Cloning a clone of a clone?

Right, that was my thought on the matter and recently had a friend argue with me for over an hour on the subject because he doesn't want to see this cut go. This cut used to pull 2+ oz a plant just lolipopping and letting it do its thing, hardly pulls an ounce a plant under exact same feeding regiment and grow conditions anymore. Potency is still there, taste and smell are there, just grows weak branches and smaller, slightly fluffier buds now.
You've changed something else too.
cut your clones at the beginning of the month.
Just because it is the NEW moon and it is the best moment to clone or make some seedlings.
moon revolution is 28days but new moon sets always from the beginning of any month, full moon around 15th of the month, so you have a good 10 days window to make some cloning

I personaly often do clones from the last week of a month till the end of the first week of the next month.
2 weeks for cloning and being sure they will root within the week.
10 to 14 days later, its good to go


EDIT: by the way, with a bit of logic never cut clones betwen 15th and the end of the month.
They will take ages to root.
I'm not saying it will not but really very slowly.
This is a joke, right?
New moon is at beginning of month???
The cut clones at the new moon has validity. But everything else about the moon is so stupid I can't believe your leaving it in print..........
This is a joke, right?
New moon is at beginning of month???
The cut clones at the new moon has validity. But everything else about the moon is so stupid I can't believe your leaving it in print..........
Use a calendar for moon cycles...
I won't comment further as you like reading on the first degre...
If you take my word as a bible, man good luck. I said that as an example.
Again , use a CALENDAR for exact timing!
Or even better, use your eyes and look in the sky regularly...
Don't you have a bit of common sense, you always interprete what you read on the first grade... ?!?!

I can re say that every clone I do with the new moon is rooting way faster than when I do at any else time.

from 5 to 10 days with a new moon, can reach a month for rooting if I do it on the last moon cycle.

Believe what you want, I work by observation and experience. what I do is working for me.
I'm sold with organik for life. moon is our friend.
I don't care of what you think about my saying, judge if you like loosing your time, poor man.

I live in peace with organik growing, I only use my compost and work with nature,with moon when not in a rush [it can happen] and everything is going better than ever before [ when using nutrients in water + additives].

Just water and passion.

I was away from posting on riu but your stupid reaction "deserved" my explanation.
by the way seeing your next post quoting BDOGKush, it really shows it all, how poor.

end of the chain reaction.

/Me back to my overwhelming task for 2015, private matter.

End of transmission.

See you maybe in 2016... maybe
Right, that was my thought on the matter and recently had a friend argue with me for over an hour on the subject because he doesn't want to see this cut go. This cut used to pull 2+ oz a plant just lolipopping and letting it do its thing, hardly pulls an ounce a plant under exact same feeding regiment and grow conditions anymore. Potency is still there, taste and smell are there, just grows weak branches and smaller, slightly fluffier buds now.

IMO is always best to "spread the cut" as much as possible to your family network and not hoard it. If your cut/mother gets sick and mutates, then you can (hopefully) get a fresh healthy cut back from your family network.
Use a calendar for moon cycles...
I won't comment further as you like reading on the first degre...
If you take my word as a bible, man good luck. I said that as an example.
Again , use a CALENDAR for exact timing!
Or even better, use your eyes and look in the sky regularly...
Don't you have a bit of common sense, you always interprete what you read on the first grade... ?!?!

I can re say that every clone I do with the new moon is rooting way faster than when I do at any else time.

from 5 to 10 days with a new moon, can reach a month for rooting if I do it on the last moon cycle.

Believe what you want, I work by observation and experience. what I do is working for me.
I'm sold with organik for life. moon is our friend.
I don't care of what you think about my saying, judge if you like loosing your time, poor man.

I live in peace with organik growing, I only use my compost and work with nature,with moon when not in a rush [it can happen] and everything is going better than ever before [ when using nutrients in water + additives].

Just water and passion.

I was away from posting on riu but your stupid reaction "deserved" my explanation.
by the way seeing your next post quoting BDOGKush, it really shows it all, how poor.

end of the chain reaction.

/Me back to my overwhelming task for 2015, private matter.

End of transmission.

See you maybe in 2016... maybe
You said to do it the first of every month. You said the full moon is the same time every month. That's what I'm questioning. Not the validity of growing and harvesting based on moon phases. I do it. Just not the first of each month....... Do you follow now???
Use a calendar for moon cycles...
I won't comment further as you like reading on the first degre...
If you take my word as a bible, man good luck. I said that as an example.
Again , use a CALENDAR for exact timing!
Or even better, use your eyes and look in the sky regularly...
Don't you have a bit of common sense, you always interprete what you read on the first grade... ?!?!

I can re say that every clone I do with the new moon is rooting way faster than when I do at any else time.

from 5 to 10 days with a new moon, can reach a month for rooting if I do it on the last moon cycle.

Believe what you want, I work by observation and experience. what I do is working for me.
I'm sold with organik for life. moon is our friend.
I don't care of what you think about my saying, judge if you like loosing your time, poor man.

I live in peace with organik growing, I only use my compost and work with nature,with moon when not in a rush [it can happen] and everything is going better than ever before [ when using nutrients in water + additives].

Just water and passion.

I was away from posting on riu but your stupid reaction "deserved" my explanation.
by the way seeing your next post quoting BDOGKush, it really shows it all, how poor.

end of the chain reaction.

