Hanoi Jane


Well-Known Member
Fuuuuuuck her and her fake broke ass apology. You know, she started to apologize, and I allllmost gave her an ounce of empathy. Only because I thought, hey, we've all been young and done incredibly stupid things. During that time, it seemed like there was nothing BUT causes to take up. So maybe she just got swept up in it. But then she opened her mouth and I just went back to hating her again.

First of all, if you're going to apologize, acknowledge what you've ACTUALLY DONE. If you're not going to, then don't bother opening your mouth. She's sorry if she "hurt feelings or deepened the pain of the Vietnam soldiers." Ummmm. She got people tortured. Our people. Our soldiers who asked her for help when she was there, forcing them to do a press conference saying they were being treated well. And when she TURNED THEM IN for asking, several of the soldiers DIED from the beatings they endured. Not to mention all the hate filled speeches she spewed, calling our soldiers 'war criminals' and all that bullshit. So to polish off your apology with "It only *seemed* like I was against the soldiers." You were, you fucking piece of shit traitor.

I hate that bitch.

And I just needed to say all that.

Carry on.
Fuuuuuuck her and her fake broke ass apology. You know, she started to apologize, and I allllmost gave her an ounce of empathy. Only because I thought, hey, we've all been young and done incredibly stupid things. During that time, it seemed like there was nothing BUT causes to take up. So maybe she just got swept up in it. But then she opened her mouth and I just went back to hating her again.

First of all, if you're going to apologize, acknowledge what you've ACTUALLY DONE. If you're not going to, then don't bother opening your mouth. She's sorry if she "hurt feelings or deepened the pain of the Vietnam soldiers." Ummmm. She got people tortured. Our people. Our soldiers who asked her for help when she was there, forcing them to do a press conference saying they were being treated well. And when she TURNED THEM IN for asking, several of the soldiers DIED from the beatings they endured. Not to mention all the hate filled speeches she spewed, calling our soldiers 'war criminals' and all that bullshit. So to polish off your apology with "It only *seemed* like I was against the soldiers." You were, you fucking piece of shit traitor.

I hate that bitch.

And I just needed to say all that.

Carry on.
Well said, if people like that were truly sorry they would've tried to heal the hurt so they could live with themselves. I can't imagine being so cruel and murderous in the first place. During war though both sides commit atrocities, nothing good can come of it depending on perspective.
If she really was just following orders and got swept along then when it came to an end, speak up then.
I could not live with blood on my hands and sleep at night.
Thanks Sunni, hadn't read that article and I'm always up for having my eyes opened to all the information.
People being sold out by their own and subsequent torture and deaths is something I'm more than a little sensitive about. In fact it's one of the few things that I 'bite' on as war related bullshit is something firmly wedged in my families memory.
In retrospect, wasn't the Vietnam and Laos war just the US invading another country for false reasons and getting a lot of people killed in the process? Hmm sounds familiar.

Feel for the soldiers that HAD to do that, but is this Hanoi Jane really the one that the anger should be pointed at?
In retrospect, wasn't the Vietnam and Laos war just the US invading another country for false reasons and getting a lot of people killed in the process? Hmm sounds familiar.

I would stop short of characterizing Viet Nam as that. A foreign policy mistake; perhaps a debacle - but it seemed like a good idea at the time. In retrospect, a lot of people should have said "Sorry" to our armed forces.
In retrospect, wasn't the Vietnam and Laos war just the US invading another country for false reasons and getting a lot of people killed in the process? Hmm sounds familiar.

Feel for the soldiers that HAD to do that, but is this Hanoi Jane really the one that the anger should be pointed at?

Yeah, pretty much. Robert McNamara deserves a heap of hate as well. Jane is a cut above on the detestable scale though.

A lot of mistakes are fixable in retrospect, some aren't.
No, not the social security numbers. Read I think it's called "When Hell Was in Session." It's a book by a Vietnam POW at Hanoi. And i'm not by any means saying I agree with the war itself. That war was...just...ridiculous. BUT. There is a distinct dfference between making a case for peace, and actually going against your own soldiers. I don't understand people who hate our soldiers. Do they not get that we cannot be without military? And we cannot criminalize our soldiers just for doing what, let's face it, we FORCED them to do. My uncle was drafted at 19 years old. He went overseas for a cause he didn't believe in, so he ended up fighting for his brothers out there instead. And then he saw those brothers slaughtered and he had to live that. She didn't. But she sure was quick to call him a 'war criminal'.

