Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow


Well-Known Member
The whole early flower thing threw me off this year, then the ones I topped I missed on and they got tall. So I need to go back to topping school again. This year has really highlighted my inexperience so next year I'm going to simplify and go back to basics and pretend its my first year again. I think I just got kinda lucky the last two seasons and really had no probs but this year I've made all the newbie mistakes and my plants have been challenging my gardening skills with some being nutrient sensitive and mutants, and a hermaphrodite. So even though I'm a good gardener I've come to realise I don't know as much as I thought I did at the beginning of the season, so yes this little plant has humbled me lol.
Im still and will always have more to learn . Sometimes you find yourself over complancient and cutting corners or forgetting things you all ready knew or knew not to do or just plain getting lazy or even over complicating things . Im having some silly issues indoor so I went back and read 100 plus pages in a thread and found things to help my problems that I should of done but forgot or didn't want to do. . When struggling it is always best to revert back to the simple basics.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I found this guy attached tony back deck right in front of my gals, I think he's going into hibernation waiting for a meal, I don't wanna kill him but I think I have to, he looks cool as shit but I think he has the wrong intentions with my little girls.
Maybe he'd be good deep fried!
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ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
That's a prob I have nothing but concrete and pavers lol
Thats all good man just sit em up on a crate you put your beer bottles in or at cheap stores like bunnings they have cool plant holders with wheels that hold my 20 gallon easy and you can just wheel it around easy ...ill take a pic of it when im home in a few days again

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Im still and will always have more to learn . Sometimes you find yourself over complancient and cutting corners or forgetting things you all ready knew or knew not to do or just plain getting lazy or even over complicating things . Im having some silly issues indoor so I went back and read 100 plus pages in a thread and found things to help my problems that I should of done but forgot or didn't want to do. . When struggling it is always best to revert back to the simple basics.:mrgreen:
And a common mistake ive made is tinkering with a grow thats going gd thinking i can make it even not gonna make that same mistake again


Well-Known Member
Im still and will always have more to learn . Sometimes you find yourself over complancient and cutting corners or forgetting things you all ready knew or knew not to do or just plain getting lazy or even over complicating things . Im having some silly issues indoor so I went back and read 100 plus pages in a thread and found things to help my problems that I should of done but forgot or didn't want to do. . When struggling it is always best to revert back to the simple basics.:mrgreen:
Thanks dude, i know I'm always learning and yer right I have taken some shortcuts and I brought my plant out too early, I think because I had success early on I did get complacent! Can't change what's done so I'll just finish this season up and I'm sure there will be a good story or three out of all those and next year I'll be a better grower because all the challenges from this one, as much as I'm bitching and moaning Ive learned a shitload so it's not a waste at all, plus you got this screen thing in my twisted little noggin now so I'll be pickin your brain later mate. Yer a top bloke!


Well-Known Member
Thats all good man just sit em up on a crate you put your beer bottles in or at cheap stores like bunnings they have cool plant holders with wheels that hold my 20 gallon easy and you can just wheel it around easy ...ill take a pic of it when im home in a few days again
I thought about those pot holders too right after I posted but didn't think it would work, great idea dude!

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, i know I'm always learning and yer right I have taken some shortcuts and I brought my plant out too early, I think because I had success early on I did get complacent! Can't change what's done so I'll just finish this season up and I'm sure there will be a good story or three out of all those and next year I'll be a better grower because all the challenges from this one, as much as I'm bitching and moaning Ive learned a shitload so it's not a waste at all, plus you got this screen thing in my twisted little noggin now so I'll be pickin your brain later mate. Yer a top bloke!
Tws da scrog king.....shabby

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I thought about those pot holders too right after I posted but didn't think it would work, great idea dude!
I know someone on one thread had like a home made cart with wheels only about 10 inches of the ground big enough to wheel 4 or 5 pots all at once when he needed to....

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Had to repair a plant last night, got a bit overzealous tying down and craaack! Tape and a splint shes all good!
I give er a week to heal up and I'll have another go, I had another one do a 90• and I just left it that way and it's fixed itself. Trimmed up all my bottoms as well the scraps are in the worm farm with the male I chopped.