bill o'reilly is the new brian williams


Well-Known Member
anyone else heard about this?

I considered making a thread on Friday night, I even went as far as writing about two paragraphs but got distracted and did not post. It has developed a bit more since then.

The best part is the simple fact that he will refuse to take his own medicine. He should self-suspend for six months, it is the bare minimum he should do to try and preserve his public image.

His credibility is now in the negatives at this point. Before I simply paid him zero attention and considered him entertainment, he calls himself a journalist though . . .
The reason this wont gain much traction in general is because nobody takes that guy seriously anyway...The guy lies every night for a living, so this isn't a big shocker. You have to have credibility first before you can lose it.
The reason this wont gain much traction in general is because nobody under the age of 40 takes that guy seriously anyway...The guy lies every night for a living, so this isn't a big shocker. You have to have credibility first before you can lose it. grandfather things he speaks the gospel....
He's an arrogant ass, but that sort of top-jock in the locker room means a lot of sycophants will adore him. Schoolyard psychology is all.
He's an arrogant ass, but that sort of top-jock in the locker room means a lot of sycophants will adore him. Schoolyard psychology is all.

The way Obama woos the kumbaya crowd with "terrorists only need jobs then they'll stop chopping our heads off" bullshit?
Bill O' needs to go back to jacking off in the shower while stalking woman, he is an unhappy, grumpy, whiny, shallow pond individuals wet dream. I always figured his show entertained a big group of old white folk back slapping each other in a big circle jerk about how much harder (whine whine) they have had it, and tougher they are, and shout that others are not. Me thinks they just have bigger mouths. c. He is a con man in all ways. Pathetic really that some believe he would make a good leader. Explains much about current right.