For me no , most days it does nothing for the pain but it does have an effect on my tolerance of pain , my left leg is on fire with shooting pain down to my foot for the last 10 yrs or so , sometimes smoking a jibber just puts me in a mind set where I block out the burning leg pain & I don't take any narcotics , other days I could smoke a lb & it does nothing .
My wife now is different where mj is a blessing from God , she has a very aggressive from of Multiple Sclerosis & Dimensia ,she has lotsa nerve pain , the entire left half of her brain is covered in legions that cause severe tremors where she shakes so hard I can barely hold her & she only weighs a frail 110 lbs against my 220 lbs , smoking helps her alot , no it's saved her life !
Our retired guard dog named hoss is her helper dog & at her side 24 hrs a day & sleeps with her too ,he's developed a 6th sense when her tremors are gonna come , he'll start barking & lays his big head in her lap till I can get to her , if I can get her smoking right away & some medibles in her fast enough the pot takes about 90% of the tremors away ,sometimes the pot will stop her from even having the tremor at all , especially during nights .
It helps her confusion from the Dimensia as well , she'll start crying & telling me to get her husband for her , she don't recognize me , I get her a hard hitting med cookie & a few tokes to calm her down & within about 5 minutes it's like her eyes brighten up ,she gives me a beautiful smile , then she'll say my name & start crying knowing she don't have to be afraid anymore because she knows I'm there for her , without pot I'm not sure I could care for her in the home by myself anymore .
Once we discovered the dog was warning us of upcoming tremors I had the dog start sleeping with her in my spot on the bed while I sleep on the day bed on the other side of the room so I can watch her, he'll jump off her bed & claw the shit outta me to wake me up & then hop back up & stand guard over her till I can get her woke up & smoking one puff after another , he even knows when she's used enough cause he stops guarding her & lays back down so I can put her back to bed , after she's fell back to sleep I watch the dogs eye's , once he's satisfied the tremors won't come he closes his eyes & then I can go lay back down & get some sleep .
Before her using mj the tremors were so bad we had an in home nurse for her & she was injected with muscle relaxants & lorazepam in high dose & her doctor telling me to think about putting her in a home , fuck that shit , it took me a while to figure out how to treat her with mj and it's given me my wife back , her doctor is even impressed how much her life has improved & agrees that the best place for her is with me in her home , I get on my knees & thank god for what marijuana has done for my wife & she thanks Allah 5 times a day in her prayers .