Work qualifications... are you serious?

I remember when there was no internets and no craigslist. WE had to actually get all dressed up and drive from place to place and getting writers cramp from filling out so many apps
Them were the good days. If I actually get to stand in front of a supervisor or manager then I am definitely going to get the job. But now everything is online and you can actually talk to somebody it makes it very difficult to find work
What Spandy said was all too true. It's really easy to click that "delete" button, but telling someone to their face (several times) that you don't need them is a lot more difficult. When layoffs come, its the 2nd and 3rd shifts that get the axe because management sees the 1st shift every day. It's easier to fuck over someone you don't know.
I've been tossing around the idea of applying for the electrical union but I'm worried about doing physical work down here in hot ass Houston. The other problem is the drug tests, I think they may even do hair tests. My buddy is in the plumbers union and they do hair tests on their apprentices.

So you want a job, but staying cool, no real physical work and being able to smoke dope are more important?

McDonalds is always hiring. Air conditioned, no heavy lifting and no drug test. Sounds like your dream job.
I hate the new system. Nobody can tell how handsome or how big my tits are in an email. Although some of the bar jobs in CL ask you to send a picture.

A hot chick looking for a bartending job would be bat shit crazy to email a resume in. Flop those titties out and go get that job! That job isn't all about pouring drinks, its about making the people on the other side want to stay longer and have more drinks, and tits do that!
A hot chick looking for a bartending job would be bat shit crazy to email a resume in. Flop those titties out and go get that job! That job isn't all about pouring drinks, its about making the people on the other side want to stay longer and have more drinks, and tits do that!

Well if that's the case I would make a great bartender.

Nail the customers hand to the bar and keep pouring him drinks until he's plastered enough not to scream when I pry him loose.
So you want a job, but staying cool, no real physical work and being able to smoke dope are more important?

McDonalds is always hiring. Air conditioned, no heavy lifting and no drug test. Sounds like your dream job.
'and no drug test" <This might explain why they get my order wrong.
Just got back from 5 guys, no one there. They are usually very good, they forgot my tomato tho.
They must've been high.
So you want a job, but staying cool, no real physical work and being able to smoke dope are more important?

McDonalds is always hiring. Air conditioned, no heavy lifting and no drug test. Sounds like your dream job.
Does one actually have to show up, or will they just mail me a check? That's my dream job.
Does one actually have to show up, or will they just mail me a check? That's my dream job.
you should become a theoretical physicist. technically, whenever you're thinking, you're working ;) maybe you do your best thinking at the boobie bar, or the beach, or at home in your pajamas?
you should become a theoretical physicist. technically, whenever you're thinking, you're working ;) maybe you do your best thinking at the boobie bar, or the beach, or at home in your pajamas?
I work with a physicist. You have to have a "Dr." in front of your name. And put up with annoying students
So you want a job, but staying cool, no real physical work and being able to smoke dope are more important?

McDonalds is always hiring. Air conditioned, no heavy lifting and no drug test. Sounds like your dream job.

I can't work at Mcdonalds.

I actually have a $3 check from them for sitting through orientation.

I showed up on training day and they told me to take out my earrings. When I did and they realized I had guages, they told me that I couldn't work for them... Which is fine, because a week later i got a job as a live in contractor at a trailer park. Showed up and bought a dollar burger and the paid with a $100 bill.

Then again that was 10 years ago in a small redneck texas town. I'm pretty sure if I'd lived in someplace like NYC, or Houston they wouldn't have cared.
I'm holding out for a management position

I have a friend who lost his job, and he got on unemployment, and he realized he wasn't getting a job anytime soon. So every single interview when they asked the question "where do you want to be one year from now?"

He always said "I am extremely motivated I work very hard, in one year I would love to have your job title! What is your manager's name? I work so hard and I am so motivated in two years I would love to have his job and be running this whole operation!"

Of course this motivation scared them, and he never got a follow-up interview LOL. Work the system for a long long time like that and sideline getting paid cash, the ultimate double dipper.
Does one actually have to show up, or will they just mail me a check? That's my dream job.

Slum lord. Seriously, its my bread and butter. Economy changes, presidential elections are won/lost, but rent is always due at the 1st of the month.
Slum lord. Seriously, its my bread and butter. Economy changes, presidential elections are won/lost, but rent is always due at the 1st of the month.
Depends on where you're at. Some areas, they don't pay, you can't throw them out. Then you lose money. Also requires money and effort. All my money is tied up in magic beans and I'm lazy. That's why I work for the government. Hmmm. section 8 is guaranteed income, is that what you mean?
Depends on where you're at. Some areas, they don't pay, you can't throw them out. Then you lose money. Also requires money and effort. All my money is tied up in magic beans and I'm lazy. That's why I work for the government. Hmmm. section 8 is guaranteed income, is that what you mean?

Very true, some states/counties its virtually worthless to try and rent property.

And we are not a "section 8" participant. Statistically speaking, its asking for trouble as far as maintenance/repairs go. Sure, the checks always show on time, but, yeah, just... fuck that.
Wouldn't a brighter economic future be worth staying "clean" for a few months? I've failed drug tests and still gotten the job, but my skill set is in high demand.

You are correct but it's difficult for me to give up smoking weed when it's to get a job that I really don't want.