4 those who can vote who are you voting for and y?


New Member
Talk about brain washed, Med ...

I took my annual trek to the County Fair yesterday. When there, I always try to talk to the folks manning the Republican and Democrat Party booths. While at the Republican booth, one of the people there asked me if I was registered as a Republican. I answered "NO Way!" When he asked why, I said: "Because I'm a conservative." The look on his face was one for posterity... I wish I had a picture. :mrgreen:



New Member
Talk about brain washed, Med ...

I took my annual trek to the County Fair yesterday. When there, I always try to talk to the folks manning the Republican and Democrat Party booths. While at the Republican booth, one of the people there asked me if I was registered as a Republican. I answered "NO Way!" When he asked why, I said: "Because I'm a conservative." The look on his face was one for posterity... I wish I had a picture. :mrgreen:

I know, they have no clue. Those that front for either party are especially brainwashed. They must believe the TV ads. Why aren't either party telling us what they are going to do to fix this mess? every time Obama tries to start with the explanations, he has to counter a McCain attack add. I say fuck the ads, let them get on stage and duke it out. I believe Obama would shine on that. McCain is a rich mans talking point, end of conversation. Obama is one step behind him.


New Member
Oh, I forgot to tell you ... when I stopped by the Democrat booth, this lovely elderly woman asked me the same question, if I was registered as a Democrat. I said: "No, fascism doesn't appeal to me." The kindly old lady behind the booth picked up the phone, made a simple call, and a jack-booted thug, wearing a brown shirt, came out from behind the curtain and beat the crap out of me. :mrgreen:

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New Member
Oh, I forgot to tell you ... when I stopped by the Democrat booth, the asked me the same question, if I was registered as a Democrat. I said: "No, fascism doesn't appeal to me." The kindly old lady behind the booth picked up the phone, made a simple call, and a jack-booted thug, wearing a brown shirt, came out from behind the curtain and beat the crap out of me. :mrgreen:

Well, thank God. Someone needed to. Did the guy kinda look like me, only younger?

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
I am voting for Obama. I think my views about the drug war have more support out of him than from McCain. I also don't think we should be warring with Iran either and I think it will be inevitable should McCain reach the presidency.

I also just don't trust Republican politicians anymore (except for Ron Paul but in my heart I don't consider him a modern day Republican). I have leaned Republican now for 20 years and after the past 8 years I will never go back.

I'd like a strong third party but they just aren't there yet and I feel a vote for the Green, Independant, Liberatarian or any non-Democrat is a vote for McCain over Obama.


Well-Known Member
Probably because he's not old enough which also means he's not old enough to be here either. Go drool over Obama you little boy. *gag*
.......felony buddy:neutral: but it gonna be sponged this time around I can't do spit but grow probation is stupid that's why I don't grow inside but thanks for being interested.......


Well-Known Member
well i can't smoke for another 6 months plants should e ready by then I just started like 2 weeks i pass every test anyway I smoke but clear my system by the time i get tested that's what happens when you hae a cool po


Well-Known Member
Obama HAS to take a more centrist position to appeal to moderate republicans and democrats. A long time ago, he said he was for decrimilization, but his campaign refuted it. He wants to win the general election, and nobody is going to win over the bible belt by being pro-pot.

The same can be explained of the FISA vote. I am deeply disappointed in Obama voting in favor of the FISA bill. Hillary voted against it. Obama should have voted against it, but he doesn't want to come off as "soft on terrorism". Oh well. I just hope he whoops ass in November and then goes more liberal again.


Well-Known Member
well i can't smoke for another 6 months plants should e ready by then I just started like 2 weeks i pass every test anyway I smoke but clear my system by the time i get tested that's what happens when you hae a cool po
Good for you man.


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden and I will be writing Ron Paul in come the general election as will my son in Guam and my stepson here.
Don't forget both of my boys. Remember what the oldest one has on his Facebook page? I love it (he made his momma so proud when she read this): MOTHA FUCKIN' VOTE OR I WILL MOTHA FUCKIN' KILL YOU! 8) :lol: :hump:
Thank YOU!! Tell Seamaiden Hey for me. You all seem like a kickass family. :)
The smart bunch..the bunch with COMMON SENSE. :mrgreen:
Hey, Canna. :D
i think you summed it all up pretty well in #1. personal responsibility is the backbone of any free society and we seem to be too busy finding others to blame. we have handed over all our responsibility and the power that it engenders. we allow our representatives to make all the decisions, then whine when our wishes aren't taken into consideration. by denying our responsibilities we have created a monster that can no longer be brought under control, so now we spend our time scapegoating whoever the media tells us to and attempting to mollify our frustration and our guilt.

the game of politics is all about laying blame and it is played 24/7 for the amusement of the masses.
And this is further proved by those who are vocal and vote, yet flat out REFUSE to accept the concept that the government IS US. It is. Whether you vote or not, it is us. By not voting, you're making a decision (to allow someone else to make the decisions for you). By voting, you're making a decision, but at the very least you're making it for yourself.

Yet, the numbers don't really lie. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that in 2004 64% of Americans 18 and over voted in the presidential election, UP from 60%. That means that, overall, we can't even say that at the very least 3 out of 4 citizens vote. That is, by my own reckoning, and ABYSMAL voting rate. And, I highly doubt that these people are actually prevented from voting, as with the OP (though, what with the direction towards police state we're headed...).
It's actually extremely embarrassing to me, as a citizen.

People have completely forgotten what we had to do to get there. Women and minorities have forgotten what we had to do to get there. The blood, sweat and tears, all for naught but a bunch of spoiled little whining pussies. It is shameful, and it makes me think, sometimes, that maybe, just maybe, we should make voting compulsory. Yet, the idea of putting yet more laws on the books is also distasteful, especially if it's a law that dictates behavior.


New Member
"Yet, the idea of putting yet more laws on the books is also distasteful, especially if it's a law that dictates behavior."

I'm afraid, Seamaiden, that the closer we move to a fascist system, the more laws we will be seeing forbidding certain behaviors. After all, a strict dictatorial state can't have all of that negative personal behavior going on. You know ... like disciplining your children and teaching them moral values like God The Creator has supremacy over the State ... and things like that. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
So youd rather McCain get into the white house...your a laugh riot. Its Obama or bust pretty much
No, I'd actually rather someone with integrity get into the Whitehouse. And Obama ain't it. either. Go edumucate yourself on the man, he's just as two-faced and just as much for sale as the rest of them.