Ill show you veterans what's up. Obviously I know u have to have a black bucket and good pumps and stones and nutes. Don't doubt me. I'm 28. Been researching for the last two months on what to order and what to do. My dream has been to grow my own my whole life. I got this. I'm no dumby. I've seen ppl fail cuz they thought they knew on there own and did no research. I'm not makin any mistakes. My first grow log is gunna be named "flawless"

like I said my best friend lives a half block away. He's got three rooms going for several years. If i had a problem I'd call him and he'd come help me in a second. I know the hydro store owners and dispensary owners. None of my friends who I trust wud steer me wrong on my grow. They all been doing it for years. Only reason I haven't is cuz my kids mom and I were together. Now we're not so she can't tell me no. It's on brother. I'm gunna grow the best buds and lots of them. I'm gunna scrog it in my tent under the 1000 watt.