Total Noob...Appreciate your thoughts


Hi Guys,

Thank you for all your time and effort. We have all been where I am, I would appreciate anything that will help me do this quickly and efficiently as possible, with as much success as possible.

I've just started smoking again after a 2 year hiatus, and I simply can't afford to keep buying it. Also I can't handle relying on someone else for quality that just isn't there.

Quality and cost are important to me.

I live in Australia, so this has to be a stealth indoor grow. I've done some basic research and i'd love to lay it all out for you and ask for you to pick apart what i'm doing, make sure i'm doing it right.

The reason I've decided to list the below products is due to the cost of buying everything separately, if anyone can point me in the directions of a list of items/design of a box I could build, and if I can save money doing it, I will be beyond grateful. I'm trying to balance a budget with future needs, spending money where necessary on quality, so I won't need to upgrade for a while, and have a good chance of success, first time.

I only have a single grow space, so your advice on how i'd grow clones and seeds etc would be great, I will be starting with a cloned plant.

I'm looking at getting a grow tent to put in a shed. I was hoping (still depends on the size of the shed) that if I went for this tent, it would allow me to expand if i need to in the future.

This will be for personal use only, from my basic understanding, I will need to grow a plant, get it to flower by changing lights (12 hours on and off) and nutrient balance. I'm hoping that if I can grow a single bushy plant, harvest a pound, then start the process again, harvesting about the time I run out of the initial harvest.

Here I've linked The packages I am looking at. Would You mind helping me choose the best one I can Get away with? To grow enough consistently for one person?


are their ultimate kits.

My budget for the entire project is $1000 Australian.

The above packages include, tent, ventilation fan, ducting, lights, reflector, ballast, carbon filter and hanging tools.

The pot I was thinking of using is a simple self feeding pot, with an attached reservoir, that gravity feeds water and nutrients to the potted plant in a perlite mixture.

I'm worried that the self feeding pot

will over feed the plant as it grows and mess up the "Nutes"....although from what i gathered from the supplier the plant is supposed to self regulate how much it needs....but if that was the case why are people so fussy with hand watering their plants? there's a reason.

The reason I chose this pot, is for ease of use, I need something that does as much of the process for me as possible.

In terms of humidity control I live in Australia, humidity is always reasonable, so are the temperatures. Does this mean that i can get away with not monitoring humidity and temperature? but instead provide good airflow and exhaust, and concentrate on keeping PH right? I read about a PPM meter. Does this check ph and nutrients?

Anyway I'm so sorry guys. I know you all get hammered by questions, and I bet the answers are all here already. I'm just so overwhelmed.

Ideally I'd like to have a Blooming Cupboard, a Vegetative Cupboard with a tiny cloning shelf as seen on this page:

But for now I only have the one space to do the lot. I think I have about 2 metres wide x 1.2m deep x 2m tall, space to work in, inside the shed. If I could Design the box myself, I could Create 3 spaces to do the above.


Thank you so much in advance.
Start with soil. Dont know anything u have in austrailia.

Get a grow tent, learn ur ventilating situation, u need a light nutrients drfitnitley dont go crazy with nutes. Definitely get a good starting soil, youll need seeds i got mine from herbies and wss nervous checking the mail e eryday and they came.. im complete noob so cant help
Smart pots are pots that air prune roots they can cost more but definitely look into it. Youmight want to grow normal first but you can learn how to TOP a plant which makes more bud sites not just one cola..can do scrog wh7ch is screenof green.
If you have several connects then you should use them all. Get into botany in general, learn how to grow other things. start planting things in your yard that way when the neighbor looks your way he thinks man those are some nice tomatoes.
Definitely do your research into supercropping! I started a couple grows back and will be doing it without fail on all grows. Nice scrog, topped, supercropped and some uvb to enhance resin production and you will get the yeild/quality your after (assuming your environment and nutes are good).
Lol, this dude is telling you your final weight before you've even popped a seed. That's some pretty clairvoyant shit right there...he must be a master grower.
Anyway...With one of those tent deals heat is gonna be your major concern, especially growing in a shed with a 600w setup (which is about what you should have for your space).
If your entire shed is 2m wide x 1m deep x 2m high it'd be cheaper and less complicated to just line the whole the inside with panda film. Do you want a separate space for veg and flower so you can continually rotate or do you want to use 1 space for the whole process?
If you're worried about plant count and just want to grow one monster look up scrog, topping, mainlining, etc..Even if you get .5g per watt that's still 10oz. Reasonably a beginner should expect a little less but you could get more...pulling a pound isn't unheard of.
Here's how I would spend $1000 if I were you.
400w worth of led cobs (flower) =$600 (you never have to change bulbs, low heat, high effeciency)
100w (veg) = $150
Fan/scrubber combo = $100 (more for a quieter fan)
Nutrients = $30 (dynagro sample pack)
Ph and Ec meters = $30
Figure another hundred or so for hangers, pots, razors, and all the other miscellaneous stuff you're gonna need.
That should set you up for a pretty nice grow.
The main thing you're gonna have to do is read, read, read and read some more. If you have a question just search for it. It's been me.
You can get 133g under 700-800w of CFL by themselves. Majority 6500k, 6400k, and some 5500k with a few 2700k... And vice versa during flowering...IMG_20150228_135545.jpg IMG_20150228_074805.jpg
wow guys I was devestated. I got barely any replies so i ran off for a few days and started reading.

