Brian Williams


Well-Known Member
The six, three Dems, three repubs. are getting together for a tea party in Boston where General Washington could not tell a lie...


Well-Known Member
It`s rumored he is bringing his best friend Thomas Jefferson. Barak Obama is expected to host the event to ensure that they can keep their jobs...


Well-Known Member
Isnt Regan dead?

I know he is more current than the Crusades the president needs to reach back to so he can compare Christianity to Islam.
you can just go back to iraq. half a million dead muslim civilians. we win on body count by many multipliers.

or we can just go back to the holocaust. pretty much never gonna top that one.

but you are so fucking dumb you will ignore all of that.


Well-Known Member
A win is a win. When you`re done crying for the Muslims, maybe you can show them a way to catch up in the body count.

Let the bodies hit the floor...


Well-Known Member
Oh wait, Obama is gonna give Iran the ability to produce a thermonuclear devise they promise not to use should they slip and accidently build one...


Well-Known Member
Oh wait, Obama is gonna give Iran the ability to produce a thermonuclear devise they promise not to use should they slip and accidently build one...
Hate to say it but a nuclear Iran doesn't scare me at all and if I lived there I want my government to have them too since they are surrounded by other countries who do. North Korea is more worrisome to me, but it IS a sovereign nation.

Before I feel I can tell another country they can't have one, I should get rid of mine. I'm not willing to do that just yet. Would I prefer we were the only ones with the baddest toys? Hell Yes!


Well-Known Member
That`s not how Thermonuclear war works.
Oh I know, worst case scenario, nuclear winters, all that good stuff.

I just don't think we have the right to keep Iran from nuclear ambition, especially when they say it's for energy reasons. I also don't think we have the right to stop Israel from not letting them pursue that ambition. I'd like to stay out of other countries' business.

We lost our right to tell other countries whether they can have the bomb or not when we became the only nation in history to use one.


Well-Known Member
Oh I know, worst case scenario, nuclear winters, all that good stuff.

I just don't think we have the right to keep Iran from nuclear ambition, especially when they say it's for energy reasons. I also don't think we have the right to stop Israel from not letting them pursue that ambition. I'd like to stay out of other countries' business.

We lost our right to tell other countries whether they can have the bomb or not when we became the only nation in history to use one.

And therein lies your confusion. We were the only one`s with it until it was stolen. Do you know why it has not been used since ?


Well-Known Member
And therein lies your confusion. We were the only one`s with it until it was stolen. Do you know why it has not been used since ?
Because we have the biggest pile and have shown the world we'll use them?

I like the multiple safeguards in place we have before a single lunatic can use one, and yes, it's very worrisome that an inbred dictator doesn't have those same safe guards but I see no other way.

100 years from now, hand held personal nukes may end up being the norm. If we build a better battery, we get a better bomb out of it. Unfortunately, the world needs better batteries.

It's not a simple answer and if I seem like I'm saying "oh yeah, let them have one, nbd" I'm sorry. It's way complicated but I just don't feel the right to be the world's police.


Well-Known Member
Think, "monkey see monkey do", then ask Putin if he minds Iranian Nuclear fallout coming in with the weather after bombing Israel.

You might start to understand.


Well-Known Member
Think, "monkey see monkey do", then ask Putin if he minds Iranian Nuclear fallout coming in with the weather after bombing Israel.

You might start to understand.
So why hasn't anyone else used the bomb?

Why are you certain Iran would?

And yes, I admit to being ignorant on a lot of things middle east/Israel.


Well-Known Member
To answer the first question, you would need to get permission.

The second,..Iran has stated it multiple times.
Permission from who? You have my permission to answer it;)

Wasn't that Ahmakillajew that kept saying that? Seal team 6, your up! Or Sheyetet(sp?) 13, same outcome.


Well-Known Member
Permission from who? You have my permission to answer it;)

Wasn't that Ahmakillajew that kept saying that? Seal team 6, your up! Or Sheyetet(sp?) 13, same outcome.

From those who want to use theirs, and the scientists that call the shots.

I don`t know anything about ST-6