The religion of peace

Still fixated on my disapproval of Israeli ( Jewish) actions in Palestine, you stupid fuck? Good. I hope you go to sleep at night, and wake up in the morning, thinking about my hate for Zionism ( just like a shit load of Jew's also think). It makes me feel good knowing that I make you so fucking crazy.
New post coming later by the way, because Israel is always a hot topic.(did you read the self-serving statement made by Netanyahu in response to the Paris attack?)
Bobble Head? Is that what you mean? What the fuck is a bobble-head? Oh, I know what it is! It's probably what your head looked like when you were doing your gym teacher, when in the 8th grade. I'm right, aren't I

Hardly fixed, jimbo, you just are bobbling about the NRA. Now you insult my female gym teacher.
My fear? I would simply carry a handgun which I usually don't, and say come and get me you mutha fucking crazy Muslim cocksuckers( if I was a religious satirist). We won't have a problem here the US, because we are all armed and dangerous(at least I am), and have the NRA on our side. As a matter of fact, the NRA monthly publications should show solidarity with France, and print a picture of Mohammed getting a BJ from Sarah Palin. That would be nice.
Unfortunately, that is what they expect. Avoid giving them a chance to become martyrs.
Destroy the regressive & perverted ideology, not their bodies.
Or else, how can you laugh at them when they have nothing but bacon to eat and Christopher Hitchens books to read in prison?
That's the punishment Allah wants to administer. He told me so... :lol: I may not be an epileptic illiterate (nor a polygamist pedophile), but Allah and I are tight, dawg.

Speaking of Sarah Palin...
Hooka, have you asked? I mean really probed? I have. I am in position to hire and travel, meet people and if they are muslim I ask. "Will you accept any other Religion to exist along side Islam, or is it a constant struggle until there is no God but Allah?" This is where you must probe. They will tap dance this one. And only 1 in 5 will even try to answer.
But, the answer, if I get one will boil down to, "But, if Allah Wills it <shrug>?"

This is not a religion of Free Will. It is all the Fate of Allah.

The Protestants are very confused, also. If you don't believe the Bible? If you don't "accept Christ?"

Yes, Doer, I have. I am in fact in a position where I encounter many muslim women. There's a difference between Muslims agreeing that their religion is the only true religion and Muslims agreeing that all infidels should be killed. While Christianity is a religion that includes free will, Christians will tell you "if it's God's will" for a myriad of topics as well. Not implying Christians support violence, but that are instructed to leave everything in God's hands. So I'm not sure how you mean your statement. Even within Christianity there are those who blindly follow the bible without ever studying it. They read it but don't bother to find out context, language, or culture with in it to provide a broader understanding. Rather they just subscribe to what their religion tells them to believe about it.

Can't the same be said of Muslims? I have listened to Muslims argue that the Koran doesn't support violence against women for example. Yet so many Muslim women are mutilated and killed in the name of the Koran. Who is right? Who has studied the Koran vs. just repeating what other religious Clerics have said it means?
Can't the same be said of Muslims? I have listened to Muslims argue that the Koran doesn't support violence against women for example. Yet so many Muslim women are mutilated and killed in the name of the Koran. Who is right? Who has studied the Koran vs. just repeating what other religious Clerics have said it means?

That's a complaint I've heard from the modern (time to invent a new version that's more evolved than 'moderate') Muslims in media. Blind faith in ignorance is a problem for all religions. The problem with Islam is the ease with which the 'message' can be twisted in relation to those other monotheistic, dingdong circuses.
What makes it worse is some believe the Quran is infallible, and even lay out a challenge of falsification in Sura 4:82
Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction.

Look at some of the contradictions for yourself and try discussing those if you can ever get a Muslim to actually take the time to be open about it:

It fails miserably :lol:
Proof it is not of Allah...proof Mohammed was a false prophet.
Proof of it being a stupid religion just like the rest.
At least Chinese philosophy doesn't fuck around like that, and has more practical wisdom, page for page.

Are you implying they deserved to be killed over cartoons? Are you saying the press shouldn't expect some protection from fucked up elements in society because "poking bears"?

I guess by extension the privileges extended to religions should be repealed, too? It's no surprise if a Mosque is blown to hell with people inside, bending over because "poking bears".

Your analogy has failed...SURPRISE! :lol:

No. No one should die over a cartoon. No one should die over freedom of speech.
Just don't be surprised when you use that freedom to moch people that clearly have no problem killing.

Its a shame what happened and we shouldn't stand in fear.

I have left the military And started a family but would gladly go back in if needed.

Be careful with emotions. This very well draw us back into a ground war that we can not afford.
That's a complaint I've heard from the modern (time to invent a new version that's more evolved than 'moderate') Muslims in media. Blind faith in ignorance is a problem for all religions. The problem with Islam is the ease with which the 'message' can be twisted in relation to those other monotheistic, dingdong circuses.
What makes it worse is some believe the Quran is infallible, and even lay out a challenge of falsification in Sura 4:82
Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction.

Look at some of the contradictions for yourself and try discussing those if you can ever get a Muslim to actually take the time to be open about it:

It fails miserably :lol:
Proof it is not of Allah...proof Mohammed was a false prophet.
Proof of it being a stupid religion just like the rest.
At least Chinese philosophy doesn't fuck around like that, and has more practical wisdom, page for page.
I Think the biggest problem within Islam right now is the fact many of it's adherents are illiterate
That's a complaint I've heard from the modern (time to invent a new version that's more evolved than 'moderate') Muslims in media. Blind faith in ignorance is a problem for all religions. The problem with Islam is the ease with which the 'message' can be twisted in relation to those other monotheistic, dingdong circuses.
What makes it worse is some believe the Quran is infallible, and even lay out a challenge of falsification in Sura 4:82
Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah , they would have found within it much contradiction.

