What's up with President Bill Clinton?


Well-Known Member
And you only hear about the bad stuff. You just have to be careful. It's like working with rattlesnakes.

Of course, the worse I have been treated lately was by the Canadian Border guys. It was like Full Metal Jacket.

California? Nothing but gun nuts in California. You a gun nut? You have guns in the car, youhavegunsathome? <grrrrrrrr>

......,...... .....No Sir.

OK then. Welcome to Canada.
I hear about the bad stuff from my personal friends, in addition to what's on the news. It's not as bad as the news says... IT'S WORSE. I don't need hearsay to tell me this, I have the personal testimony of people I know and trust. The Feds have become the thugs, and they need to be stopped.

Now you do, too.


Well-Known Member
Try this and see if it makes sense.

I think the idea that a politician can accept bribes from anyone to be a cancer on the soul of our nation. When the people who make the laws do so dependent on how big the legal bribery is, it will surely destroy us if it isn't stopped.

We see the same symptoms, we disagree on the cause.
Our positions are not so far apart.


Well-Known Member
Of course, did anyone mention "...and Benefits for Life?" When you get elected you are granted a pension, as well, as soon as you leave office.
Perhaps they should get the same pension as the rest of us. The same medical care, too.

See where I'm going with this? Enough with the special privileges because they can tell each other they're special enough for them Bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Our positions are not so far apart.
Not at all really. In fact for most topics the majority of us are just arguing the fringes anyway.

I see a system set up allowing bribery and corruption as do you. I blame the people who take the bribes, you blame the people who give the bribes. It's both...

It's the politicians who have the power to change it and don't. It's the politicians who are elected to represent our best interests and don't.

Closing the revolving door between DC and Wall Street would be a good first step.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with your assessment. The suggestion about pay has to do with setting a precedent, and an expectation that we are all citizens, that some of us are not more equal merely because we've scammed our way in with buckets of cash.

I think the idea that a corporation can give money to politicians to be a cancer on the soul of our nation- one that will surely destroy us all if it isn't stopped.

So- no campaign contributions AT ALL from corporations, on pain of the C level executives and anyone else responsible going to prison for a nice long stay.

And while we're at it, let's close the country club system. Prison should be the same for everyone. If the zillionaires knew they'd be stuck in a cell with Big Bubba, maybe that would help convince them not to commit malfeasance in the first place.

Egalitarianism is decried as a bad thing only by those who think they're more equal.
It doesnt stop the pursuit of influence due to power.

What if a corporation wants to run a pro-candidate ad? Are corporations not allowed free speech? If you say no then what if the corporation donates money to a political action committee that runs an ad? Not the campaign itself but a separate entity?

You cannot stop the influence peddling no matter how much you tinker with it. The politicians want you tinkering so you leave them mostly alone. Stop thinking by their rules.


Well-Known Member
Woops....I realize I don't know what you mean by take away the toybox.

How does that work, exactly?


Well-Known Member
The Feds aren't calling the shots. The States are. The Fed is no more than the combined will of the States. That is why they are such toughs. They don't represent People. They represent the Law, which is the States agreeing. If we want National Change it is the States that have to agree.


Well-Known Member
It doesnt stop the pursuit of influence due to power.

What if a corporation wants to run a pro-candidate ad? Are corporations not allowed free speech? If you say no then what if the corporation donates money to a political action committee that runs an ad? Not the campaign itself but a separate entity?

You cannot stop the influence peddling no matter how much you tinker with it. The politicians want you tinkering so you leave them mostly alone. Stop thinking by their rules.
I think both sides have a clear bitch. Concentration of power is a bad thing which why people like you and I detest a central authority. Concentration of money is also a concentration of power and that's what the nanny staters fear and they also have a legitimate concern.

To echo Doer, we the people have allowed this to happen and it's up to us to stop it. The genius of the 2 party system is we'll never agree on fault and continue to blame the other guy.

Was it Jefferson that said a country may need a revolution every 20 years or so to keep the government in check? We dropped that ball.

Franklin's words were prophetic too. Ma'am, we've given you a representative republic, good luck keeping it.


Well-Known Member
people like you and I detest a central authority.
until you need someone to monitor every pregnancy to satisfy your collectivist nanny statism moral do gooder views.

Was it Jefferson that said a country may need a revolution every 20 years or so to keep the government in check? We dropped that ball.
you're all talk. go spam rawn pawl elsewhere. you're not gonna fight shit.


Well-Known Member
The Feds aren't calling the shots. The States are. The Fed is no more than the combined will of the States. That is why they are such toughs. They don't represent People. They represent the Law, which is the States agreeing. If we want National Change it is the States that have to agree.
I believe that's the way it should be, but the Feds have way too much influence to allow states to make all calls.

Why is car insurance mandated? Why is 21 the legal drinking age? Why is health insurance now mandated?

The state has limited autonomy when it comes to the DEA, CIA, FBI, FDA, EPA etc. all federal.

Why can't I buy (legally) venison from my local grocery store?

Could a state opt out of no child left behind? Sure, at the cost of billions. The Feds have the big purses. Imagine if we ruled as intended and the income tax levels were flipped. California would have high speed rails with all of their money (or be completely broke, would love to find out).


Well-Known Member
No. What I mean is. If the Big 4 States said to hell with the IRS, that would be it. No more IRS. These 4 States are the Key to anything and everything.
Texas, Florida, California and New York.


Well-Known Member
No. What I mean is. If the Big 4 States said to hell with the IRS, that would be it. No more IRS. These 4 States are the Key to anything and everything.
Texas, Florida, California and New York.

I remember a time where Michigan would have overruled Florida, but I think that's where everyone moved to.

I say we eventually break apart like the Soviet Union did, but hopefully it's after my time here.


Well-Known Member
And the only reason this would work is if the big 4 elected State critters enacted, State Law, Hell no we won't pay, Legislation. The Senators elected to take this to Congress would ride on a call to Action, of the Voters and their Reps in the house, who are also quite worked up about it.

Any of the IRS or all of it, would be torn down if anyone really cared, and most important, if it was really that bad. That's why I know it is not bad.

When it is bad, we riot. No riots, all is cools. If we really wanted the IRS reformed we would riot about that.
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Well-Known Member
And the only reason this would work is if the big 4 elected State critters enacted, State Law, Hell no we won't pay, Legislation. The Senators elected to take this to Congress would ride on a call to Action, of the Voters and their Reps in the house, who are also quite worked up about it.

Any of the IRS or all of it, would be torn down if anyone really cared, and most important, if it was really that bad. That's why I know it is not bad.

When it is bad, we riot. No riots, all is cools. If we really wanted the IRS reformed we would riot about that.
Too many people like the social engineering opportunities to rid us of the IRS. Shame...