HELP!! Im allergic to Beta-carotene and carrots!!!

good Sunni, thats where I was going. I'm wondering if its really indeed Beta carotene, maybe its something in the carrot family.....what about parsley?

Also, do you take vitamin supplements? B-carotene is a precursor to Vitamin A
red peppers

just to name a few all have extremely high levels of beta varotene like more than carrots
I know I know..... lately I've ate a lot of the same stuff. I love cantaloupe. Been a month or so tho. I've had the allergy for years now so those haven't made me sick yet
Hehe I love cannalope haze too. I had a cannalope leaning chocolope I loved. Anyhow...

Hers some recent day's food.

Instant oatmeal for breakfast/snacks... stawberrys n cream flavor usually.

Because of a bad tooth I've been more selective too... like I've been drinking bolthouse brand protein plus drinks. Tons of good stuff in them. Wish it didn't have soy tho. Would drink more bolthouse juices but many make me sick. Used to love all of em practically. Easy and decently healthy.
I eat junk food like doritos, lunchables(turkey n cheddar), some sweets like chewy bars or granola bars, ice cream, yogurt if its not colored with something I can't have usually greek too.
Umm some red meat... not much fish, love chicken. Only can eat a few fast food joints stuff... such as rally's-mcdonalds-culvers burgers. Not sides just burgers n fries. I can only eat the actual chicken at popeyes. No biscuits, no mashed potatoes... no kfc. I can eat a lot of taco bells menu, thankfully.
Only trust a couple pizza joints not to put that margarine crap on everything. Most all margarine has beta carotene or apocarotenal too for color. Have to use real butter.
Love brocolli...spinach, lettuce especially romaine, etc. Its more about the pigment I believe...
No vitamins. Most all cheap multi-vitamins have beta carotene, either for color or as a source of vitamin a. But I drink and eat tons of vitamin A safely.. as long as its vitamin a palmitate.

I consume plenty of vitamin c, b vitamins, etc.... iron. I'm fairly concious of it.... I try.

I love oatmeal square cereal from quaker. Lots of fiber and good vitamins.

Heck all milk from major companies has added vitamin a palmitate.... they add A and D.

I'm losing weight consistently, used to be fairly obese . Now I'm skinny lookin from a distance, weigh 180 lbs. At 6 foot 3 inches about. Skinny limbs, super small hips, no ass ha ha. carry my weight in my torso, got man boobs from being fat before, lol. I'm not weak, but should be stronger and have better muscle.

Its gotta be the pigment. And somehow that cara cara orange happens to produce it... cuz I love minneolas, oranges, tangerines, manderins, clemintines. They don't make me sick.

Last time I ate a blood orange I was ok too, but I wouldn't try it now.

Ugh... thx for helping me . U peeps rock! At least now I read every label and am more health concious....

But damn that cara cara thing. Gave the remaining one to my boss he was fine. Happy to eat it. So it wasn't a bad batch.

I almost wonder if somehow they added color/beta carotene to that batch tho. Tyhey were very ripe looking. Tasted good too damnit...

Yeah u guys have a very good point. Bring up the beta carotene thing. Its un heard of to be completely allergic to beta carotene I found out. So again, I'm leaning towards believing the pigment is to blame. But damn...
@smellzlikeskunkyum : You're going to have to bite the bullet and see a doc/or naturopath dealing with this. you're best bet medically would be an allergist. Talk with that specialist before hand to see how comprehensively they test for food allergies. In other words, more than the basic panel testing. Many docs have reduced rates if you're not insured. Talk with them about it.

I know it's $$ but at this point you can't really afford not to look into it.

Oh and ditch the packaged foods. Eat whole foods, not the doritos :-) Keep up posted
@smellzlikeskunkyum : You're going to have to bite the bullet and see a doc/or naturopath dealing with this. you're best bet medically would be an allergist. Talk with that specialist before hand to see how comprehensively they test for food allergies. In other words, more than the basic panel testing. Many docs have reduced rates if you're not insured. Talk with them about it.

I know it's $$ but at this point you can't really afford not to look into it.

Oh and ditch the packaged foods. Eat whole foods, not the doritos :-) Keep up posted
Yeah look how old this thread is. At first I worried I can't take my suboxone as its colored orange....
I've learned alot but as the great peope here are saying I need a specialist that really cares/understands the situation.
Most carrots allergies are normally a relation to pollen and/or mold allergies. Either because of the structural similarities, other veggies have this too like celery. Or because there IS pollen/mold on the carrots and it gets consumed.

My issue is color/pigment based somehow I believe. I'm going to go to a big local health food store. We have no trader joes or whole foods, plum market...etc. but we have dales natural foods. With a damn carrot as part of their logo/signs.

My co-workers famly owns the place... so I'll try talking with them. I'm flat broke atm. But I'm stil freakin dizzy from Sunday. Even tho I bit the bullet and worked on tuesday . Ugh my work shoes got ruined fromme being dressed and ready to work on Monday , then barfing twenty times. Good thing I decided to call that day.
I have a shit cook job , but work hard. And no I dont eat anything at work btw. They don't make me cut the carrots either... that go with fried chicken wings and such. Mostly fried junk food anyhow
I bring a bolthouse protein plus drink usually and it helps hold me as long as i remember to eat actual food before hand and after

Thx for the help all. I will update this. Thx a LOT!!!! :)