Stepped on hash,

I find this subject debatable... During a dewaxing or winterizing techniques, terpenes are lost. But in the same sense the THC % goes up.
Extraction companies ( I would like to think ).. are trying to find the sweet spot. Having amazing flavor without compromising the THC % too much.

Just a thought.

Terpenes, CBDs, or something else, I really don't know yet. What I do know is whether the THC goes up or down makes no difference to me. Here is why. Let's just assume it is the terpenes. When I make oil with heat using the same strains for about 5 years now, with my normal dose I get about a 12 hour buzz. When I make the oil with the same strains and no heat, and it naturally decarbs, so potentially I have not lost any medicinal properties, technically the THC percentage should be lower, but that does not make a difference, because for some reason, the same size dose now lasts 48 hours. It literally doubled the potency on the duration of the buzz. It did not increase the intensity, just the duration. I wish I knew why and exactly what it is that gets lost during the heating process that has such a drastic effect. I am referring to eating it. With the naturally decarbed oil, the first 12 hours the buzz is altered. The next 12 hours it feels more similar to the heated oil (RSO). I can feel something in the oil that is not normally there with a concentrate that was made by heating. Whether it is terpenes or CBDs, it is very noticeable to me, the difference. Because of this I now consume half of the amount of oil with a better and more medicinal buzz. I used to eat one dose per day of RSO. Now, with the naturally decarbed oil, I eat one dose every other day. One more difference that I have noticed, myself and one of my patients each had a toothache. I tried RSO on it and it did not help. One droplet of the naturally decarbed oil and I received instant relief. My patient went to the dentist for their toothache and was given pain meds and it was still causing them much grief. I gave them a little drop of the oil to try and she got the same results as me, instant relief. She did not believe it until she tried it. I would not have believed it either. I am guessing it is the terpenes.

If there is a way to put the terpenes back into the oil, say for those who make BHO, then it is worth it. Assuming it is the terpenes causing the differences I have noticed. Either way, there is no going back for me. Naturally decarbed oil with all of the medicinal properties is by far my favorite. The same goes for buds. Naturally decarbed buds that were naturally dried and sealed in a jar for 120 days minimum compares to the naturally decarbed oil. You can also just do your extraction with the naturally decarbed buds and your oil should be fully decarbed as soon as it is purged.

I can't say I have noticed any big differences though when it comes to smoking or vaping it. For smoking or vaping, it may not be worth going through the trouble to get the terpenes back in. Smoking and vaping may be destroying the medicinal properties of the terpenes anyway. Not sure, just thinking out loud.

I really wish I knew if it was the terpenes or whatever it is that causes the big differences.

Terpenes, CBDs, or something else, I really don't know yet. What I do know is whether the THC goes up or down makes no difference to me. Here is why. Let's just assume it is the terpenes. When I make oil with heat using the same strains for about 5 years now, with my normal dose I get about a 12 hour buzz. When I make the oil with the same strains and no heat, and it naturally decarbs, so potentially I have not lost any medicinal properties, technically the THC percentage should be lower, but that does not make a difference, because for some reason, the same size dose now lasts 48 hours. It literally doubled the potency on the duration of the buzz.

Your not properly decarboxylating without applying heat. The process is favorable at high temps. 165F ish in my opinion. Can you please explain how you are naturally decarbing.
I don't think i quite understand what your trying to say as far as the THC%.. If your decarbing your boiling or removing carbon atoms from the oil. Its mathematically impossible for THC%
not to increase. As long as your process is done correctly.
no curing takes 4-12 weeks. Making oil or bho it gets decarbed in the process of making it. If working with dry flowers / trim. Those should be cured for a minimum of 3 months.

letting it sit out is not curing. That's drying.
Your not properly decarboxylating without applying heat. The process is favorable at high temps. 165F ish in my opinion. Can you please explain how you are naturally decarbing.
I don't think i quite understand what your trying to say as far as the THC%.. If your decarbing your boiling or removing carbon atoms from the oil. Its mathematically impossible for THC%
not to increase. As long as your process is done correctly.