Look at some of the contradictions for yourself and try discussing those if you can ever get a Muslim to actually take the time to be open about it:

It fails miserably :lol:
Proof it is not of Allah...proof Mohammed was a false prophet.
Proof of it being a stupid religion just like the rest.
At least Chinese philosophy doesn't fuck around like that, and has more practical wisdom, page for page.
People twist the bible all the time too. That's the problem. Religion is a man made thing. You can follow the bible or the koran (I suppose) and not be religious. In fact Jesus warned against religious dogma, yet folks still try and twist/misquote the bible all the time. Even well intentioned Christians.
I Think the biggest problem within Islam right now is the fact many of it's adherents are illiterate
Yes true, and then look at that whack job youtube video someone posted in Politics (pad wan? posted I think) where they guy is supposedly a degreed engineer and spouts that the bible claims the earth is flat. He's def. literate, but woefully ignorant.
Yes true, and then look at that whack job youtube video someone posted in Politics (pad wan? posted I think) where they guy is supposedly a degreed engineer and spouts that the bible claims the earth is flat. He's def. literate, but woefully ignorant.
Well in most parts of the middle east and even in Indonesia
People are illiterate. They cannnot read the Koran and try to figure it out. The best they can do is take the word of whatever Cleric they have telling them what it says.
Being a Cleric with a population that is illiterate, superstitious and impoverished has to be one of the most powerful jobs in the world
Well in most parts of the middle east and even in Indonesia
People are illiterate. They cannnot read the Koran and try to figure it out. The best they can do is take the word of whatever Cleric they have telling them what it says.
Being a Cleric with a population that is illiterate, superstitious and impoverished has to be one of the most powerful jobs in the world
Of course. I was talking mainly about the self proclaimed moderates her in the US.
education/literacy doesn't always imply a better understanding of bible/koran. Some people like to listen to the cleric or pastor and just accept their interpretation at face value.
Of course. I was talking mainly about the self proclaimed moderates her in the US.
education/literacy doesn't always imply a better understanding of bible/koran. Some people like to listen to the cleric or pastor and just accept their interpretation at face value.
We dont hear about this kind of stupid shit here.
And the reason why is when they come here and almost all of them living here are
better off
immersed in our culture

The only time you here about Muslim violence here is some dissalutioned youth latching onto something..
The tsarnaev brothers are a good example
Yes, Doer, I have. I am in fact in a position where I encounter many muslim women. There's a difference between Muslims agreeing that their religion is the only true religion and Muslims agreeing that all infidels should be killed. While Christianity is a religion that includes free will, Christians will tell you "if it's God's will" for a myriad of topics as well. Not implying Christians support violence, but that are instructed to leave everything in God's hands. So I'm not sure how you mean your statement. Even within Christianity there are those who blindly follow the bible without ever studying it. They read it but don't bother to find out context, language, or culture with in it to provide a broader understanding. Rather they just subscribe to what their religion tells them to believe about it.

Can't the same be said of Muslims? I have listened to Muslims argue that the Koran doesn't support violence against women for example. Yet so many Muslim women are mutilated and killed in the name of the Koran. Who is right? Who has studied the Koran vs. just repeating what other religious Clerics have said it means?

You say you asked what I said? Did you really?

Describe specifics. What do they say when asked, "Can Islam peacefully co-exist, or must Allah only be recognized?"

Have you asked? Really?
We dont hear about this kind of stupid shit here.
And the reason why is when they come here and almost all of them living here are
better off
immersed in our culture

The only time you here about Muslim violence here is some dissalutioned youth latching onto something..
The tsarnaev brothers are a good example
Ya know...that's a very good point.
Literacy rates.
That's what kept the masses in the dark before the Reformation (Latin only Bibles).

It is also what keeps 50% (or more) of Muslim women bound in ignorance, too. I guess that's another reason why they get pissed off over cartoons, because they can understand those (even though the reason escapes them).

Not sure about the nature of this site, but it has stats with links:
Ya know...that's a very good point.
Literacy rates.
That's what kept the masses in the dark before the Reformation (Latin only Bibles).

It is also what keeps 50% (or more) of Muslim women bound in ignorance, too. I guess that's another reason why they get pissed off over cartoons, because they can understand those (even though the reason escapes them).

Not sure about the nature of this site, but it has stats with links:
They get pissed off about cartoons because they are told to get pissed off about cartoons. If your illiterate and your religous leader tells you the Quran says to kill those who create cartoons. How you going to find out for yourself?
They, the tabloid, had been firebombed before, had police protection (didn't work out that well), and have had numerous threats against them, for what? Showing cartoons about Mohammed continuously in a derogatory way. They wore it as a badge of honor to fuck with Muslims. You want to play with those crazy motherfuckers, you are taking your life, and any employees life, in your hands I am really pissed off right now, because I would love to figure out a way so those murderers never get to their afterlife. What can you do against someone that believes to die for Mohammed guarantees heaven? I would torture the shit out of them for as long as they could breath. That would make me feel good. Like do a serious Cheney on them, and post it on YouTube. See if that works. (just a thought).
The afterlife they expected isn't coming. They aren't martyrs, they aren't even 'right' with god according to their own religion.

They said 'the prophet Mohammed has been avenged.' Idolatry and false worship, they should have killed in the name of avenging god's word, or god itself not its prophet.

How powerful is a god that needs humans to carry out divine law? According to the Koran drawing the prophet is forbidden so as to reduce the likelihood people will do anything religious in his name instead of god's Enteral damnation to hell after death isn't enough? Someone has to kill them?

They upheld Mohammed as something more then a message carrier, a direct violation of the pillars of Islam. They effectively made every killed cartoonist a martyr for Islam. :D

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