My view is simple . I don't give two fucks about your religion and or beliefs . From any human to another , we all have a freedom of speech and if you don't like it , piss off . Not everyone believes in the same religion . Not all muslims are radical and therefore all are not bad .same thing with every race/religion . You will have your white trash , spics, niggas , along with your radical ass religious people . As decent humans we can all put that shit aside and live together .
You are nothing but a Jihad Jingoist, Buck. Now you have been outed.
How you like that?
I agree we do not have all freedoms but we all know right from wrong good and bad etc . I'm just saying radicals will be radicals . People kill over beliefs . I loathe the day gods will be proven false and people can let go of these insane beliefs and shit like this will never happenThe way you talk about this I am very suprised you ended up lumping yourself with decent.
Not all have freedom. Even here, we don't have all freedoms. You just made that up.
There is no universal freedom. There is a concept of Rights, only. And only in the USA do we actually give a damn about it.
I agree we do not have all freedoms but we all know right from wrong good and bad etc . I'm just saying radicals will be radicals . People kill over beliefs . I loathe the day gods will be proven false and people can let go of these insane beliefs and shit like this will never happen
Your right . It's what taught at a early age . But as an adult one should realize and know reality . Don't hurt someone don't steal don't do anything you wouldn't want done to you . But were all not cut from the same bread so I get it . As I always say " ya can't fix stupid"You know what? I agree with most of that. But, I have looked and thought and tried to remember, and I don't think there is a universal Right and Wrong in this world.
It is all in how we are raised, yes?
Theres clearly a lot of stereotypes and prejudice following Muslims , try not to bunch a group of people with extremist
we dont do it with Catholics, or Jewish , or any other religion.
If you know anything about islamic religion is it essentially the exact same as Jewish and Christianity the only difference in the three is who jesus was, and different prophets
they are all basically the same religion kinda like a tree with branches,
I know its hard to look into something when you have fear mongering american tv blasting into your head a bunch of bullshit prejudice but sometimes we need to actually educate ourselves before we make judgements on a huge number of people i know its hard but do so, although there are people on here i doubt will do so, and they will continue on the bandwagon of uneducated based stereotypes because its easier to do that than admit your wrongs and learn
-Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012 - 6 deadChristians are not currently committing mass murder in the name of their god.
You are nothing but a Jihad Jingoist, Buck. Now you have been outed.
How you like that?
He's actually a "self proclaimed, gay", Jihad Jingoist; not that there's anything wrong with that.
Except that a bunch of supposedly peace loving muslims are murdering people across the globe...
-Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012 - 6 dead
-The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009
-Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008 - 2 dead, 7 wounded
-The murder of Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994
-The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996 - 2 dead, 111 injured
-The murder of Barnett Slepian by James Charles Kopp, Oct. 23, 1998
-Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994 - 2 dead, 5 wounded
-Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010
-The murder of Alan Berg, June 18, 1984
-Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995 - 168 dead, 680 injured
-2011 Norway attacks - 77 dead, 319 injured
When Christians do it it's an "isolated attack"
When Muslims do it it's "because of Islam"
i took an extremely satisfying shit last night.
i'll live.
Send that to Jihad. Maybe they will buy your quote for a dollar.
Your right . It's what taught at a early age . But as an adult one should realize and know reality . Don't hurt someone don't steal don't do anything you wouldn't want done to you . But were all not cut from the same bread so I get it . As I always say " ya can't fix stupid"