Wana get laid by hot chicks


Well-Known Member
Prostitution is a business. As disgusting as this may sound it is true. As long as there is a demand... (i.e. people that can't pick up girls) There will always be someone ready to supply them. (pimp, whatever).

This is life.

If you can pick up girls. more power to you.

If you can and you still pay for sex. It's your life.

If you can't pick up girls, and pay for sex. It's your life.

I give it up to the ppl that can get laid for free, and i have sympathy for those that need to pay for it.

sex is free when you are in love. lol.

Sex is never free, you always pay in some way :P


Well-Known Member
sex for money - hell no - my girls does all that ;)

but thnx incase i got lonely once if my girl leave's me :P


New Member
Threads like this make me happy I have a girlfriend who is a dime.. and looooves some chronic. But in all seriousness who wouldn't rage it in Thailand. But it would suck if some "brokedown palace" shit happened to you though hahaha.. and forget having sex with some sleazy STD ridden prostitutes.. That is what sad, creepy old men do.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I know this is an old thread....but WTF!Nothing like exploiting sex slaves in a third world country.BAD FUCKING KARMA!Women are not a dime a dozen.:evil:
Okay guys we have been talking about this in another
thread but it thought I would start a new one. Are you In need of a good vacation? One that is cheap and you can get fucked and sucked 24/7 by beautifull women? And not by chicks who think they are hot but are really not?......Im a avid woman watcher and Im not blind and I do know the diffrence between hot and not. My pet peeve is girls that you wouldn't even think twice about giving a second look or even jerking off in there face thinking they are the shit. no what I mean?......Any way Pattaya Thailand is the place to go. The food is cheap booze is cheap and the women are hot and cheap. The draw back drugs are pricey and you can get shot for being in possesion. Now you can have a diffrent girl everynight for a month for 30 - 40 us/can. If they piss you off kickem to the curb. Check out Pattaya Gogo Bars - A Guide to their Websites It has lots of the good gogo bars. They are just strip clubs and all girls have a number so if you see one you like call the mammasun over and she will hook you up. You can have 10 - 20 girls at once if thats what you like but that gets pricey. You have to pay the bar fine to the mamasun for the girls and that depends on how long you want 5 min(for the chumps) 30 min all day, night or week or month. Now these girls come work at these joints to support there families most of them are poor farmers so the fathers borrow money from the gogo's and there daughters work it off. Some just like to do it also. A beer is somewhere around a buck and full steak dinner with drinks is 15 or so. Now there are not to many laws there unlike the us/can that claim to be free countries. We have rules for everthing here even fucking jay walking. Thats a free county? Thailand you jay walk and get hit by a car and die...thats your fault. You see people on motor bikes with no helmet the next corner they crashed and are dead. Wear a lid common sense but still thats freedom. When you die over there they have a huge party for you. They get a huge wood pile throw you on and party for days none of this crying shit they cellebrate your life. I think thats the way it should be myself. So check it out and let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
just the other night i saw this thing on date line or 20/20 about the asian sex slave trade. girls from 4-20 were stolen from their parents or just abducted off the street and forced into slavery. it was all really sad and horrible. They had the undercover cameras and everything and purchased a 5 year old easily, theres some really sick people out there. The cops were all in on it too so the whole area was fucked up and corrupt.


Well-Known Member
You guys are total ladies men. I am super impressed that the ladies went for you when all you had to offer was money.. I mean not your average dirt poor, slave prostitute would go for it.


Well-Known Member
I know this is an old thread....but WTF!Nothing like exploiting sex slaves in a third world country.BAD FUCKING KARMA!Women are not a dime a dozen.:evil:
Don't worry about it McFried,the place dude is talking about is packed with "ladyboys" and as the saying goes you get what you pay for....just wonder if the madame charges extra for the "exoticness" of the experience.:mrgreen:


Active Member
I never got the mentality of men treating women like items. Their human beings just like you an me. I bet you don't want to be treated like that. Way to contribute to society...


Active Member
be careful when ur over in asia tho.. my high school friend was in an indonesian slammer for like 6 months (drugs).... he's lucky his dads a big lawyer over hear... other wise, i think he'd be jailed for life