Scariest Moment Of My Life

Dude ! That cotton swab on a sword aint no joke , fukin doctor stretches your shit out till its gonna snap then BLAMO !!! In goes the swab & out come the tears .

I felt like a rape victim before he was done with me , wait till you get old & have prostate problems , theres alot more midevil shit doctors are dying to shove up your dick hole once your an old fart & it all hurts .

The scope up the ass is hands down the worst .

FUUUCK, I've been scared about that for years. It takes me about three minutes to pee. I have to pee to the side of the bowl so people don;t laugh at the weak tinkle sound. Then, I have to push my prostate like ten times to get it all out. I won;t even go to the doctor about it, and not just because I don;t have health care. I'm ready to die, so if that's what does it, so be it.

I always got a women shoving the stick up my penis. They always seem so angry and bitter, like I did something to them.
FUUUCK, I've been scared about that for years. It takes me about three minutes to pee. I have to pee to the side of the bowl so people don;t laugh at the weak tinkle sound. Then, I have to push my prostate like ten times to get it all out. I won;t even go to the doctor about it, and not just because I don;t have health care. I'm ready to die, so if that's what does it, so be it.

I always got a women shoving the stick up my penis. They always seem so angry and bitter, like I did something to them.

I strained pulling a pry bar. It made a blokags in my nut. It got infected and swoll up to the size of a tennis ball.

Horrible pain. They rammed a q tip down my penis and a finger up my ass to check my prostate. Back to back.
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good idea!..i think i'll go get myself one, too.

i carry a hammer in my car..easily wielded right under my seat for when i'm in miami at night alone.

I carry a hammer on my Panhead while im riding it to throw thru assholes windshields who run me off the road , fuk that hammer girl get a gun n learn how to properly use it.

Im not allowed to cary but i do anyways ,10 yrs ago i could whip creeps asses by hand but im over 60 & aint playing games with my life with some whack job , i dont want to kill anybody but there have been 2 times my pistols saved me & my son from angry tennants we evicted .

Your a woman & automatically a prime target for rape robbery & murder , get a gun , get trained in using it & keeping control of the weapon & use it if needed .

A hammer will not stop a sober grown man let alone a tweeker , shoot to protect yourself & let a jury decide , you know the old saying where its better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 , we live in one of the best areas of lower Mich & we still cary , maniacs frequently target upscale neighborhoods lookin for people to victimize .
Dude ! That cotton swab on a sword aint no joke , fukin doctor stretches your shit out till its gonna snap then BLAMO !!! In goes the swab & out come the tears .

I felt like a rape victim before he was done with me , wait till you get old & have prostate problems , theres alot more midevil shit doctors are dying to shove up your dick hole once your an old fart & it all hurts .

The scope up the ass is hands down the worst .
Preach it Brother
I carry a hammer on my Panhead while im riding it to throw thru assholes windshields who run me off the road , fuk that hammer girl get a gun n learn how to properly use it.

Im not allowed to cary but i do anyways ,10 yrs ago i could whip creeps asses by hand but im over 60 & aint playing games with my life with some whack job , i dont want to kill anybody but there have been 2 times my pistols saved me & my son from angry tennants we evicted .

Your a woman & automatically a prime target for rape robbery & murder , get a gun , get trained in using it & keeping control of the weapon & use it if needed .

A hammer will not stop a sober grown man let alone a tweeker , shoot to protect yourself & let a jury decide , you know the old saying where its better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 , we live in one of the best areas of lower Mich & we still cary , maniacs frequently target upscale neighborhoods lookin for people to victimize .

My wife is a better pistol shot than be. 50-60 yard tight groups with large frame 9mm or .45

She is also comfortable shooting 3 1/2 inch super mag 12 gauge.
FUUUCK, I've been scared about that for years. It takes me about three minutes to pee. I have to pee to the side of the bowl so people don;t laugh at the weak tinkle sound. Then, I have to push my prostate like ten times to get it all out. I won;t even go to the doctor about it, and not just because I don;t have health care. I'm ready to die, so if that's what does it, so be it.

I always got a women shoving the stick up my penis. They always seem so angry and bitter, like I did something to them.

Yup bro sounds like you got an enlarged prostate , mines bigger than a baseball & causes me all kinda grief , sleep is impossible from needing to urinate every 45 minutes all night long & its been several yrs since ive even had a full stream , its just like you posted , that shit they sell on tv is worthless too , the best medicine ive found is Ciallis ( spelling ?) in the low dose once a day strength , it works very well after using it about 2 weeks .
Yup bro sounds like you got an enlarged prostate , mines bigger than a baseball & causes me all kinda grief , sleep is impossible from needing to urinate every 45 minutes all night long & its been several yrs since ive even had a full stream , its just like you posted , that shit they sell on tv is worthless too , the best medicine ive found is Ciallis ( spelling ?) in the low dose once a day strength , it works very well after using it about 2 weeks .

I heard tommy chong cured his prostate cancer with canna oil suppository.

May work for enlarged one.

I make canna coconut oil rub. With pepper seeds. It good for arthritis and sciatica.
I had several scary moments while shadowing Seal Team 6 on their missions. One time we are bout to do an entry and I wasn;t paying attention and ran into the guy in front of me and he squeezed one off alerting the insurgents we were there. The firefight was intense. I was wielding a 249 SAW and claimed my 5th, 6th, and 7th kills on that run.
Scariest moment of my life hmmmmmm , its gotta be when i got this hot girl blasted on liquor & ludes when i was a kid , started pulling her pants down & she shit her pants !

I pulled them bad boys back up & got the hell outta there , i think i hid in a bush or two as well , absolute true story about lil miss poopy pants , god i miss the 70's .

LOL! she shit AFTER the pants were down??? The image of this girl trying to come after you with shitty pants around her ankles…Oh MAN! How did you even get them back on! (Love that you were a gentleman and tried to have her in decent shape before booking it)
Scariest moments of my life... getting raided, ex-girl friend flipped a car 3 times with me in it and over dosing on X and xanax
I cut my foot off in a farm accident had to drive myself to hospital fifty kilometres away in a manual car with one foot that was pretty scary
Scariest moment of my life hmmmmmm , its gotta be when i got this hot girl blasted on liquor & ludes when i was a kid , started pulling her pants down & she shit her pants !

I pulled them bad boys back up & got the hell outta there , i think i hid in a bush or two as well , absolute true story about lil miss poopy pants , god i miss the 70's .
Dude you think that was scary? I was nailing this drunk chick doggy and she sharted in my cock stash. I have PTSD, and it aint from iraq.
one time this bitch was like, 'I'm pregnant".....
That shit happens.

That shit isn't funny. I ran into this chick years after i slammed her one night after a party. She's in the store with her kid, we start talking, she makes a couple comparisons between her son and me and looks at me and says.."ya know, he's ten, it's been ten years...." I think my jaw hit the floor and I just started babbling incomprehensibly. She let me go on for a minute before bursting out laughing and telling me he's not mine. She walked away laughing.
That shit isn't funny. I ran into this chick years after i slammed her one night after a party. She's in the store with her kid, we start talking, she makes a couple comparisons between her son and me and looks at me and says.."ya know, he's ten, it's been ten years...." I think my jaw hit the floor and I just started babbling incomprehensibly. She let me go on for a minute before bursting out laughing and telling me he's not mine. She walked away laughing.
No offense, but that is funny!