giving defoliation during flower a try

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
none of this is true ^^
please cite where i have suggested organic growers should grow hydroponically
You do indeed cause a scene in that subforum.

I didn't mean to make it sound as if you suggested they switch to hydro.

But, I have seen you in that forum arguing with the regulars over the merits of organics.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Actually now that I think about it, I think you're always arguing with hyroot in that section, lol.

Maybe you two need a room? Or your own thread? Lol


Well-Known Member
You do indeed cause a scene in that subforum.

I didn't mean to make it sound as if you suggested they switch to hydro.

But, I have seen you in that forum arguing with the regulars over the merits of organics.
well i am sorry to inform you but where i come from that is called a conversation
i have spent very little time in the organics forum , you can click on my profile and see this for yourself


Well-Known Member
What's worse?
A. An organic advocate talking down to an inorganic grower
B. A Christian preaching to an athiest
C. An anti-defoliation zealot trolling hydro store graduates (canna 101 bruh)
D. Rich making decisions for the poor
E. Men making laws about woman specific health care
F. The poor thinking they'd make better decisions than the rich
G. Woman thinking they should make decisions
H. Mac guys talking about how "they're just better"
I. PC guys trying to explain to mac guys why they're wrong.
J. etc etc etc etc etc etc

Holy shit...we're all bad people!


Well-Known Member
I like to grow organically outdoors, I like a super soil, water only, it just makes things a million times easier when all you have to do is water. But that's the only difference between chem/ organic that I notice.


Well-Known Member
Actually now that I think about it, I think you're always arguing with hyroot in that section, lol.

Maybe you two need a room? Or your own thread? Lol
our paths have crossed a few times, i just wanted to know why his plants do not look as vigorous and lush as other organic plants i have seen
also i wondered why he thinks clonex causes cancer
GandalfdaGreen that guys organic garden looks lush and vibrant to me , its a shame other organic gardens do not look so nice

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
our paths have crossed a few times, i just wanted to know why his plants do not look as vigorous and lush as other organic plants i have seen
also i wondered why he thinks clonex causes cancer
GandalfdaGreen that guys organic garden looks lush and vibrant to me , its a shame other organic gardens do not look so nice

I agree, not necessarily about those people's gardens, but about organics as a whole.

I'm attempting it indoors this season, and I've had my share of difficulties.

All in all, I'm enjoying being able to only water my ladies, and I learned a lot while mixing the soil.


Well-Known Member
What's worse?
A. An organic advocate talking down to an inorganic grower
B. A Christian preaching to an athiest
C. An anti-defoliation zealot trolling hydro store graduates (canna 101 bruh)
D. Rich making decisions for the poor
E. Men making laws about woman specific health care
F. The poor thinking they'd make better decisions than the rich
G. Woman thinking they should make decisions
H. Mac guys talking about how "they're just better"
I. PC guys trying to explain to mac guys why they're wrong.
J. etc etc etc etc etc etc

Holy shit...we're all bad people!
That's racist you white supremacist