Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

Little too much iron and not enough acidity :(

It's like erotic novel lingo right? "He gently placed his nugs on her chin, but not before dangling them in a circular motion and raising and lowering them with a slight bend of the knee followed by a quick thrusting motion. It was at that moment she had realized his nugs were there all along - all she had to do was close her mouth and look"
Man that was really good! Not kidding:clap:

Are you in construction?
I think you would make the best shit-house poet possible. I'm just good at drawing pictures.(dirty ones) :-(
Monopotassium phosphate. It's the base of 90+% of "bloom boosters."

You can buy it raw at about $10/lb, and save a ton of money over "hydro" supplements. Use it sparingly, and don't skew your feeding regiment too much. Your plants still need nitrogen in flower.
Figured I drop this here with the rest of the hijack, fuck this thread anyway :)

That really is unbelievable. Nothing more than politics and an industry that went "mad", crazy.

Thanks for sharing. And that video of Arjan and Colombia is unreal! :shock:

Two days to go till the new growshop law goes into effect....

I was just about to order a new light at one of the largest, oldest and most popular growshops and noticed an image on their site... "we're ceasing all our activities permanently starting Feb 27".

In a city, Tilburg, in a province with many growers, the mayor already closed 3 out of 5 shops and he's convinced the rest will (have to) close soon too.

The ones in my area are still open, but some are reorganizing and some pages in their web shop are missing (HPS light at one for example).

The law is meant to make facilitating large scale grows illegal but obviously affects smaller growers too (the one I know that closed was also the cheapest). Lawyers expect the law won't hold up in court.

Remember that messed up scenario I painted...

Well, today, D66, the party that has a good chance to win the elections next turn but will definitely become large, proposed a new bill. The new law would make growing and trade in cannabis still illegal, except for a restricted amount of growers who under strict conditions can get a grow permit, and call it legalization.

There's actually a majority for legalization (about 2/3rd) amongst the population and politics.....

They are already very popular in every poll for a long time, while the leading parties dropped so far they should just quit, instead, they make deals with amongst others D66. To sort of get a mandate, enough public support. In practice that means trading, in this case the leading parties want to heavily change the tax system (a biggie), and D66 wants to cooperate (more) if they legalize cannabis first. That's new, so far no party really wanted to fully stand behind legalization when it came to negotiating other issues. Which is how they form cabinets in the first place, and if anything this shows it will be a hard issue the next elections.

While I'm not certain about the outcome, apart from a few decades ago when we almost legalized it entirely and france labeled us a narco state, we've never been this close to legalization and if the proposal gets a majority things will go very fast.

The same party also won the local elections in Amsterdam last year.

So... guess who will have greenhouses full with cannabis plants soon...

Google translated info.

Doesn't make home growing legal and isn't actually something many home growers (who currently supply coffeeshops) will be happy with. Taxes will be high and the consumer will pay for that. Recent reports showed supposedly 5-20% grown is for coffeeshops and the rest is exported so still plenty of business for growers.
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Doesn't make home growing legal
After some additional reading, it's essentially a proposal to literally decriminalize growing and supplying.

Just out of curiosity I counted the seats per party and a prediction is easy to make, it will fail with 77 against and 73 for. For a different outcome one of the many parties would have to completely vote the opposite of usual... extremely unlikely, not going to happen.

What did happen is that Gavita is pulling out of the cannabis industry in the Netherlands... specifically they ceased to supply and support activities related to cannabis because of the new law.

That major growshop I mentioned closed actually restarted as an "urban gardening center", no longer selling gavitas, or hps... (phillips already pulled out a year ago), other growshops are doing similar things, converting to garden centre. Certain combinations of products will be hard to get (hps+filter+exhaust).

I'll be on the hunt for a gavita 750 tomorrow... and then worry about replacement bulbs next year.
Hey everyone. Just wondering what ya'll would recommend for stand-alone blom boosters.
There's so many different bloom boosters out there!
Currently I'm using Fox Farm "Big Bloom", and Humbolt Nutrients "Big up". I of corse have the option of adding anything elese but it is costly to buy. I like to stick to Fox Farm brand but I don't have the money to buy "Cha-Ching" or "Open Sesame" but I would of corse like to maximize bud production.
Is using "Big Bloom" enough?
After some additional reading, it's essentially a proposal to literally decriminalize growing and supplying.

Just out of curiosity I counted the seats per party and a prediction is easy to make, it will fail with 77 against and 73 for. For a different outcome one of the many parties would have to completely vote the opposite of usual... extremely unlikely, not going to happen.

What did happen is that Gavita is pulling out of the cannabis industry in the Netherlands... specifically they ceased to supply and support activities related to cannabis because of the new law.

