Positive people required!!

Do u remember the amish girl that was brutally murdered and then the whole amish community came together and forgave the killer? It was national news. That was the most powerful example of forgiveness ive ever seen. I dont think ill ever forget it.
For me forgiveness is a required trait for positivity.
Could you do this? I truly don't know if I could, but I would try if put in that position.
It will, I'm sure. Thanks for the kind words. Things tend to run in cycles, bad becomes good and round again but if you stay on a good path hopefully karma dictates that the bad becomes less. I've seen karma bite those that don't in the arse.
You're welcome brother, I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts. On the karma thing, I totally believe that what comes around, goes around. Negativity is a very defeating force, staying positive and hopeful does wonders for the soul :)
For me forgiveness is a required trait for positivity.
Could you do this? I truly don't know if I could, but I would try if put in that position.
I can see why you'd say that, I just can't imagine the heartbreak those families went through. That said, to forgive is a powerful thing, holding onto anger only consumes and controls you.. I refuse to let someone else's actions control my life, though I wasn't always that way. I had to learn to let go...so I guess my answer would be yes, I could forgive, it would be very difficult but to not would only make the pain worse and harder to let go of.
Do u remember the amish girl that was brutally murdered and then the whole amish community came together and forgave the killer? It was national news. That was the most powerful example of forgiveness ive ever seen. I dont think ill ever forget it.
I do remember that, yes. It was a very powerful example and one that everyone should learn from, I think. Whether you believe in god or what, it really is better to forgive and move forward than to dwell on the situation and allow it to bring you down to that level yourself. As I told Ishrahnai, karma usually does a fine job of dealing with those sorts. When someone hurts me or someone I love, I just try my best to forgive and move forward because karma is a bitch and she usually doesn't forget what's due.
I used to believe in Karma, a long time ago. I do not believe in it now. To many examples of monsters and madmen living long lives, far longer than they had a right to, considering the damage they inflicted on humankind. I do believe in my soul though, and I will not surrender that to vengeance. I believe in my own ability, to not surrender to the hate that is pretty much everywhere on this planet it seems now.. Hate is the true death of ones heart, and hopefully I can continue to avoid it.
I used to believe in Karma, a long time ago. I do not believe in it now. To many examples of monsters and madmen living long lives, far longer than they had a right to, considering the damage they inflicted on humankind. I do believe in my soul though, and I will not surrender that to vengeance. I believe in my own ability, to not surrender to the hate that is pretty much everywhere on this planet it seems now.. Hate is the true death of ones heart, and hopefully I can continue to avoid it.
Yes, it certainly is. It takes your soul away from you, kudos for staying positive and not succumbing to it.
lol...I do remember them Damn Yankees...ah the good ole days ;) at the same time it feels like it was just yesterday, it feels so far away.

Hope you all have a great weedend!
lol...I do remember them Damn Yankees...ah the good ole days ;) at the same time it feels like it was just yesterday, it feels so far away.

Hope you all have a great weedend!
Sorry Fumble! Just got this..

I remembered the song but not the artist until my roommate showed me. They were so young!! :D