This is the first thread I've seen in this subforum -
I went through a lot of your older threads, and I am now dumber because of it. I've marked down individual post numbers so we can see where the debunking occurs...
From post #195 - I have a notion on how to optimize a star. Why does a planet need to ORBIT around the sun when it could stay in place and spin in place?
If we had nuclear rockets that were big enough than you could create SEASONS by moving planets closer or farther to a star, while spinning in place.
If we did this than we could fit thousands (if not millions) of planets around ONE STAR; without them bumping into eachother!
This is an incredible idea and I just thought of it YESTERDAY; while reading the part of My journal that says "there should be as many planets in the "goldy locks" zone as possible."
This idea opens up so many NEW DEMINSIONS of reality!
We can surround the sun with, maybe, millions of planets BUT the question is "is there enough astroid rocks in the solar system to make so many planets?"
Maybe thats what I'll do, I'll give planets away to people because God is a BIG God; and the more planets, the better! Right?
Post 198 Mindphuk - The orbiting is what gives the planet centripetal force to keep from falling into the sun. How exactly can you situate a massive object in space, without an orbit and keep it from being pulled into the sun?
Post 199 Mindphuk - Seasons are created by the tilt of the earth's axis, not the distance from the sun.
Post #207 - Mindphuk tearing apart another idiotic prophesy...
Post #215 - same
Post #227 - more correction for erroneous facts...
Post #347 is such great debunking, I'll post it in it's entirety -
Nowhere does it say that Christ reborn will have a mother named Mary. There are so many acronyms, many, many people have initials that mean something forward and backward. There are probably thousands of people, maybe 10s of thousands with the same initials GMO.
Olive trees are mentioned in the bible, wow, no kidding, it must be true then. /sarcasm.
The bible is a pretty big book, it mentions a shitload of things. The chance that someone has a name that means something that is also in the bible is pretty fucking high when you consider that there are almost 7 BILLION people!! Do you realize how many 7 billion is? You probably didn't do well math or statistics in school did you? Not only that but considering that people don't have just random names, people actually choose names that mean things, the likelihood that someone has a name that can refer back to the bible and/or Christ, just shot up dramatically.
We know you're fucking nuts but you seem to have some periods of lucidness so listen close. YOUR NAME IS NOT SPECIAL. It doesn't mean you are Christ reborn. This is not evidence. This is delusional reinforcement of your mental illness. It would be as if I said that anyone with the last name King is has special claim to be a ruler. What about people whose name is Lamb, or Logos, Kyrios, Adam, Light, or any derivation of these names. What about Manson (Son of Man- Look what happened to Charlie. Do you want to be like him?).
So please, just stop. Try to think through a little bit when you are on your meds and recognize that you are just playing a little word game that considering the variations and number of languages there are, you can find millions of people that are 'candidates' for being the Christ reborn, yet no one ever said that he will be recognized by his name or that his name means anything. Yeshua was a common name in his time. It didn't mean anything. If there really was a god and there is a new messiah coming, it will be his (or her) actions and deeds that will define who he is, not some contrived attempt to make his name fit some unremarkable coincidences.
Post #364 - good enough to copy and paste -
mindphuk Well-Known Member
Nevaeh420 said:
Now, its Mindphuks turn to find out what the chances are that all these things would happen to Me since he is such a wiz kid and an expert in math.
If you actually took time to think about what I wrote, it doesn't all come down to math and statistics but a basic understanding should have helped you figure it out without me.
As I said, there are almost 7 billion people here. There are 26 letters. Assuming that each have equal probability of appearing in a name (they probably all do not, although X and Z are probably more common in China) we have 26x26x26=17576 combinations of three letters. That means that each three letter combination, assuming completely random distribution, are identical in 398,270 people. So with almost 400,000 people with the initials GMO, it is hardly unique.
First you used all of those 'coincidences' as evidence that you are Christ, now, when I point out problems with this idea, you change and say these things are 'merely icing on the cake.' You are dishonest. There is no evidence. You changed your story when you were caught out. Dishonesty is not something that we would expect in a Christ figure. You are not Christ.
Post #78 - This beautiful post by Heis sums up ALL of your logic fails
I think you have a very lax idea of what counts as evidence. The same standards that are used to discount the evidence of the bible (standards which you support apparently) can be applied to the evidence you have put forth. IOW you seem happy to criticize the mistakes of Christians while overlooking those mistakes in yourself. With that sort of approach you could 'prove' to yourself just about anything you were motivated to.
If your mother was on trial for murder wouldn't you want something more solid than her initials being G.K (guilty killer) or that she likes to drink 'redrum'? What if the prosecutor just had a strong feeling and really believed she was a killer? After all, we can prove that she is alive, trace her birthdate, ect. What if I found a prophecy that a woman with her initials and birthdate would be a monster who kills children? Would you be okay with seeing your mother get the electric chair based on this 'evidence'?
If you choose to be delusional rather than suffer the consequences of the medication that is your business I suppose. But when you disingenuously shout that you have evidence and all you have are half-baked scraps of insanity, you should be prepared to realize that your message is being impressed upon no one.
A thread that logically destroys your idea of an online gov't, skip the beginning crap and read after post #61 -
You started this thread AFTER you were corrected by a physics professor -
Another stupid prophecy debunked, especially on post #18
I could go on and on, but I think I've made my case. You come up with a lot of ideas that sound good to you, but you lack the ability to see what's wrong with them, so you ignorantly think they are good ideas. We see this often in small children. When you are corrected by educated others, you often ignore the correction and keep spamming the same erroneous drivel. The bottom line is that since you accomplish so very little irl, you need to base your worth on the ideas you hold. You fool yourself into thinking holding ideas, that you are powerless to bring to fruition (which is a good thing since most of them are retarded), makes you valuable, while in reality it is only action and accomplishment that holds any real value. There are millions of people that have better ideas to improve the world than yourself, and without action or accomplishment, they are no more special than you. I know that this will mean nothing to you, I just wanted members to have a post to reference that will save them time if they ever want to see how and when your facts and logic were debunked, how poorly your mind works, how little you actually know, and your general uselessness...