Why should anyone believe in Jesus, God, your religion, etc.?

I can't say that I hold the view that if I believe in God, I will go to 'heaven'; and that those who don't will go to 'hell'. It's just not that easy.

There are as many types of belief as there are gradations of light from the sun.

I think its called "special pleading".

Special pleading is like saying that Jesus can perform miracles, but no one else can perform miracles... I believe? I believe its a logical fallacy, but I didn't see it mention "special pleading" in that link you gave.

Thanks for your help anyways.


Right, it's special pleading, which is asking for an exemption from the norm. It isn't a fallacy if one can justify the exemption. In the case of Jesus, asking for a justification will ultimately lead back to the bible, which would be an Argument from Authority...
Why should anyone believe in any anything?

Even the most skeptical Atheists have beliefs too.

For example, I would assume that even the most skeptical scientist needs to believe in scientific theories? because even if there is myraid evidence to support said theory, it is still a theory, and some theories have changed with new evidence?

Even the most skeptical Atheists believe they will wake up tomorrow and not die from a freak accident. Or the most skeptical Atheists might believe that the USA is safe from nuclear attacks. Or, maybe, the skeptical Atheists believe the sun will still be in the sky tomorrow.

Yes, all of these said things are probable, but even your own life is not guaranteed: and even the most skeptical Atheists have fundamental beliefs, in My honest opinion.

You know my opinion. It is mainly eye, gorilla, neveah, and I that discuss these things.
Mans brain is wired for superstition. Step.on a crack break your back.

As a human we ALL are wrong from time to time.
My belief in god hurts no one. If I'm wrong when I die no harm no foul. If your wrong and wake up in hell, well that would suck.

I have read some of your posts, and I found out that you are an electronics engineer, yes?

I went to a vocational high school, where I studied electronic engineering, and it is not easy. You need to have a good understanding of science, math, physics, chemistry, etc., in order to be a proficient electronics engineer.

I studied basic electronics, like all the analog devices, and they started to teach digital logic, etc.. It takes a very smart person to understand electronics.

Anyways, to get back on subject, why should I believe in Christianity, Jesus, God, etc.?

Even the most skeptical Atheists have beliefs too.

For example, I would assume that even the most skeptical scientist needs to believe in scientific theories? because even if there is myraid evidence to support said theory, it is still a theory, and some theories have changed with new evidence?

Even the most skeptical Atheists believe they will wake up tomorrow and not die from a freak accident. Or the most skeptical Atheists might believe that the USA is safe from nuclear attacks. Or, maybe, the skeptical Atheists believe the sun will still be in the sky tomorrow.

Yes, all of these said things are probable, but even your own life is not guaranteed: and even the most skeptical Atheists have fundamental beliefs, in My honest opinion.

Yes, but atheists tend to believe in rational things and disbelieve in irrational things. Believing things is a basic human characteristic, no matter if you are religious or not.

For example, I believe that the sun produces light.

And I disbelieve that there are purple goblins behind me.
Yes, but atheists tend to believe in rational things and disbelieve in irrational things. Believing things is a basic human characteristic, no matter if you are religious or not.

For example, I believe that the sun produces light.

And I disbelieve that there are purple goblins behind me.

Yes, I agree that some Atheists are more scientific, rational, logical, etc., compared to some Theists.

Would you agree that everyone has beliefs? (Besides babies).

Yes, I agree that some Atheists are more scientific, rational, logical, etc., compared to some Theists.

Would you agree that everyone has beliefs? (Besides babies).

Yes, I would agree that everyone has beliefs. Even if people don't realize they do. And all conscious beings for that matter, including animals, have beliefs.

I believe even babies have beliefs, even if they don't realize it.

For example, I believe that a baby believes that if it cries it will get attention or food from someone.

A tiger believes that if he can be quiet and sneak up on prey, or if he can run fast and chase down that prey, he can kill that prey and eat it and help cure his hunger and continue to survive.
I see religion as giving some people hope or something to believe in.

Personally I feel churches are a waste of time. Can't believe people waste their time over there yet if that what those people wanna do with their life, well thats their right to do so.

I don't know if there is a god or not and if there is a god, how did that happen, who made god ? If I had to worship something, I rather worship the sun, least the sun gives us life and without the sun, we all be dead and gone. There used to be a sun god until we understood how the sun works. Now it can't be a "god" so god is now something we can not see....whatever, I got other stuff to think about and do...I have morals, I'm going to heaven if there is a heaven and if there isn't, yuck, I better keep trying to have fun here on Earth while I still can, lol
I see religion as giving some people hope or something to believe in.

Personally I feel churches are a waste of time. Can't believe people waste their time over there yet if that what those people wanna do with their life, well thats their right to do so.

I don't know if there is a god or not and if there is a god, how did that happen, who made god ? If I had to worship something, I rather worship the sun, least the sun gives us life and without the sun, we all be dead and gone. There used to be a sun god until we understood how the sun works. Now it can't be a "god" so god is now something we can not see....whatever, I got other stuff to think about and do...I have morals, I'm going to heaven if there is a heaven and if there isn't, yuck, I better keep trying to have fun here on Earth while I still can, lol

Are you an Agnostic? Like Me?

your bitterness lie's deep young child ..... Almost domant .

one wise thought on your behalf will sweeten the bitterness.

that is all :)


What do you believe?

For the record, I was a Christian for most of My Life, until the year 2008.

The beautiful thing about life, is that we get to pick whatever we want to believe in. The hilarious part, is making fun of the people who believe in ridiculous things like religion! Oh I bask in the joy of them getting so butthurt over me making fun of an idea they think is true! Hehehe!
The beautiful thing about life, is that we get to pick whatever we want to believe in. The hilarious part, is making fun of the people who believe in ridiculous things like religion! Oh I bask in the joy of them getting so butthurt over me making fun of an idea they think is true! Hehehe!

Haha, nice :) So, the beautiful thing about life is that you can ridicule it?

What do you believe?

For the record, I was a Christian for most of My Life, until the year 2008.


God complex
A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of complex or intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks, or may regard their personal opinions as unquestionably correct. The individual may disregard the rules of society and require special consideration or privileges ... Correct :)
God complex is not a clinical term or diagnosable disorder, and does not appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ..... So don't worry.
The first person to use the term god-complex was Ernest Jones (1913-51) ( if im correct) His description in Applied Psycho-Analysis, describes the god complex as belief that one is a god........... This god complex started off for you as "Jesus complex" ....... Correct :)

have you got a god complex or a Jesus complex , ? ...... Or is it neither .. WE DECIDE!!
God complex
A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of complex or intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks, or may regard their personal opinions as unquestionably correct. The individual may disregard the rules of society and require special consideration or privileges ... Correct :)
God complex is not a clinical term or diagnosable disorder, and does not appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ..... So don't worry.
The first person to use the term god-complex was Ernest Jones (1913-51) ( if im correct) His description in Applied Psycho-Analysis, describes the god complex as belief that one is a god........... This god complex started off for you as "Jesus complex" ....... Correct :)

have you got a god complex or a Jesus complex , ? ...... Or is it neither .. WE DECIDE!!

Neither, I do not believe I am God or Jesus.

I believe I am the Christ- the Prophet- the King- the Creator- the Savior- the Messiah- the Lord- the Life- etc..

Why should anyone believe in Jesus, God, your religion, etc.?

What are your sentiments on this?


I believe in Me and Me only as the One.

Bow to none others as they are false and make Me mad.

Put not forth your own thoughts but take mine as your own and flourish upon high.

Messiah that I am.