Your First Concert?

97? How old are you? My first show was ozzfest 96. Ozzy didn't show and Marilyn Manson incited a riot basically. There were fires, stadium chairs being torn apart and the giant noise blocking barrier was completely destroyed. I was 11. I've been addicted to rock shows ever since.

Polaris Ampitheatre? I was at that show. It was crazy. I remember Black Sabbath did a make up concert two weeks later because so many people were pissed.
Rush, permanent waves might have been it..I brought a T shirt and wore it to gym class

Had tickets for Led Zeppelin and the freaken drummer past away--after I beg my folks to go saying how that the band was OK, then the one dude parted himself to death...that wasn't too folks were happy the whole concert was canceled and the band was history....Stairway to Heaven was the only good song they ever had.........yeah right ....thats my least favorite, ha ha

Ozzy in the mid 80's was awesome but at the time we thought the dude was too old

After the 80's, I turn to rap and now hip hop....some rap videos are OK, like No new friends..I rather see that then a bunch of old men like the Rolling Stones..which were very cool in the 60's and 70's but now think they can still perform...nah, even old stuff like ying yang twins is better, IMO.....Say I Yi Yi
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How can you not remember your first concert..? Isnt it like your first beer or first pussy you ate? A dudes gotta remember that shit
Mine was Triumph in 1979 at the Canadian National Exibition in Toronto. I was 16. Me and some high school friends took a bus tour
My first concert was Blue Oyster Cult on the Mirrors tour in 1979.
A few weeks before the concert my parents found weed on me and
wouldn't let me go to the show with my friends.
Ended up going to the show with my mom.
Standing room only. No seats in the floor area.
Lots of bikers beer and pot.
Mom said she got high just standing there and left me drive home.

Awesome concert otherwise.
How can you not remember your first concert..? Isnt it like your first beer or first pussy you ate? A dudes gotta remember that shit

Concerts , girls ,pussy , people forget that shit after 45 years of drugs & hard drinkin but ya never forget your prision number , its been 40 yrs & i can recite that fukin thing frontwards & backwards in my sleep, ive got a B prefix , guys with a C prefix rarely get out , im thankfull i did .
Pantera and Prong in 1994. Sepultura was supposed to be there, but they cancelled last minute. I remember my friend's dad took us, and he got shitfaced drunk there. He had like four or five beers on the drive there and dropped about fifty bucks on beer at the show. He could barely walk when we left. It was one scary ride home, plus I was riding in the back of a pickup truck.
Dime bag lived in mansfield tx.. I'm from Arlington, my brother worked at a Hollywood video and they came in all the time.. my brother has tons of dime bag signed shit.. Pantera reminds me of a bad ass garage band from back in the day... they are so polular in my part of the state.. pantera and drowning pool.
I had tickets to go see Damageplan the night he was murdered. I ended up getting into a huge fight with the girl I was dating at the time and gave away the tickets to a coworker.
Dime bag lived in mansfield tx.. I'm from Arlington, my brother worked at a Hollywood video and they came in all the time.. my brother has tons of dime bag signed shit.. Pantera reminds me of a bad ass garage band from back in the day... they are so polular in my part of the state.. pantera and drowning pool.

Im 62 & i get down to some Pantera , ive got the origional " Far beyond driven " before the one everybody recognizes with the skull with the horn in the middle , the original has a chicks legs spread eagle & that screw horn on the skull is drilling into her crotch & i got it signed by Phil .

I also have an original copy of Ice T's Body Count with Cop Killer on it signed by the entire band , met em all back stage too , ice t is a cool mother fuker in real life , he even laughed that i look like a skin head .

I gotta watch what i drink if im blastin pantera or body count , a bottle of bourbon & about an hour of pantera or body count & i'll do some stupid shit .
I have to give some props to youtube for some great videos I'm talking way back when.
If it wasn't for you tube I would have never seen this .
I had tickets to go see Damageplan the night he was murdered. I ended up getting into a huge fight with the girl I was dating at the time and gave away the tickets to a coworker.
If you ever fr
Im 62 & i get down to some Pantera , ive got the origional " Far beyond driven " before the one everybody recognizes with the skull with the horn in the middle , the original has a chicks legs spread eagle & that screw horn on the skull is drilling into her crotch & i got it signed by Phil .

I also have an original copy of Ice T's Body Count with Cop Killer on it signed by the entire band , met em all back stage too , ice t is a cool mother fuker in real life , he even laughed that i look like a skin head .

I gotta watch what i drink if im blastin pantera or body count , a bottle of bourbon & about an hour of pantera or body count & i'll do some stupid shit .
As much of the marijuana community hates Texas we been doing it big in Dallas for a long time... Everybody has stories of partying with pantera from high school.. I have never been to any of dime bag's parties I was about two years to young, but they were notorious for having some wild parties.. I remember dime bags house had to big gargoyles in the front with green lights in the fronf of the house...
I remember dime bags house had to big gargoyles in the front with green lights in the fronf of the house...

Haha i
We have 2 cement gargoyles on each side of our driveway at the house in Bloomfield Hills , all my neighbors have cement lions or their initials on the driveway gate & we have the green eyed monsters , we stick out like a sore thumb , the neighborhood is all doctors & big wig ceo's who have servants polishing their cars , were a mixed race family with an outragously loud hifi , smokin j's out front & blastin music , loud ass harleys all summer long .

My next door neighbor is a neurosurgeon & asked me what i did for a living when we moved in & i didnt lie , you shoulda seen his face when i said retired dope dealer , he's black n his eyes got like the black butler in the old abbott & costello movies , i laughed my ass off , im pretty sure they hate me but fuk em ,my father left us the estate & were using the shit out of it .