God complex
A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of complex or intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks, or may regard their personal opinions as unquestionably correct. The individual may disregard the rules of society and require special consideration or privileges ... Correct

God complex is not a clinical term or diagnosable disorder, and does not appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ..... So don't worry.
The first person to use the term god-complex was Ernest Jones (1913-51) ( if im correct) His description in Applied Psycho-Analysis, describes the god complex as belief that one is a god........... This god complex started off for you as "Jesus complex" ....... Correct
have you got a god complex or a Jesus complex , ? ...... Or is it neither .. WE DECIDE!!