3 vals n codeine is nice newuserlol
feeling any different kinda buzz then from the codeine mix? you would be buzzing from the vals anyway, how many did you take of 30mg codeines?
you gotta get the oxy's of the bucket list too mate lol thats a heavy buzz, dont tamper with the slow release not unless you have a opiate tolerance tho.
i remember a long time ago, giving me older sister a 40mg oxy, i kinda forgot to tell her that tho n she broke it in half to share with a friend, said they both where sick as fuck lol
or a few yr ago i had a load of subutex, thought they would be similar buzz to oxy it fucking wasnt i couldnt stop being sick, n was icthy all over for hours nasty shit.
the oxy buzz is real clean and strong tho super addictive mind lol but at 20quid a single 40mg pretty expensive, although if you leave the slow release on you will be buzzing hard for hrs n hrs.