There are good christians and bad christians, the moderate or less extreme tend to be the better christians. The ones who don't mutilate genitals, breed out, don't hate gays or want to burn witches and force rape women to keep the offspring, amongst others. A moderate christian is essentially less christian. Not taking everything all too literal anymore.
Same thing goes for muslims, but different, in ways worse (like no bacon), with the ultimate ideal situation being that all muslims are so moderate they are essentially no longer muslims. Hence, fuck islam, don't build mosques to allow imams to poison people's minds with desert fairytales.
If you can believe desert-fairytales there is some guy in the sky controlling everything, what else can one make you believe... and do. THAT is where the real danger is.
We should have had freedom "from" religion, not "of".
It's a shame the old likes are gone... that was quite a 'popular' post. But when it's about muslims... can you
feel the hypocrisy...
I also suggested once to take away the children from religious people, debrainwash the parents, and raise the kids as atheists. Break the circle. Not that popular statement... how about doing that for muslims only?