then why are all those people saying something..anything other than some muslim commentators..i'm talking leadership.
you know why you don't hear from leadership condemning this?
they can't stop them. NOTHING can. it's to the death.
the the fact the an american university supported with american tax dollars was going to allow islamic call to prayer because many donors are islamic?
that's not the way it works in this country.
you have your religious days that are recognized and you go to your home or place of worship and do it there.
not this bullshit in public worship..americans do not like public worship and feel very uncomfortable about.
members here in political say all the time that they feel uncomfortable when they see others just break in prayer at a public restaurant.
america where we have all religions, agnostics, atheist and everything in between and have the right to choose or not.
islam is not a choice..none of them get to have a choice and they want the same for us..why? because jihad.