GhostBud I am here to share. I don't have it mastered yet. I don't have the best method down yet. During the natural decarbing process a natural chemical reaction occurs. It is the same reaction as when applying heat, but it is a slow method that occurs without damaging the product, oil or buds.

Mathematically carries no value to me when it comes to stuff like this. There are many situations where math can be defied.

I did have some typos in my initial statement, I was pretty baked and I still am from the same dose! :D There are probably some typos in my blogs too. I have gotten my oil making methods down to where one drop can provide me 48 hours of a medicated feeling. With RSO, the best I could get was one drop offering up to 24 hours of a medicated feeling. That is after having made RSO for 4 years using the same strains.

It is this simple. The heat to decarb is a quick fix that comes with a high cost. It pretty much ruins the product by at least 50%. It would be the same difference if you were to cut down a fresh bud and dried it out in the oven to smoke it right away instead of allowing it to air dry over a week or so then smoke it. Big difference between the two. The oven dried bud would provide a low grade joint and the slow dried would be a premium joint. Same goes for the oil, at least when it comes to ingesting it. I consider the best RSO I can make a low grade fix, a quickie method. It works, but even close to its best potential. Slowly naturally decarbed, I consider that to be premium. You want premium? Well, good things come to those who wait.

I fill a vial half way with the oil. I do have to dilute it a little with alcohol to get it into the vial. Then I will leave the lid off and allow it to evaporate off, stirring it daily with a toothpick to help it to fully purge. This may take up to a week depending upon the level of humidity in the house. After it is purged I will put the lid on and store it in a dark place for at least 100 days. I recommend putting the vial in a glass or on a plate. Once the decarbing begins, at around 90 days or so, it starts building up pressure in the vial. That is because the decarbing process produces CO2 and releases it once the vial is open. Sometimes it can leak around the threads. Even though there is a gasket on the lid and the vial is standing up, I have had them leak. Like shaking up a soda can, open the lid and it can bubble over. It may not happen instantly either. I have lost quite a bit of oil learning this. It is not finished at 90 days, that is about the time the decarbing begins to where the pressure build up becomes obvious. I don't know the best method. Should I be burping it daily, weekly, or not at all. I do not know yet. After around 100 days, maybe a little longer, the oil is done and it is premium grade oil compared to RSO made from the same plant. It straight up doubles the length of the buzz compared to RSO. If you get a 12 hour buzz from a normal dose of RSO, the naturally decarbed oil should offer a 24 hour buzz of the same potency. The first 12 hours, you will notice something different about the buzz and I believe that is from the terpenes that do not get evaporated off. It could be something else, I do not know for sure. I am just guessing it is the terpenes because it would make sense.

Give it a try. I am 100% confident it is the best way to go. At lest it is for me. It sure has cut my oil consumption in 1/2 and I am fully confident that it has more medicinal properties than anything that was heated to "force" the decarb.

I discuss all of this in my blogs. Mostly in this one:

On this blog I discuss the naturally decarbed buds:
A very similar buzz to RSO or ND Sap. If you are not taking it every day, it is very unpredictable when the buzz from the buds will hit you. It could be 40 minutes to 6 hours. If you are taking it every day it stays in your system and you will maintain a steady buzz.

With the TGA SpaceDawg phenotype I used to have, all I could handle was to eat only 1/2 joint worth per day.
no curing takes 4-12 weeks. Making oil or bho it gets decarbed in the process of making it. If working with dry flowers / trim. Those should be cured for a minimum of 3 months.

letting it sit out is not curing. That's drying.

I agree.

Curing can mean different things to different people so I just call it naturally decarbing. It can naturally decarb just sitting out drying over a 3 to 4 month period, but obviously it will be degraded and probably most, if not all of the terpenes will be gone, evaporated out since it was not in a sealed container.

I have noticed with one of my strains, I don't have it anymore, it would not provide the flavor or aroma like the original seed plant did, until it naturally decarbed sitting in a sealed jar. Which I recommend doing so for at least 4 months when the buds have been reasonably dried. After 4 months. presto! it had the awesome flavor and aroma again. It is fully decarbed at that point. There would be no purpose to put it in an oven unless the goal is to destroy the product, but you already know this :D

Eating naturally decarbed buds is super efficient. One joint worth can provide me a very intense buzz for 12 to 24 hours, maybe longer. I have not tried it too many times. It is just so much easier to eat a drop of the naturally decarbed oil.

