Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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All of them. The mis quote was "You're mistaken. It says 48% WERE NOT GRADUATES. Actually, you're not're lying." bacame "You're mistaken. It says 48% WERE NOT GRADUATES. Actually, you're not mistaken".

Attack first is not an esrtablished method of debate. It's a method of avoiding debate. Only "effective" if you know your position is false. It couldn't hurt as long as you have respect to lose.
are you off your meds again ? You really think that 48% of teachers have not graduated college. Do you not see how alone you are on this one. Go get Nodrama. I have some coins questions for him. You are useless right about now.
are you off your meds again ? You really think that 48% of teachers have not graduated college. Do you not see how alone you are on this one. Go get Nodrama. I have some coins questions for him. You are useless right about now.
In my county substitutes must have a 4yr. degree. Whats with the "right about now" ? I make it a permanent condition.
about the only places you can teach without one are....private schools!


Depending on the state, private schools are a much better option. This includes Massachusetts, the state that is most consistently in the top 3 states in education, in all studies. Arizona... this state is full of stupid; everywhere. Same with Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Oklahoma, Michigan, Kansas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, Indiana, Kentucky.. see a pattern?
Depending on the state, private schools are a much better option. This includes Massachusetts, the state that is most consistently in the top 3 states in education, in all studies. Arizona... this state is full of stupid; everywhere. Same with Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Oklahoma, Michigan, Kansas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, Indiana, Kentucky.. see a pattern?
Who the fuck would even think about going to a school in Mississippi. Putting your child in any type of schooling in Mississippi is a form of child abuse.
according to Rob Roy all we have to do is believe...owning a pair of ruby slippers helps as well

You're funny in an ironic and pathetic sort of way. You say you believe your coercive government isn't force, then you can't even name one thing it does that isn't somehow derived from force. Are YOUR Ruby Slippers cutting off the circulation to your head there Dorothy?

Also, believing is important, but believing that a consensus of sycophants can somehow make something inherently wrong somehow right, is very sheep like. Very Sheep like.
You're funny in an ironic and pathetic sort of way. You say you believe your coercive government isn't force, then you can't even name one thing it does that isn't somehow derived from force. Are YOUR Ruby Slippers cutting off the circulation to your head there Dorothy?

Also, believing is important, but believing that a consensus of sycophants can somehow make something inherently wrong somehow right, is very sheep like. Very Sheep like.
Do you believe you are forced to stop at a red light or do you stop at a red light because you know it is the best thing to do
@Rob Roy

Even if you don't have kids, having an educated population around you is it's own reward. I'm sure you already understand that, though. Most people do. You should be glad I'm not in charge, I'd make education the new military. It'd be outlandishly expensive and free for everybody to attend.

While your rantings are simply unrealistic for a society larger than 10 people, bless your little heart for fighting. You are like the ridiculous counteroffer to the equally ridiculous Borg collective. Or something.

John Taylor Gatto called and said put down the gun.

You're not in charge and never will be.

Free for everybody? Do you mean teachers will do this on a voluntary basis and students will be free to attend or not or attend a school they choose? Or do you mean the other kind of "free" where men with guns will kill you if you don't pay the ransom and participate in the mass indoctrination and rationalized theft?
Do you believe you are forced to stop at a red light or do you stop at a red light because you know it is the best thing to do

....Asks the guy that has to have a nanny state to keep him from polluting everything with his laundry chemicals.
....Asks the guy that has to have a nanny state to keep him from polluting everything with his laundry chemicals.
Oh so you don't want to
Let us try again. Do you believe you are forced to stop at a red light or do you stop at a red light because you know it is the best thing to do
Depending on the state, private schools are a much better option. This includes Massachusetts, the state that is most consistently in the top 3 states in education, in all studies. Arizona... this state is full of stupid; everywhere. Same with Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Oklahoma, Michigan, Kansas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, Indiana, Kentucky.. see a pattern?
I can add another ten or so to UR list.
Oh so you don't want to
Let us try again. Do you believe you are forced to stop at a red light or do you stop at a red light because you know it is the best thing to do

If you don't think non defensive force is a good thing....why do you like the Public School system that has forced enrollment and forced payment as an underpinning?

Do you even KNOW the origins of the Public School system and how and why that system arrived in the USA?

Also, concerning your red light question....relevance please? I'll answer it for you if you describe to me how the Public school system in the USA arrived and why it was thought up in the first place.
If you don't think non defensive force is a good thing....why do you like the Public School system that has forced enrollment and forced payment as an underpinning?

Do you even KNOW the origins of the Public School system and how and why that system arrived in the USA?

Also, concerning your red light question....relevance please? I'll answer it for you if you describe to me how the Public school system in the USA arrived and why it was thought up in the first place.
Wow so you won't answer a simple question that was posed to you first. I think I know why you refuse to answer, but let us try once more.
Do you believe you are forced to stop at a red light or do you stop at a red light because you know it is the best thing to do