Yes my experience with this is all landrace sativa and only strains from central\south America, Ive never had breeder seeds come anywhere close to competing in potency and the uniqueness of flavor.. I do grow outdoors, a good few years back wild fire or whatever you wanna call it burned about a 1,000 acres of my ranch in west tx, very common here. The land now quite rich in pk and what not, grows the finicky sativa's perfectly. I remember the first year after the fire I was so surprised I didn't have to use fertilizer once.. I have had several auto flowering Sativa's so that could be in the genetics. Ive had some very viney strains that I just couldn't keep in veg even under 24\0.. In general they take about 16-18 weeks, I've had some nice plants that went 14 and some that took up to 26.
For the most part recently I grow The Mexican sour, I'm sure she has other names. That's by far my favorite strain, creator of many well known strains she is very sour almost chemmy and can be quite garlicky with blueberry undertones mmm so good burns your eyes when trimming gives a runny nose too. Like sour d in structure flowers about 16 weeks. But when I do grow outdoors its a bit higher up than I already am. High enough that snow isn't terribly uncommon, the longest day of the year is 14hrs here so most everything flowers once maturity is reached without intervention or equatorials tend to with age auto flowering. I've even seen plants grow along the ground vine like that consistently threw bud. No I have never used lights to prevent flowering outdoors, just indoors to save elec I guess. Like I said mainly for mommas males and whatever I deem a keeper