No one here has to make oil to be able to obtain a quality oil buzz. All you need is some naturally decarbed buds and eat them. Do it daily, but be careful, it can be very intense.

Smoking and vaping is a recreational use of marijuana in most cases, that provides a short, petty buzz when compared to eating the naturally decarbed buds.

I can't say that I have ever gotten stoned from oven cooked buds. I have gotten a small buzz at best eating a gram and it only lasted a couple of hours.

With naturally decarbed buds you can use a grinder and sprinkle it on top of any prepared food of your choice, like a brownie or slice of pizza. Like adding parmesan cheese to your pizza after it is cooked. So much better than cooking it into the food.
Rob Clark has talked about distilling the left over hash water to remove the soluble terpenes from the water and infuse it back into the hash. Right now I think its more theory than application. Its in the works with the top hash makers. Infusing oils or terpenes from other places is just wrong.

fyi high times has zero original thought. Every article is copied almost word for word from forum threads on riu and IC rag.


can you expand on IC rag please? I am not familiar with that. Is it a site or chat or something?

Make sure it is naturally decarbed first and I am sure you will enjoy it!

It is more enjoyable when you take it every day and find that sweet spot of the perfect dosage.

Give it three days of eating it before casting judgement.
You turned me onto naturally decarb stuff a while ago when you posted about it, it is def better imo
IC mag. We call it ic rag because me and a bunch of people got banned from there a couple years ago. Because their sponsors didn't like us.

I guess I already registered to that site! LOL Don't even remember doing so!!

A lot of people there like on the Grass City Forums.
The first 12 hours, you will notice something different about the buzz and I believe that is from the terpenes that do not get evaporated off. It could be something else, I do not know for sure. I am just guessing it is the terpenes because it would make sense.

We're experimenting with an Inficon mass spectrometer residual gas analyzer attached to our Cascade TEK TV-2 vacuum oven test sled, so as to see what is coming off under what conditions. More on that when our experiments are complete, but one of the steps was to obtain samples of 8 of the major terpenes, from Rob at and experiment with them individually.

b-Myrcene for instance is a heavy couch locker all by itself. Just three deep whiffs of the open bottle couch locked 190 lb Moi.

I reported same to 275 lb SPR partner Joe, who followed up by putting himself down, with a dab of prime speedy shatter, that he added Myrcene to.

It turned the high THC shatter from heady and speedy, to couch locking and mind fogging.
I guess I already registered to that site! LOL Don't even remember doing so!!

A lot of people there like on the Grass City Forums.
Hi GG, I have been following your talk of ND oil. When you store it in a jar/bottle, is it liquid? I had seven grams left of a batch of oil, low temp reflux extracted, from a 3 oz run in 2012. It was a very thick tar-like substance that I used straight, mixing it with chocolate for candies. Then I started reading about people decarbing and have played with that and QWISO extract for eating for over a year. I just took that seven grams and decarbed it at 250°. It took about five minutes shorter than usual for it to stop out-gassing, so I was guessing it was partially decarbed. I am curious how it could be that old and not decarbed if natural decarbing occurs in a few months. That's why I asked about your viscosity, I was assuming the difference might that you have a thinner liquid that can flow.
Hi GG, I have been following your talk of ND oil. When you store it in a jar/bottle, is it liquid? I had seven grams left of a batch of oil, low temp reflux extracted, from a 3 oz run in 2012. It was a very thick tar-like substance that I used straight, mixing it with chocolate for candies. Then I started reading about people decarbing and have played with that and QWISO extract for eating for over a year. I just took that seven grams and decarbed it at 250°. It took about five minutes shorter than usual for it to stop out-gassing, so I was guessing it was partially decarbed. I am curious how it could be that old and not decarbed if natural decarbing occurs in a few months. That's why I asked about your viscosity, I was assuming the difference might that you have a thinner liquid that can flow.

I have a question before I can answer yours.

