Well-Known Member
Your nucking fut's. This is my last attempt to communicate with you Pete.
"Not defending your self admits guilt"
That's ridiculous, your accusations are ludicris, and unfounded.
"Now what are the lumen per square foot of those street lamps"
Lumen are irrelevant in growing plants, however cannabis is a high light plant and can tolerate 1000micomole, lettuce is around 300micromole. Those street lights produce 2100 micromoles at 1ft from the fixture, at 3ft it's 1000micromole. Perfect for cannabis, and away from the heat of the bulb and ballast. Which if you knew anything about new digital technology ballasts they run virtually with no heat. They are attached directly to the shade and bulb to eliminate RF (radio frequency) interference. Ever tried to use a phone or tablet in a room with 50 lights? Try in a facility with 500 lights or 1000 lights. Every one of those cables from the ballast to the bulb acts like an antenna. Even your tinfoil hat and sunglasses wouldn't protect you.
General rule of thumb Pete, 50 watts per square foot up to 100 watts per square foot was the old way of thinking. Now science is contributing to growing cannabis indoors.
Par and micromoles is the science behind lighting, to grow plants. A lumen is how well a human can see in a wharehouse, nothing to do with growing. Educate yourself, Pete. Or this will be my last lesson.
I appreciate the information, thank you