The religion of peace

So... the 17yr old (18?) turned himself in, like a hypocritical scared Muslim should.
The hunt is on for the other 2. Seven others arrested.

Meanwhile, someone else opened fire on some French cops, killing one (totally unrelated, I'm sure).
And a bomb has gone off near a mosque (also totally unrelated).

...and so it begins.

You keep saying that as if it is beginning now. This has been going on for thousands of years.
What the fuck do the Jews have to do with Paris, besides being hated by Muslims in general? Does the Koran say that killing a Jew gives you extra points? I don't think so

mocking mahound in a doodle turned tose cartoonists into "mischief makers" which is why they were "religion of peaced" so vigorously.

but some folks, like the jews, polytheists(like myself), and apostates also are slated for "peacing out" by musselmen, when they have the opportunity.

some french satirists were simply on the top of the religion of peace's "To Do List" today.

dont worry, they will get around to the jews, then you can celebrate.

edit: also, they will eventually "pacify" a whole lot of other "mischief makers", like christians, buddhists, animists, zoroastrians, anyone who questions the koran, scientists who produce theories inconsistent with the koran, people who worship allah in the wrong way, people who didnt support the jihad, women who dont wear a hijab (or a burkha depending on your flavour), anyone who isnt circumcised, anyone who enjoys bacon, anyone who likes beer, anyone who fails to perform the rituals of islam exactly the way the winning sect prefers, the surviving members of the Traveling Wilburys, etc etc etc.
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You keep saying that as if it is beginning now. This has been going on for thousands of years.
a little less than 1300 years actually.

islam is still the New Hotness, and hasnt reached the maturity you find among religions that have lasted 2000+ years.

for moslems this is ~1290 ad or so.
they got a lot of witch burning and schism to come before they reach maturity.

they are still trapped in their Dark Age, and if christianity's experience is any sort of guide, expect shit to get a lot more fervent before they get better.

i wonder what kind of wacky shit will spring forth in place of the inquisition...

ohh wait.

wahhabism and salafism.

shit's right on track.

they should have a renaissance in around 400 years.
No, I didn't really ask any hard hitting questions. Mostly we just talked about purses and Oprah….. :-/

@Doer When I answered your question I was addressing that issue: "Do you believe that Islam is the only way to heaven and all others are infidels and should be wiped out?" Or "Do you then believe that Allah is the only true God?" And "Can all religions exist here on earth peacefully according to your faith?" and many other different forms of the same basic question. Does that clarify?

Dear Hookie, you are a worthy in Politics, and I treat you as such.

1 - No, I didn't really ask any hard hitting questions. Mostly we just talked about purses and Oprah….. :-/
Well I get sarcasm??? Don't I??

What I wanted was the answers to your questions. I don't think you get straight answers. If you ask these questions are you sure you got straight answers. It is a subject all Muslims are versed in deflecting.

It really is a question of what their Clerics believe, IAC. Their Cleric can fatwah their purses and Oprah.
Breaking News. Heavy gun battle going on, right now, outside Paris. They have these creeps cornered.
What do you think?
More than 7,000 French Jews have signed a petition asking for political asylum in the United States because of anti-Semitism in France. “Following the barbarous murder of a young Jew because he was Jewish, in the context of the rise in anti-Semitic acts committed by Islamic fundamentalists, numerous members of the community no longer feel safe in France,” reads the petition, which was sent to the U.S. Congress. The reference was to Ilan Halimi, a 23-year-old Parisian Jew who was kidnapped and tortured to death last year by an anti-Semitic gang.The petition asks Congress to enact a law according refugee status to French Jews. “We believe that the United States, known for its traditional welcome to those under threat in their native lands, must open its doors to us,” the petition says.
Will the apologists/appeasers and dumb of head, like Buck, at least admit, we are fighting a world wide War Cult, embedded in Sunni Mosques most everywhere?
And where are the Protest-ant of Islam? They are killed. They are persecuted worse than Luther was.
Dear Hookie, you are a worthy in Politics, and I treat you as such.

1 - No, I didn't really ask any hard hitting questions. Mostly we just talked about purses and Oprah….. :-/
Well I get sarcasm??? Don't I??

What I wanted was the answers to your questions. I don't think you get straight answers. If you ask these questions are you sure you got straight answers. It is a subject all Muslims are versed in deflecting.

It really is a question of what their Clerics believe, IAC. Their Cleric can fatwah their purses and Oprah.

I realized you wanted to hear the answers I received, but you also wanted to know if I 'really asked the questions' ? Why would I have you answered the FIRST time if I hadn't?

I happened (in one of the instances) to be at a religious round table of sorts and in that context asked very pointed, specific questions. The answers I received were not shoulder shrugging, skirting the issue placations, but honest answers to loaded questions. As I stated before, there were answers similar to "If God wills it" but that person believed (as many ppl of faith do) that outcomes are ultimately up to God. No one was sympathetic to terrorists.

@Doer I am assuming you are and atheist or agnostic? or at least not a fan of organized religion. Most ppl of faith are just that. They live by faith, so trying to debate these points with them with logic never works. You are both approaching it from two different mind sets.
And to compare it this way, Islam needs another 500 years to begin to pacify.

And by then the Buddhist will be sick and tired and WON"T TAKE IT ANYMORE.
The world must be destroyed for its own good, they could easily see, by then.
And where are the Protest-ant of Islam? They are killed. They are persecuted worse than Luther was.

Perhaps, but though persecuted Luther spearheaded the reformation. Isn't that the path the moderates (muslims) are taking?
I realized you wanted to hear the answers I received, but you also wanted to know if I 'really asked the questions' ? Why would I have you answered the FIRST time if I hadn't?

I happened (in one of the instances) to be at a religious round table of sorts and in that context asked very pointed, specific questions. The answers I received were not shoulder shrugging, skirting the issue placations, but honest answers to loaded questions. As I stated before, there were answers similar to "If God wills it" but that person believed (as many ppl of faith do) that outcomes are ultimately up to God. No one was sympathetic to terrorists.

@Doer I am assuming you are and atheist or agnostic? or at least not a fan of organized religion. Most ppl of faith are just that. They live by faith, so trying to debate these points with them with logic never works. You are both approaching it from two different mind sets.

OK, asked and answered, thanks for that. :) "If God wills it." RIGHT.

exclamation: inshallah; exclamation: insh'allah; exclamation: insha'allah
  1. if Allah wills it.

And who says what is God's will in this fatalistic, no free will, Religion? Not the Faithful. That is my very point. If people are told what is God's will, and are not allowed to sense that by their own SELF, then "when Allah wills it" is simply a war cry, Inshaa'Allah! God Wills It. They heard it in Paris this week. People died.

And no, I am neither a-theist nor agnostic. I follow no religion. I don't debate Theology. I mediate SELF.

And this is a war cult inside a fatalistic religion. It is no more a religion, of itself, than the Pig's Head on Lord of the Flies Island. But, it is certainly world danger war cult and not just a Pig's Head.
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