Brian Williams


Well-Known Member

Well, maybe Fox will hire this guy after NBC gives him the big boot.
According to lefties he would fit right in.

Williams is an anchorman, and does anyone else see the poetic irony in the fact that Dan Rather is the only one to thus far defend this sleazy weasel?



Well-Known Member
They will save democrats that do this, Hillary coming under sniper fire........misremembering is not lying, the are spelled differently.


Well-Known Member

Well, maybe Fox will hire this guy after NBC gives him the big boot.
According to lefties he would fit right in.

Williams is an anchorman, and does anyone else see the poetic irony in the fact that Dan Rather is the only one to thus far defend this sleazy weasel?

spamming the exact same post across multiple threads, eh?

actually reported as spam.


Well-Known Member
spamming the exact same post across multiple threads, eh?

actually reported as spam.
Well you got me.
Two posts is indeed multiple.
Are your panties feeling suddenly uncomfortably snug?
Sorry for inflicting undue distress.
Mea culpa.


Well-Known Member
Why silly rabbit, your insipid response to my spam laden post!
Which is self evident in it's lack of substance!
Thanks for playing!
you don't even get $0.07 a post for spamming us, do you?

you do this because you're just dumb, don't you?


Well-Known Member
Go for it tough guy!
well, last time you were spamming us, you focused on...

*18 years of stable global temps = AGW is false!
---->reality: we just went through 14 of the 15 hottest years on record, culminating in the hottest year on record in 2014

------> reality: republican led congressional committee found no wrongdoing, no cover up, nothing. completely manufactured non-scandal, hooked retards like you

I predicted quite accurately that Obama would be a catastrophic failure.
-------->reality: 58 consecutive months of job creation (all time record) resulting in 11 million new jobs and the fastest growth since 1999, 5% GDP growth, record high stock market, low gas prices, and so much more.

wow, that really didn't turn out well for you, did it?


Well-Known Member
well, last time you were spamming us, you focused on...

*18 years of stable global temps = AGW is false!
---->reality: we just went through 14 of the 15 hottest years on record, culminating in the hottest year on record in 2014

------> reality: republican led congressional committee found no wrongdoing, no cover up, nothing. completely manufactured non-scandal, hooked retards like you


-------->reality: 58 consecutive months of job creation (all time record) resulting in 11 million new jobs and the fastest growth since 1999, 5% GDP growth, record high stock market, low gas prices, and so much more.

wow, that really didn't turn out well for you, did it?
Yikes that is the best you have?
All are easily and factually refutable.
You are still a grasshopper in training. Albeit a caustic and vituperative one
OK, fire away with your specious and fallacious citations.
This is waaay too easy.
Then I will knock them down one by one.
Easy Peasy.


Well-Known Member
Yikes that is the best you have?
All are easily and factually refutable.
You are still a grasshopper in training. Albeit a caustic and vituperative one
OK, fire away with your specious and fallacious citations.
This is waaay too easy.
Then I will knock them down one by one.
Easy Peasy.
you can't knock down shit, old man thesaurus-raper.

you bought the benghazi bullshit, your climate change "hoax" predictions are failing as each year passes, and obama is succeeding wildly. he is more popular at this point in his presidency than reagan was.

you're an old stupid retard.

and yes, you are racist.


Well-Known Member
They will save democrats that do this, Hillary coming under sniper fire........misremembering is not lying, the are spelled differently.
Sleep deprivation, that's why I lied about the sniper fire (on MULTIPLE occasions), sleep deprivation...that she apparently suffered from December 2007 until mid March 2008.

If a liberal isn't lying, they aren't talking.