changes to the correct mode if there is a power outage. Hope this is a help to someone, maybe its time to get your feet wet with some basic arduino stuff. I know there are a few of you diyers with multiple timers here a chance to reduce some.




I didn't get those exact ones, mine came from some random chinese ebay seller but they should work fine I would think.

Feel free to ask any questions about it.:leaf:
...thanks for the code and info EF... ...im curious about your "other advanced" code and info...

...mmm rtc library... and?... :confused:

...on arduino way... ...too many ways...


...im collecting info about ...Do all nodes of wireless sensors with Arduino mini pro (4 -8 € unit) which speak wirelessly with an (arduino with mini sd card and connected to a touch lcd) (or ferduino tunned...;)) makes statistics (or other things) on the pc and lcd...
...an others arduino ways... ...or similars...:fire:

....for batteries ...i saw...


...down in "LEARN menu"...




https://learn.adafruit.com/multi-cell-lipo-charging?view=all ...






...and down in "MAY WE ALSO SUGGEST menu" ... more things about bateries...:neutral:

...on co2 way...



...more tutorials...



...great Review of 11 Temperature and Humidity Sensors...


...20 $ node...



...or bluetooth and Android...


:sleep:...jejeje okok.... too much info?.... ok time for a break... or rollit one more...:fire:

pd... upsss ....for RTC... ...the ChronoDot will drift less than a minute per year...;)





pd2... ...about Thermal foldback...

...What thermal foldback does is to reduce the LED current when the temperature rises.
Driver IC makers agree that the critical component of any thermal foldback circuit is the negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor, which monitors the temperature of the LEDs.
This resistive device is typically placed as close as possible to the LEDs to obtain the most accurate thermal sensing.
As the temperature rises (above the set value), the NTC's resistance decreases, resulting in a decrease of the output current of the LED (...or driver...), (and dimming of the light output).
Driver IC makers use either pulse width modulation (PWM) or analog dimming to control the light output...


...thinking on drivers with thermal foldback or similar...;)

Pd3 ...thanks @Positivity ;)...

...curious about sinkpad-II...



Connection Diagrams




...The LEDs can be powered singly or in series with the addition of 0 ohm resistors or solder dots.
A Vishay NTC 10K Thermistor (NTHS0805N02N1002J) (RT1)is mounted to the board to monitor temperature and can be used for foldback temperature control.
For more information about using the thermistor, please review our SP-02 Onboard Thermistor Temperature Measurement application note...
(...upss...these link dont go... ...but go on this... http://www.luxeonstar.com/assets/downloads/sp-02-thermal.pdf)

Pd4... about relay isolation... ...for arduino relay modules or shields better go on modules or shields with optoisolators...;) ....or maybe prefer solid state relay modules or shields with phototriacs...;) ...my inexpert opinion...



...on data logger shield saw...



...rock the house... bump up the volume...

Pd5 ...thanks EF...:lol: ;)


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lol salmonetin, so much to read I will have to look over it later.

The "advanced code" is not ready, I've been working with it slowly. It uses the Adafruit RGB-LCD shield to display the current time, humidity and temperature. One of the buttons (select) is a manual ON/OFF for the lights and all of this currently works bug free from what I can tell, Its been running for a couple weeks or so on my desk with no problems. All of this stuff I have been learning as I go, its taken a while because I have no previous experience with any code except html and that was close to 20 years ago. I still need to figure out how to adjust the alarm times and clock time using navigation with the other buttons and eeprom to save the settings incase of power loss. I have some idea of how to do some parts but others I am stuck on and still learning. When I get it working properly I will post the sketch here for others to use if they so please.

I really have idea for cool lamp, but don't know how to assambe everything.

Its easier than one would think just jump in head first, no helmet needed.
lol salmonetin, so much to read I will have to look over it later.

...read or view when you can or like... take it easy bro... ;)

The "advanced code" is not ready, I've been working with it slowly. It uses the Adafruit RGB-LCD shield to display the current time, humidity and temperature. (...what sensor(s) used?...) One of the buttons (select) is a manual ON/OFF for the lights and all of this currently works bug free from what I can tell, Its been running for a couple weeks or so on my desk with no problems. All of this stuff I have been learning as I go, its taken a while because I have no previous experience with any code except html and that was close to 20 years ago. I still need to figure out how to adjust the alarm times and clock time using navigation with the other buttons and eeprom to save the settings incase of power loss. I have some idea of how to do (...see other examples of code...some examples codes are commented...) some parts but others I am stuck on and still learning. When I get it working properly I will post the sketch here for others to use if they so please. ...take your time bro...im only curious... linux way its too much for me right now...:roll:;)







...:roll:;) :peace:...

Its easier than one would think just jump in head first, no helmet needed.
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...thanks for the code and info EF... ...im curious about your "other advanced" code and info...

...mmm rtc library... and?... :confused:

...on arduino way... ...too many ways...


...im collecting info about ...Do all nodes of wireless sensors with Arduino mini pro (4 -8 € unit) which speak wirelessly with an (arduino with mini sd card and connected to a touch lcd) (or ferduino tunned...;)) makes statistics (or other things) on the pc and lcd...
...an others arduino ways... ...or similars...:fire:

....for batteries ...i saw...


...down in "LEARN menu"...




https://learn.adafruit.com/multi-cell-lipo-charging?view=all ...






