Neoliberal Economics is DEAD


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The runaway power of the finance sector is shaking down the entire economy.

It's time for private and corporate money to stop pouring into politics, period.

That's the only way to fix this. Even the rich lose; they're so effectively destroying their customer base there won't be any money left for them to steal.

It is the Government sponsored and ill conceived Quantitative Easing policy which has pumped bogus billions into the private and corporate equity markets that has really bollixed things up.
This is taxpayer money being misdirected into private and public Corporate hands.
Truly bad idea.


Well-Known Member
It is the Government sponsored and ill conceived Quantitative Easing policy which has pumped bogus billions into the private and corporate equity markets that has really bollixed things up.
This is taxpayer money being misdirected into private and public Corporate hands.
Truly bad idea.
And who do you think lobbied/ encouraged/ directed/ threatened the government to do it? Their mommies?

FOLLOW THE MONEY. Goodness knows the trail isn't hard to find, there're millions of dollars littering the road the whole way!


Well-Known Member
It is the Government sponsored and ill conceived Quantitative Easing policy which has pumped bogus billions into the private and corporate equity markets that has really bollixed things up.
This is taxpayer money being misdirected into private and public Corporate hands.
Truly bad idea.
While I agree that QE is a bad idea, it's not like they're just given the money for free as you imply.


Well-Known Member
While I agree that QE is a bad idea, it's not like they're just given the money for free as you imply.
It's not like we will pay back any more than the interest on it.

What a racket the central banks have though. Digitize wealth from thin air, then collect fees from it for eternity.


Well-Known Member
And who do you think lobbied/ encouraged/ directed/ threatened the government to do it? Their mommies?

FOLLOW THE MONEY. Goodness knows the trail isn't hard to find, there're millions of dollars littering the road the whole way!
If you go to one of the articles linked to the article in Padawon's posting, you'll find another interesting one called "Profits without Prosperity"

Follow the money -- this article discusses where it's going -- into CEO and corporate hacks pockets.
"Stock-based instruments make up the majority of their pay, and in the short term buybacks drive up stock prices."
Corporate elites take money out of profits, plow them into stock buybacks, cash in their options then leave the company when things go bad. I'm sure somebody will defend this practice but to me it just seems like another case of people in power enriching themselves to nobody else's benefit. That aint workin!


Well-Known Member
It is the Government sponsored and ill conceived Quantitative Easing policy which has pumped bogus billions into the private and corporate equity markets that has really bollixed things up.
This is taxpayer money being misdirected into private and public Corporate hands.
Truly bad idea.
it's actually the fed, a private organization, not taxpayer money.

you fucking clownshoes loser.


Well-Known Member
While I agree that QE is a bad idea, it's not like they're just given the money for free as you imply.
It's not like we will pay back any more than the interest on it.

What a racket the central banks have though. Digitize wealth from thin air, then collect fees from it for eternity.
you retards have assured me that it will all trickle down though, so i'm not worried.

the only way this is a bad idea is if you reject your own philosophy of trickle down economics.

so either this is a good idea, or you two retards have spent years lying to yourselves and the rest of us.

your choice!


Well-Known Member
If you go to one of the articles linked to the article in Padawon's posting, you'll find another interesting one called "Profits without Prosperity"

Follow the money -- this article discusses where it's going -- into CEO and corporate hacks pockets.
"Stock-based instruments make up the majority of their pay, and in the short term buybacks drive up stock prices."
Corporate elites take money out of profits, plow them into stock buybacks, cash in their options then leave the company when things go bad. I'm sure somebody will defend this practice but to me it just seems like another case of people in power enriching themselves to nobody else's benefit. That aint workin!
I think as you do; that such practices impoverish all but a very few undeserving scam artists who call themselves CEOs and board members.


Well-Known Member
HUH? What is your point?
That was in response to pad saying the free market didn't happen naturally.

The first time Glog traded pelts for ivory, that was a free market. What didn't occur naturally was Glog having to register his pelts, pay a tax on the ivory or give some of his pelts to a neighboring clan he knew nothing about. You can explain why you are not a fan of the free market, but to say it wasn't a naturally occurring economic system is not natural.

When Glog noticed the mastodon following him around looked a lot like his dead wife Glerb who was stuck by lightning, religion was born! Fucking Glog, ruined the world.


Well-Known Member
That was in response to pad saying the free market didn't happen naturally.

The first time Glog traded pelts for ivory, that was a free market. What didn't occur naturally was Glog having to register his pelts, pay a tax on the ivory or give some of his pelts to a neighboring clan he knew nothing about. You can explain why you are not a fan of the free market, but to say it wasn't a naturally occurring economic system is not natural.

When Glog noticed the mastodon following him around looked a lot like his dead wife Glerb who was stuck by lightning, religion was born! Fucking Glog, ruined the world.
sounds like glog needs to evolve from the neck up.


Well-Known Member
And who do you think lobbied/ encouraged/ directed/ threatened the government to do it? Their mommies?

FOLLOW THE MONEY. Goodness knows the trail isn't hard to find, there're millions of dollars littering the road the whole way!
Who cares how the US Govt was cajoled/coerced into engaging in this stunningly bad policy?
At this point, what does it matter?
The damage has been done.

Otherwise the two operative words are cronyism and entropy.
The dynamic duo.