Did you try to eat some of the 7 grams of the over 100 day old oil before attempting to heat decarb? Whatever happened in the oven (gassing) is meaningless to me. For all I know it was actually releasing terpenes and that was the "gassing". I don't have any experience with those vacuum ovens.

So, are you judging it because you ate some and it did nothing or simply judging because of the way it reacted in your oven?

Oh, when I first get the extraction into the bottle I do need to dilute it a bit or I just don't allow it to fully purge before getting it into the vial. I will finish purging from the vial by stirring it daily and allowing it to air dry. I will give more details after I get some more information from you regarding your old oil.

I found out about the natural decarbing due to having a large amount of QWISO that I was not able to consume in 100 days. Don't know why, but I decided to eat some just to see. Low and behold, it had flavor (flavanoids decarbing) the THC had decarbed as well. It had decarbed, stored in syringes, no heat applied.
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I have a question before I can answer yours.

Did you try to eat some of the 7 grams of the over 100 day old oil before attempting to heat decarb? Whatever happened in the oven (gassing) is meaningless to me. For all I know it was actually releasing terpenes and that was the "gassing". I don't have any experience with those vacuum ovens.

So, are you judging it because you ate some and it did nothing or simply judging because of the way it reacted in your oven?

Oh, when I first get the extraction into the bottle I do need to dilute it a bit or I just don't allow it to fully purge before getting it into the vial. I will finish purging from the vial by stirring it daily and allowing it to air dry. I will give more details after I get some more information from you regarding your old oil.

I found out about the natural decarbing due to having a large amount of QWISO that I was not able to consume in 100 days. Don't know why, but I decided to eat some just to see. Low and behold, it had flavor (flavanoids decarbing) the THC had decarbed as well. It had decarbed, stored in syringes, no heat applied.

Yes, I ate it undecarbed for 30 months or more, consuming 2.5 ounces that way. I decarbed the remainder in an oil bath on the stove top, last month. I didn't know I was judging anything, observationally it seemed to be a normal, albeit shorter, decarb process, where I watch both temperature and out-gassing of the oil. Potency-wise, it seems somewhat stronger, 50-75%. Normally I see a 250-350% increase with fresher material, and therefore would assume it was partially decarbed. I am just curious about this decarbing process, whether there is a difference in time due to viscosity, mine was like a thick tar, perhaps a more liquid mix would allow easier out-gassing? I don't know. Thanks for your response.
Yes, I ate it undecarbed for 30 months or more, consuming 2.5 ounces that way. I decarbed the remainder in an oil bath on the stove top, last month. I didn't know I was judging anything, observationally it seemed to be a normal, albeit shorter, decarb process, where I watch both temperature and out-gassing of the oil. Potency-wise, it seems somewhat stronger, 50-75%. Normally I see a 250-350% increase with fresher material, and therefore would assume it was partially decarbed. I am just curious about this decarbing process, whether there is a difference in time due to viscosity, mine was like a thick tar, perhaps a more liquid mix would allow easier out-gassing? I don't know. Thanks for your response.

When I said judgement I did not mean it in a negative way. A better choice of word would have been evaluate or making your evaluation.

To answer your question, when it comes to naturally decarbed oil, I am pretty much a beginner. I would have more experience under my belt, but it has been quite a rough winter so far. I have not been able to do any testing.

Yes, I did at least 3 separate natural decarbing oils. Yes, all three oils were somewhat liquidy. You have provided the most feedback on a natural decarbed oil. Someone else had some old BHO lying around, I am not sure if it was putty, or shatter though, they did not say. I do know that they don't typically decarb it as they are more into smoking it. In other words, it did not fully decarb for you, they were not able to provide me that information, all they could say is that they got a buzz. I have a feeling their BHO was not fully decarbed, I come to that conclusion after speaking with you.