...and down in "MAY WE ALSO SUGGEST menu" ... more things about bateries...:neutral:

...on co2 way...



...more tutorials...



...great Review of 11 Temperature and Humidity Sensors...


...20 $ node...



...or bluetooth and Android...


:sleep:...jejeje okok.... too much info?.... ok time for a break... or rollit one more...:fire:

pd... upsss ....for RTC... ...the ChronoDot will drift less than a minute per year...;)





pd2... ...about Thermal foldback...

...What thermal foldback does is to reduce the LED current when the temperature rises.
Driver IC makers agree that the critical component of any thermal foldback circuit is the negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor, which monitors the temperature of the LEDs.
This resistive device is typically placed as close as possible to the LEDs to obtain the most accurate thermal sensing.
As the temperature rises (above the set value), the NTC's resistance decreases, resulting in a decrease of the output current of the LED (...or driver...), (and dimming of the light output).
Driver IC makers use either pulse width modulation (PWM) or analog dimming to control the light output...


...thinking on drivers with thermal foldback or similar...;)

Pd3 ...thanks @Positivity ;)...

...curious about sinkpad-II...



Connection Diagrams




...The LEDs can be powered singly or in series with the addition of 0 ohm resistors or solder dots.
A Vishay NTC 10K Thermistor (NTHS0805N02N1002J) (RT1)is mounted to the board to monitor temperature and can be used for foldback temperature control.
For more information about using the thermistor, please review our SP-02 Onboard Thermistor Temperature Measurement application note...
(...upss...these link dont go... ...but go on this... http://www.luxeonstar.com/assets/downloads/sp-02-thermal.pdf)

Pd4... about relay isolation... ...for arduino relay modules or shields better go on modules or shields with optoisolators...;) ....or maybe prefer solid state relay modules or shields with phototriacs...;) ...my inexpert opinion...



...on data logger shield saw...



...rock the house... bump up the volume...

Pd5 ...thanks EF...:lol: ;)




I've never seen a reply laced with so many links before. Sal, what in the fuck?! L:lol:L
So I planted this back in March outside, life was tough for it outside. I started a little early and it was too cold for all the seedlings and out of 12 this was the only survivor. After a few months I realized that there was no way this plant was going to survive through to harvest in my climate. I decided to bring her in and transfer the near dead plant into a DWC rubbermaid container and try my luck indoors. It was a good decision as she recovered quickly and started developing little flowers but only a few developed into peppers. So now it is mid December and I am just now harvesting these little bundles of fire. Its already snowed here so I know if I left it outside I would have got nothing. I will now prune it back and get it ready for next season.

Vine ripened to perfection.
My buddy brought home a present today, a brand new 5 gallon BubbleNow machine. :hump:


Its 225$ US if you buy it online, but if you go into the store here you'll get it for 225$ CDN which is a great exchange rate. I knew this before I sent my buddy in but what I didn't know was that they give an additional 20% discount for having a medical card. I've been holding out on running some trim for a while but it looks like I don't have to wait anymore. I wasn't expecting him to get this for a few weeks so I was surprised when he came in the door with it. This is awesome because I just ordering up some parts to DIY a e-nail for myself. I saw this new (to me) technique for smoking bubblehash in "full melt fridays" episode 7 and can't wait to try it out. (Skip to 6:47)

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That is exactly what they are, the one we got even came with the original washing machine instructions. I was debating on getting a new 220 bag as mine is 12 years old and unusable or the machine with the zipper bag, this was definatly the better choice. My 7 bag system is in decent condition except the 25 micron bag, so I would like to get a new 25 bag and since I bought mine years ago they added a 90 bag so I would like to get that one also.

I love bubble hash and prefer it over any solvent extract, IMO full melt bubble beats out even the best BHO. To bad dispensaries around here only ever have solvent stuff.

@Sevren that machine is perfect with one of these bags, just get the 220 version.

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...thanks IJ...
...are there an remarcable brand for this?...

...google... mini portable washing machines... i saw machines under 100 there...

Its ok we have be sitting on a few runs of trim/sugar leaves so the machine will pay for itself with the first days use and I will get my freezer space back.

Most of these <$100 ones I'm finding are around $60 minimum to ship it to me, Also I would have to pay for import and currency conversion. The difference in price would be less than $50 and I don't have to wait for it to be shipped, Its here in time for my days off for the holidays. My buddy mentioned getting a deal on some other stuff while he was at the store because he was spending so much so I'm sure he is happy with what he paid. I am for sure going to be happy that I don't have to drill anymore. The drill with paint mixer attachment, which has 12+ years use was more expensive than the bubblenow machine was. I dont even know if they had the machines back then but I originally got the drill when a different x-friend of mine had the 20 gallon system and i needed something with alot of torque. This machine is less work and makes a better quality product.


I could have bought a few small machines for that price.
...machine + bags + cloth to dry... :clap::hump::fire:...


...in the meshes way...to issue meshes where looking at?... thinking on dry hash...

...meshes for hash extractions... meshes for dry cannabis... ...what sizes for hash?... or for dry?... only curiosity...

...forget it..i saw http://skunkpharmresearch.com/diy-sieving-frames/

...A good source for stainless mesh in small sizes and quantities is?????......

...i must do an pdf with this...

pd...i do it pdf with zoomed pics... (...pdf good for read all thread but bad for print out...:lol:;))...zip it and upload here...



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