GOP 3rd ranking house member addressed white supremacists

How could you possibly know whether or not I bought a smoke alarm? Yes, you clearly are a morally superior being, wishing death upon those would disagree with you.

I cannot believe the depth some people will sink on a message board.

How desperately do you need to be right to wish death on a person?

I give you credit for putting up with all this bullshit. People who are supposedly so tolerant and compassionate are so vicious, spiteful and hateful here. We have our own liberal version of stormfront going on.
You break your arm
YOu can go to emergency room
Get it set. What about follow up visits? Therapy?

When did all that become a right?

Somebody has to pay for this shit, it doesnt happen for free. I think we should change the laws to make the people that can pay, pay for their medical care when they go to an emergency room. Then we could watch all of our insurance rates and hospital costs drop.

You should still be able to get emergency care but it should be billed to you and if you dont pay then the IRS should step in and garnish a portion of your wages to pay for it.

It would solve a lot of issues.
This year. I am wishing you die
Happy New Year
Dont really take anyone serious who is too fucking cheap to buy a smoke alarm

I think you need to take a break from the internet. Whatever is fucking your real life up so bad that you act like this on a message board needs to be addressed.
I think you need to take a break from the internet. Whatever is fucking your real life up so bad that you act like this on a message board needs to be addressed.
YOu can put me on ignore if you want.
Im still going to point out what a stupid racist lying idiot you are.
YOu can put me on ignore if you want.
Im still going to point out what a stupid racist lying idiot you are.

Does this qualify as a ........ Meltdown????

Or is that last weeks word. I here something about Bingo now... That must be the new talking point. So much psychobabble it is hard to keep up.
Does this qualify as a ........ Meltdown????

Or is that last weeks word. I here something about Bingo now... That must be the new talking point. So much psychobabble it is hard to keep up.
You can put me on ignore.
Go ahead. As far as you trying to keep up. IN your case that is impossible even for simple things
Care to show where you didnt?
By limiting access to health care to only those who can afford it. What will their outcomes be?
It would be difficult to quote myself NOT saying something. Well, we limit nearly everything else to those who can afford it. I can't afford a 5,000 sq ft beach house, where is my subsidy?
You can put me on ignore.
Go ahead. As far as you trying to keep up. IN your case that is impossible even for simple things

It was you that put me on ignore the other day. Remember?

You are out of control sir... I am not sure why but you are just flipping out on the internet... Check yourself...

People get emergency healthcare in this country. You know, so they dont die.

You are completely misrepresenting Red's and my positions because you know you are on the losing side of the argument.

What you want is for the poor and middle class's healthcare to be first class and paid for by the *rich* as some sort of social justice. The truth is our healthcare took care of everyone. Medicaid provides a hospital bed and all the treatment needed for the poor. I should know, my dad was on it.

Obamacare provides nothing but forced compliance to a national run healthcare system. And I havent seen many tales of how great it is except for those getting it paid for by someone else. Which, you know.. Free shit is great if you can get it right???

You want to tell me how many people are signing up like it is some sort of victory statistic when it is MANDATORY that people sign up. What a fucking joke.

You cannot defend Obamacare because it is indefensible. It wasnt needed, it isnt wanted by those who are going to have to pay for it which is btw, MOST of us.

Look at the recent VA scandal. That wasnt a onesie at a site, that turned out to be a nationwide fraud and disgrace. Now multiply that by 10000 and we have Obamadoesntcare.....

Care to show where you didnt?
By limiting access to health care to only those who can afford it. What will their outcomes be?

Everyone can get emergency healthcare. The poor get medicaid... Those that cannot afford it get it for free. Same as before Obamacare..
NLXSK1 please tell me that you are not advocating that people should use the emergency room as their only source of healthcare ?
Even with insurance there is still a deductible and copay. If you took the cheaper version of O'care, your out of pocket costs are 6K before your insurance will pay anything. This is huge for catastrophic events, but does nothing for a regular doctor visit.

I wish we had a catastrophic care only choice and the piddly visits we make for colds were strictly cash. We really never see the true cost of healthcare because of third parties.
Even with insurance there is still a deductible and copay. If you took the cheaper version of O'care, your out of pocket costs are 6K before your insurance will pay anything. This is huge for catastrophic events, but does nothing for a regular doctor visit.

I wish we had a catastrophic care only choice and the piddly visits we make for colds were strictly cash. We really never see the true cost of healthcare because of third parties.
If we didn't have so much opposition against healthcare, we might have gotten something much better. Oh well viewed as a work in progress.
NLXSK1 please tell me that you are not advocating that people should use the emergency room as their only source of healthcare ?

No, they should pay for their healthcare out of pocket like everyone else should. Insurance should be for emergencies.

If car insurance was like health insurance it would cover oil changes, gasoline, maintenance, etc and be many times more expensive than it is now.

If we go to direct - point of service single payer for most healthcare the prices would plummet. Other changes would need to be made too but if free enterprise were tried in healthcare it might actually work!!
You can put me on ignore.
Go ahead. As far as you trying to keep up. IN your case that is impossible even for simple things
You hideously overestimate your own intelligence Chesus.

You're at least one of the dumbest dumb-dumbs here (and your title as Duke is questionable at best).
If we didn't have so much opposition against healthcare, we might have gotten something much better. Oh well viewed as a work in progress.
There was practically NO opposition to insurance reform, just opposition to what we have. How many people still claim the bill is good as is like you guys used to? 10%?

You've got the rhetoric down though, I'll give you that.