The UK Growers Thread!


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Well-Known Member
safest way I know to post online is to use tor and a proxy and run it off tails on a usb or micro sd, is this still good cuurent practice ?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Safest way is to run Kali Linux virtually from a disk or USB, with it change the MAC address of both the interface and WiFi adapter then jump on from an IP address not tied to you.

It's the hacker way.
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
here s my opinion on flushing, if u are using nutes that the plant needs to grow and be healthy u don't need to flush. All those elements become incorporated into other molecules such as proteins atp etc, k is important for the ionic intracellular fluid......apart from k u don't get the others in their ionic/elemental form in the plant so what is there to flush, toward the end the plant doesn't need many nutes so ease off and make life simpler but dry and cure them properly imo for best flav and high


Well-Known Member
nice one lad, happy hunting. I was just thinking about my pink lemon cut and how good the hash would be.
sounds good touched the exo with some lemon spunk from a nana and got about 200 seeds the first two phenos are very vigorous and tall with long lemony colas so more of the zlh coming thru atm

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Flushing is about breaking down salt build up in the root zone/medium when using added nute's, mostly synthetic.

It is not about trying to flush anything out of the plant.


Well-Known Member
i often get a headache no matter the strain or how well its grown/dried/cured if i have smoked heavy in the morning/afternoon then stop rather than continuing to smoke throughout the day/night.

this dexedrine aint too sad, would be good for a long trim sesh all the speedy qaulitys minus the paranoia,jitters etc aint worth the money they are charging for it tho but i do quite like it.