You guys ALL rock. Thank you so much for your time.

Whilst i've been away i've been doing some reading, so I have more ideas i'd like to share with you.

My grow room is my shed. I had planned to buy a tent, but they wont fit. So i'm leaning towards building my own box, inside the shed.

I'm renting my property, so any modifications to the shed need to be fixable. I'm stressing about ventilation within the shed, as I'm also leaning towards HID grow lights.

So guys, am I going to have problems with exhaust building a dual box (one for flowering, one for veging with a small shelf for cloning), inside a shed???

The dimensions of the box I was planning to build are 1.2m deep x 2m wide x 1.65m tall. This is what will fit in the shed.

I was planning to buy one of those whirly bird extraction fans for the shed, to swap fresh air inside the shed and pull out stale air. Was gonna attach the carbon scrubber to the whirly bird extraction fan (you know the ones? that sit on top of houses? spinning around where the tops are actually rounded blades pulling the air out?)

So I've got my space, I've got my lights, i need to extract hot smelly air out of the boxes and dump it into the shed, which then get's scrubbed and replenished by the whirly bird extraction fan. Is that the right way to do it?

Or should I pull the air individually out of each grow box? directly exhausting out of the shed? is there any way to design an exhaust system that will service both boxes at the same time?

Now I'm stuck on the right way to grow. I don't want to use soil, I'd really like a simple hydroponics system to learn and setup, with as little maintenance as possible, hence I was going for 4 of these pots (or should i grow 5 plants in a 1.2m x 1m space?)

Apparently I am able to add a reservoir to this system, so 4 pots hooked up to a reservoir, I was hoping this would do the job for me as a beginner in hydropoics.

guys if you could look at my links and tell me what you think i'd be grateful.

Also if you could link alternative products i'd be grateful.

I was thinking of buying genetically feminised seeds to grow from scratch.

I've been reading as my growing and learning guide, i've downloaded 20 different ebooks and 10 videos, but all of them are talking about big operations.

Anyway please help me get this right guys. I can't afford to get this wrong. Hence my $1000 budget. I have to get a set up that will allow me to be self sufficient, and also will last me a few grows to cover my costs. I'd love it if I didn't have to upgrade in 5 years.

If you think LED's are a better option to avoid the need for exhaust and to reduce electricity, PLEASE link me to decent panels, everything I've read refers me to expensive broad spectrum white light panels that cost a fortune. from what i've seen I'll need a $800 panel for flowering and something similar for veging, and that blows my budget out of the water.
another option I have is to build a single box. That way I can afford the fancy white light led panel.

In this scenario I would need a solution to cloning plants during the last few weeks of the grow.

Is it possible to make clones during the flowering stage?

This way I could lengthen my grow cycle by running one operation at a time, no need to exhaust, take clones during last two weeks (maybe build a shelf in the main box for clones? in the corner? with a fluorescent light?)
That pot is $65, you dont need to spend that much on a pot just to feed nutrients.

Get the fox farm trio nutrients and follow their feeding schedule, some people start at 1/4 or 1/2 strength then build up to full.

Alot of the times the plant will show you if its liking the nutrients or not with time to fix any problem that might arise. Id just really hate to see you spend 65 on a pot when you could use that for so much other things.

Are you planning on using soil? If so id highly recommend fox farm ocean forest, its grown me some monsters.