Islam can dish it out, but can't take it

White privelege is very prominent in sentencing in this country.
So why don't you take your reverse discrimination poor oppressed white man ass over to stormfront where your views are accepted?

My views are accepted and i stand by them
Funny i never hear you mention "gender privilege" but this would not be part of your "white guilt" agenda
then why are all those people saying something..anything other than some muslim commentators..i'm talking leadership.

you know why you don't hear from leadership condemning this?

they can't stop them. NOTHING can. it's to the death.

the the fact the an american university supported with american tax dollars was going to allow islamic call to prayer because many donors are islamic?

that's not the way it works in this country.

you have your religious days that are recognized and you go to your home or place of worship and do it there.

not this bullshit in public worship..americans do not like public worship and feel very uncomfortable about.

members here in political say all the time that they feel uncomfortable when they see others just break in prayer at a public restaurant.

america where we have all religions, agnostics, atheist and everything in between and have the right to choose or not.

islam is not a choice..none of them get to have a choice and they want the same for us..why? because jihad.

why haven't you condemned bigeasy for killing as many arabs as he could because he hates them?

you must be an extremist.

by the way, haven't masturbated in days. i spent today building a walkway for my house.

not sure what your obsession is with that to be honest.
The term white privilege is a term used by those suffering from "white guilt"
"white privilege" is a racist term as it implies all whites are privileged 100% of the time over any other race

the rate of cannabis use among people of my skin color is the same as blacks. blacks get busted at up to 8x the rate.

their resumes get chosen for callbacks and interviews at about half the rate that mine would.

more likely ot be pulled over, searched, and arrested too.

that's just for starters.

white privilege is real. white guilt is not.
White privelege is very prominent in sentencing in this country.
So why don't you take your reverse discrimination poor oppressed white man ass over to stormfront where your views are accepted?

i think he's just trolling, not racist. just based on his history here.

i can't be too sure anymore though.
We are just white people... No different than brown, black, yellow or whatever shade you may be...

if that's true, then you are also implying that you only vote for candidates who are white since you said that is what black people do.

you trap yourself in your own idiocy too often.
The only thing white people have in common is privilege. You should be happy about that and celebrate, not be all butt hurt and have a meltdown.
So dumb.

Yep, all white people are benefited by being white and all other people are disadvantaged for not being have some fucked up views. We are all in this together, not just the white ones.

You've become a caricature of Buck you poor oppressed welfare rat.
Please go on tell us how all white people are the same you stupid bigot. Your shit is tired man.

kynes said that "[niggers] are like that everywhere" and you never called him a bigot or a racist. why not?

too cowardly, ya little bitch?

is kynes racist? will you dare answer?
So dumb.

Yep, all white people are benefited by being white and all other people are disadvantaged for not being have some fucked up views. We are all in this together, not just the white ones.

You've become a caricature of Buck you poor oppressed welfare rat.

yes, all white people do benefit from being white. this is fact. i can and will post the studies to prove it.

that is not generalizing whites, that is just stating mundane fact.