Well-Known Member
Been trying to find a DIY carb cap online but couldnt find anything so I figured I would post my own version of a carb cap for those on a budget. As far as I know the carb cap does not need to be titanium, so I came up with an idea.
What you will need:
- #12 thimble
- 3.5 inch piece of 4mm threaded bolt
- a dremmel
What to do:
- using the dremmel, drill 3-4 holes that are 2mm along the side's
-drill one 4mm holes in the top middle for the threaded bar
-screw in the 3.5inch Ithreaded bar/bolt into the top of the timble.
- use the dremmel to smooth out the drilled holes to remove the ruff edges from drilling
- wala you have a simple carb cap
What you will need:
- #12 thimble
- 3.5 inch piece of 4mm threaded bolt
- a dremmel
What to do:
- using the dremmel, drill 3-4 holes that are 2mm along the side's
-drill one 4mm holes in the top middle for the threaded bar
-screw in the 3.5inch Ithreaded bar/bolt into the top of the timble.
- use the dremmel to smooth out the drilled holes to remove the ruff edges from drilling
- wala you have a simple carb cap