I take it very personally.
Missing an exit on a highway is a "mistake".

Coordinating with an enemy government and posing with enemy equipment and soldiers is not a "mistake", it's treason.


Dumb cunt should have been given a noose to wear around her skinny little neck as soon as she set foot back in the nation.
Ya I'm gonna go ahead and say even without Hanoi her actions were reprehensible. But I couldn't stand to see a POW of any kind, even of the opposing side, but I would absolutely come apart seeing my own soldiers that way. And I guess I might take it too personally but again, when I hear her speeches what hits my ear is...that's my uncle youre talking about. Thats my favorite man in the whole world. He HATED what he had to do. I guess I was really hoping that when she apologized, she would own up that her actions were horrible and traitorous. But it seemed more like a defensive apology. Which is a half assed way to do it. I want her to admit that what she did was terrible. Not say things like "if I deepened your pain." Of course she deepend their pain. They were still over there dying while she was making these speeches and public appearances, and all they heard was how everyone hates them for what they're doing over there, it significantly lowered their morale. It was go to war, or go to prison. He was only 21 when he came home. And he was completely destroyed.
Missing an exit on a highway is a "mistake".

Coordinating with an enemy government and posing with enemy equipment and soldiers is not a "mistake", it's treason.


Dumb cunt should have been given a noose to wear around her skinny little neck as soon as she set foot back in the nation.
Question. What have you done for your nation ?
Thanks Sunni, hadn't read that article and I'm always up for having my eyes opened to all the information.
People being sold out by their own and subsequent torture and deaths is something I'm more than a little sensitive about. In fact it's one of the few things that I 'bite' on as war related bullshit is something firmly wedged in my families memory.
well i had just originally googled the issue itself because im not too up to date on my Vietnam war history in respect of this particular incident
but it seemed that generally when you google a war or historical event it will come up with some credible website like .org or .edu kinda websites this time it just seemed a little odd that it was all snopes information..meaning that there is much of the story that is based on something controversial the aspect of what actually was true or false
not saying she did or didnt do it because ive never been taught or researched much on this particular war
well i had just originally googled the issue itself because im not too up to date on my Vietnam war history in respect of this particular incident
but it seemed that generally when you google a war or historical event it will come up with some credible website like .org or .edu kinda websites this time it just seemed a little odd that it was all snopes information..meaning that there is much of the story that is based on something controversial the aspect of what actually was true or false
not saying she did or didnt do it because ive never been taught or researched much on this particular war
Sure, but I'm always trying to see things from all angles when I deal with any situation or events. Pragmatic, not overly emotional so you can really see as much of the picture as poss.
We learn history from those that were there and recorded it as they experienced it. A personal account is given more credibility the more accounts from different sources support what they say.
Perspective is key in recounting certain events.
Back when much of the people couldn't read and didn't have access to books anyhow, the church would read the word of God to the masses.
That's a lot of power, particularly then when superstition and fear of the unknown would be easy to understand and use for ill.
'God' at one time was spoken of in terms of fire and brimstone, or is he a God of forgiveness and do you have to open your arms to God in order to be forgiven? Kinda depends on which bit of the bible you read and how you would tell it to the uneducated.
Woooooa, sorry went a bit into one there!
well i had just originally googled the issue itself because im not too up to date on my Vietnam war history in respect of this particular incident
but it seemed that generally when you google a war or historical event it will come up with some credible website like .org or .edu kinda websites this time it just seemed a little odd that it was all snopes information..meaning that there is much of the story that is based on something controversial the aspect of what actually was true or false
not saying she did or didnt do it because ive never been taught or researched much on this particular war

The picture in the above post was taken long before photo shop.

There is no question of whether she did or did not do it.
"it became necessary to destroy the town in order to save it"

and all because cold war douchebags like desert dude wanted to stop communism from spreading.

how dare other nations decide their own economic systems.

thanks, cold war warriors.
You would have had to been there buck. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time.