Obviously there is more to the natural decarbing than what I initially thought. At first I thought like you, that it was the thickness. After I saw dried buds naturally decarb, I just assumed most hash oils would naturally decarb. I guess I would have to agree with you that the viscosity probably is why yours did not fully decarb over that period of time. If it were my oil and my product, for example, my first batch of QWISO that naturally decarbed for me, that is when I learned of it, I made a large batch and was not able to consume it all within 100 days vaping it. If I would have tried to decarb my QWISO after it had naturally decarbed, it would have ruined it. Obviously there is something going on here. There is something else to consider. My QWISO was winterized with grain alcohol. The other two batches I made were made QWET, all grain alcohol. Extremely big difference between the two. The winterizing made it more potent and a super clean high that I had never felt before, but the non winterized oil made with grain alcohol gave me a buzz I never had for the first 24 hours, it was like my mind felt more in control. Then it gave me an additional 24 hours, which no other oil had given me, which felt more like the RSO. I wanted it to be all organic. I doubt it, but maybe the grain alcohol has something to do with it. That still leaves to question why the buds decarbed. Then again, the buds are not dense like a thick tar. It does make sense it being more liquid aiding in releasing the gas. When I open up a vial for the first time that has decarbed, it reacts like a shaken soda can, foams right over the top. This happened three times before it was fully decarbed. My QWISO that was winterized with the grain alcohol, I deliberately left a little alcohol in it so it would mix better with the PG USP for the vaporizer. This was so I could mix without using heat. If I didn't like it, I knew I could just allow the QWISO to dry more and the alcohol would be gone.

I like your term gassing, first time I heard that. I never would have respected that term until I started using vials for the ND Sap. Every time I crack open a vial it would release some pressure all the way until it is fully decarbed, then it no longer builds up pressure. At first I thought it had to do with the small amount of alcohol left in it and the temperature swings in the house causing the pressurization. Later I realized it was due to the decarbing. I believe it to be primarily CO2 and decarbing. After it was fully decarbed, it never released pressure again. Even when I had to add alcohol to it because it got thick and the dropper would no longer suck it up.

Another thing that can be considered, all three times I made the ND Sap, the oil became pressurized due to the gassing and being sealed. With the QWISO, first time around, it blew the ends of the syringes off after it started to decarb. I lost quite a bit of oil on that one!

Now that I think about it, there are a lot of times I have had old premium buds in jars that I never got around to using. Hadn't opened them in a while. When I crack the jar open it would release pressure. I thought that was just due to temperature swings. Now I attribute that to the decarbing. That is something the oil and the buds that have naturally decarbed have in common besides the 3 to 4 month wait. They have all pressurized. I don't think that has anything to do with it, but it could.

The next batch I do, hopefully sooner than later, I have everything I need except for the spare time, I am going leave more alcohol and will try burping it weekly and document when the pressure begins to build up and if it decarbs sooner. My stuff was like a thick oil, honey. This next time I will keep it more liquid and shake it daily. See if it will decarb sooner.

I believe you are right it has to do with the thickness. I am going to find out for sure. Also, if I just wanted to use isopropyl, assuming that you are right, don't want to winterize and lose medicinal properties, don't want to add grain alcohol without winterizing because it can chunk up and separate, I would just store it liquid with iso, store it for the 100-120 days, after it decarbs, then allow it to finish the purging, or air drying.

You say low heat extraction process. Tell me more about that. I am not familiar with that process you used to make your product.

Did you use 99% iso?

How did you store the tar like QWISO? Syringe, vial, jar? Basically, was it sealed air tight?

Your tar like QWISO, is it sticky or is it more like putty, not sticky but mushy?

I am just curious.

Thanks, you have given me something to think about!

Two more questions. What is your opinion on why dry buds will decarb over a 4 to 6 month period but your oil did not?

What quality of material did you use to make that large quantity of hash that you had for such a long time? Premium buds, shake, leaf?

I made RSO for 4 years straight and I fully mastered it, over the 4 years I have learned to half decarb it with heat then wait 2 to 6 weeks for it to finish naturally decarbing. I would have 5 years of making RSO under my belt, but when I sampled the naturally decarbed oil, I had no intentions of making RSO again, unless it was an emergency to treat someone. I 100% assure you no heat whatsoever, fully naturally decarbed, blows the doors off any other oil that was heated that I have tried. My patients would attest to that. Some of my patients have tried many different oils, considering they are cancer patients that have been around the block.

Thanks again!