/Me back to my overwhelming task for 2015, private matter.

End of transmission.

See you maybe in 2016... maybe
I will agree with you a100% on that.. I work in agriculture, and lunar cycles do have affects on plants. If they didn't the saying by the light of the harvest moon wouldn't make any sense.. Lol.
Use a calendar for moon cycles...
I won't comment further as you like reading on the first degre...
If you take my word as a bible, man good luck. I said that as an example.
Again , use a CALENDAR for exact timing!
Or even better, use your eyes and look in the sky regularly...
Don't you have a bit of common sense, you always interprete what you read on the first grade... ?!?!

I can re say that every clone I do with the new moon is rooting way faster than when I do at any else time.

from 5 to 10 days with a new moon, can reach a month for rooting if I do it on the last moon cycle.

Believe what you want, I work by observation and experience. what I do is working for me.
I'm sold with organik for life. moon is our friend.
I don't care of what you think about my saying, judge if you like loosing your time, poor man.

I live in peace with organik growing, I only use my compost and work with nature,with moon when not in a rush [it can happen] and everything is going better than ever before [ when using nutrients in water + additives].

Just water and passion.

I was away from posting on riu but your stupid reaction "deserved" my explanation.
by the way seeing your next post quoting BDOGKush, it really shows it all, how poor.

end of the chain reaction.

/Me back to my overwhelming task for 2015, private matter.

End of transmission.

See you maybe in 2016... maybe

Indoor plants never see the moon nor the sun.
Where is the benefit there in following the moon cycle?

Sounds suspiciously like snake oil.
BTW, the Harvest moon is significant only in that it was brighter due to angular alignment of it to the earth and the proximity of the moon (to earth) to allow farmers to work later in the evening, being that it was lighter longer.
Thus you could "harvest" longer.
@Sativied I am on the same page as you regarding the tissue culture. Eventually tissue culture will replace "mother plants", because the tissue culture can be kept completely sterile and free of anything that may mutate its genetics or sicken it. So far only a team in China has been able to successfully tissue culture cannabis (from cell to full grown plant). Skunk Pharma in PNW ( ) is getting close to success, and on some other forums there are threads of people getting close. At the Humboldt Cup DJ Short was saying that hopefully old valuable mother plants that have sickness can be "restored" back to their original health by going though the tissue culture process.

Once the protocol for tissue culture of cannabis is perfected, then we have no longer have to worry about mothers getting sick and passing on the sickness via propagation. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.

There is so much we don't know about this amazing plant it is astonishing. We don't even know for sure if it is truly dioecious !!!
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Indoor plants never see the moon nor the sun.
Where is the benefit there in following the moon cycle?

Sounds suspiciously like snake oil.
Really??? Have you ever been to the beach? Have you ever fished?
Have you figured it out yet by yourself???
The gravitational pull from the moon is felt by the earth and plants. The pull changes with the relation to the earth and sun. So plants, like the ocean, can feel this and react to it. In the ocean it's tides. Plants internal clocks respond to it.
I cut hundreds of clones every week. The ones cut before the new moon root much faster then the ones cut just before the full moon. 3 to 7 days faster.
BTW, the Harvest moon is significant only in that it was brighter due to angular alignment of it to the earth and the proximity of the moon (to earth) to allow farmers to work later in the evening, being that it was lighter longer.
Thus you could "harvest" longer.
This is also wrong. Harvesting within three days of the full moon increases yield and harvesting after the sun sets makes the fruit sweeter. When weather, clouds, block the sun they still harvest many crops based on the moon. A hundred years ago they used torches to harvest if the moon was clouded out.
This is also wrong. Harvesting within three days of the full moon increases yield and harvesting after the sun sets makes the fruit sweeter. When weather, clouds, block the sun they still harvest many crops based on the moon. A hundred years ago they used torches to harvest if the moon was clouded out.

Interesting - you wouldn't happen to have a credible citation for that?
Don't know yet. But that's not genetics. Humidity. Temp. Water temp. Big list.

I log all that daily and like I said, every grow was done under the exact same growing conditions.

I mentioned in the post before the one you quoted that my cut of cheese went through a horrible spider mite infestation that stressed the shit out of it. It never flowered the same after that, two generations later it still wasn't back to nomal.
What if the plant experiences an extreme amount of stress during a generation and its the only plant you have to clone from?

I have a cut of cheese that went through a horrible spider mite infestation, I got rid of the infestation and cloned the plant. I can no longer pull the same yield as I used to with it. It's just not the same plant anymore IMO.

Racer, Sativied, thoughts? Lol
This is called evolution....

Plant seeds spread however to regions where they dont nromally grow. They sprout...they stress...they mutate...some die...some adapt...and presto - an equatorial plant now thrives in the mountains...

This is called evolution....

Plant seeds spread however to regions where they dont nromally grow. They sprout...they stress...they mutate...some die...some adapt...and presto - an equatorial plant now thrives in the mountains...

It doesn't thrive. It exists. Less growth and yield. Try again Sherlock.
It doesn't thrive. It exists. Less growth and yield. Try again Sherlock.
Exactly. But it exists. And over time...generations...the strain may or may not thrive. Some strains do some dont. It is genetics. Nevertheless, it is evolution...Darwinism.

You may want to try again at being decent person. You might also want to try reading a book. Then you would know what i am saying is true.