That major growshop I mentioned closed actually restarted as an "urban gardening center", no longer selling gavitas, or hps... (phillips already pulled out a year ago), other growshops are doing similar things, converting to garden centre. Certain combinations of products will be hard to get (hps+filter+exhaust).

I'll be on the hunt for a gavita 750 tomorrow... and then worry about replacement bulbs next year.

This really sucks, I'm astounded that they're running headlong back into the dark age when the evidence from advancing legalization in the US is all but irrefutable; if you want to get rid of 'black market undesirables', LEGALIZE IT!

Anything else is a scam or a smokescreen- which means they're hiding something. Follow the money...
This really sucks, I'm astounded that they're running headlong back into the dark age when the evidence from advancing legalization in the US is all but irrefutable; if you want to get rid of 'black market undesirables', LEGALIZE IT!
So is the evidence of the past 40(!) years here.

In the 70s Amsterdam was flooded with heroin, and hash, and only the heroin junkies and dealers caused problems, so they figured let's make a distinction between soft and hard (schedule I) drugs. Coffeeshops are indirectly a result of that, and in turn grow shops. It all exists to get rid of 'black market undesirables', the evidence and the facts are obvious. Cities that close shops, or streets where shops are closed, statistically turn into the most criminal and unsafe areas. At the same time the anti-cannabis parties spread propaganda that coffeeshops cause problems, are hard drugs dealing criminals poisoning the minds of school kids and should all be closed.

Just read an article in the main newspaper in Amsterdam, grow shops there decided to remain open despite the new law.

However, one or more wholesalers are also stopping... at least for now. It seems they all want someone else to be the first to 'test' the new law...

Carbon filters are already hardy to get... I can still buy a gavita set, but haven't found the one I want yet (the latest, dimmable e-series).

Another thing I noticed is that some growshops are now selling phillips e-papilon sets instead of gavita. Which is weird, since philips pulled out of the cannabis industry on national TV. At icmag there is someone from epapilon from NL promoting/supporting the 1000watter...

Prices of cannabis should go up very soon, it may actually become profitable for me to start selling some of my harvest. Idiots...
Makes you wonder who's profiting from the 'new' order?

The politicians. They'll turn to whoever donates the most. The "pro" side didn't cough up enough cash. All they need to do is raise more cash for the politicians and the pols will turn back to the "pro" side.

In some US states (including AZ) we have voter referendums, an ability to amend the constitution through a proposition on the ballot. This is a way to bypass the state legislature to make something happen. We wouldn't have medical MJ if we relied upon the legislature to do it.

It creates an interesting dynamic. Politicians can't hold out for more money. If they see signatures being collected to put a question on the ballot, politicians are motivated to get ahead of it. It's better for them to write the law and be able to amend it in future sessions. If a referendum on the ballot passes, it amends the constitution which puts it outside the control of politicians. (It's not entirely out of their control. They legislate to give the constitutional mandate effect. They have room to interpret that mandate. But, they can't repeal it and are subject to litigation if groups feel the voters' intent isn't enacted.).
The politicians. They'll turn to whoever donates the most. The "pro" side didn't cough up enough cash. All they need to do is raise more cash for the politicians and the pols will turn back to the "pro" side.

In some US states (including AZ) we have voter referendums, an ability to amend the constitution through a proposition on the ballot. This is a way to bypass the state legislature to make something happen. We wouldn't have medical MJ if we relied upon the legislature to do it.

It creates an interesting dynamic. Politicians can't hold out for more money. If they see signatures being collected to put a question on the ballot, politicians are motivated to get ahead of it. It's better for them to write the law and be able to amend it in future sessions. If a referendum on the ballot passes, it amends the constitution which puts it outside the control of politicians. (It's not entirely out of their control. They legislate to give the constitutional mandate effect. They have room to interpret that mandate. But, they can't repeal it and are subject to litigation if groups feel the voters' intent isn't enacted.).

This is exactly what happened in Colorado. They've been 'modifying' it ever since... and prosecutors have been getting their cases handed to them for just as long.
To the OP;
'Hi K' hydroponic mix with micros, 5-11-26

Yara Liva brand calcium nitrate, 15.5-0-0, 19% Ca

Epsom salt, anywhere. Recently seen at Wal-Mart; 8lb bag for $5.43

Haifa brand MKP, monopotassium phosphate

AND NOTHING ELSE. Yes, I paid $640.50... for enough of the above to turn a 50,000 gallon Olympic size swimming pool into my own personal nutrient reservoir... and I'd still have leftovers.

Cost per run; about $7, which includes four 100 gallon changeouts plus topups.

Peace of mind, knowing exactly what's in my nutes? PRICELESS.