Flip Chip Opto High Power Build Thread

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Must suck to suck

don't remember that, huh?
And where was that said huh(about an hour ago)...well after you had already been an ass for 3 days and spewed a ton of lies and misinformation. So if the one somewhat attack...that was simply showing you exactly where you were lying...then fine...I can take that...I attacked you 3 days into out bickering that you have no support of anything on your side.
True much of its radiation falls outside of the visible spectrum and for LER we just consider the visible. I wonder exactly how many lumens 1 pure W of that spectrum could produce? Maybe @alesh has an idea?
View attachment 3373427

I guess from the point of view of the heat sink, all radiant energy should be considered "useful" work, because the heat sink no longer has to handle it, although for the PAR efficiency calculation, I think truncating the SPD before finding LER would work.

Good point. Good thing our leds don't have any ionizing energy or IR to complicate things even more.
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"Anyway." Joanie Stubbs, whore. Deadwood, 1875

I talked to a rep at FCO just now. He is sending me more data.
He says I can get the 85mm samples in a week.
And where was that said huh(about an hour ago)...well after you had already been an ass for 3 days and spewed a ton of lies and misinformation. So if the one somewhat attack...that was simply showing you exactly where you were lying...then fine...I can take that...I attacked you 3 days into out bickering that you have no support of anything on your side.

You see if no one is taking sides but you, you are in two handed, personal circle jerk is all.
Hmm I found another source that mentions 93lm/W as well
"As a reference point, sunlight gives, on a clear day, 93 lm/W."

But I think they are referring to something else (radiant flux as you mentioned, rather than luminous flux) other than LER because there is so much green in sunlight and green is weighted at 683lm/W. I suspect it would average in the high 200s, especially considering the LER of high cri LED is also in the high 200s, but could b wrong...
Hmm I found another source that mentions 93lm/W as well
"As a reference point, sunlight gives, on a clear day, 93 lm/W."

But I think they are referring to something else (radiant flux as you mentioned, rather than luminous flux) other than LER because there is so much green in sunlight and green is weighted at 683lm/W. I suspect it would average in the high 200s, especially considering the LER of high cri LED is also in the high 200s, but could b wrong...

What is the efficiency of the sun? I'd imagine that "sunlight" when used in that context is thought of as free light that starts off as radiant energy.

The atmosphere filtering out the sun should theoretically increase the lm/W by reducing the power of invisible photons.
Hmm I found another source that mentions 93lm/W as well
"As a reference point, sunlight gives, on a clear day, 93 lm/W."

But I think they are referring to something else (radiant flux as you mentioned, rather than luminous flux) other than LER because there is so much green in sunlight and green is weighted at 683lm/W. I suspect it would average in the high 200s, especially considering the LER of high cri LED is also in the high 200s, but could b wrong...

lumen/watt But, it does vary. Cloud refraction can take it to 120, I read. And above sea level it gets better and better until we sit with the ancient land race strains at 16,000ft.
I agree sun is as good as free light. I am curious about the balance of its visible spectrum and how it compares to other high CRI light sources. Every SPD curve will have an LER and I am thinking it would be a good teaching/understanding tool to know more of them. The best thing would be for me to learn how to digitize SPD curves into LER but so far I have not been able to swing it.
I spose if you diffused the laser beam onto a phosphor once it landed, you could grow plants from a great distance LOL

If you diffuse a laser. Wow what kind of efficiency is that? :)

Let's say however we were dark side of the moon... in a little space station... on the edge of interplanetary space. (words I made up for the theme song to Deep Space 9)

No good light, none at all really. How can we have any lettuces? So without worrying about efficiency too much, you could use sunlight to make laser on the bright side and shuffle that to the dark side with mirrors.

There you de-lase a gigawatt beam into "sunlight."
I agree sun is as good as free light. I am curious about the balance of its visible spectrum and how it compares to other high CRI light sources. Every SPD curve will have an LER and I am thinking it would be a good teaching/understanding tool to know more of them. The best thing would be for me to learn how to digitize SPD curves into LER but so far I have not been able to swing it.

Well, I wish Alesh would have a crack at it. When he said LER estimated, I had no idea he meant he calculated it.
If I recall something @stardustsailor posted, BMW did something with lasers and phosphors for its extra throw high beams. They claim it is higher efficiency than LED, but I think we debunked that. But it sure is higher throw I will give it that, very cool use of the technology.

bmw laser.jpgbmw 2.jpg
You see if no one is taking sides but you, you are in two handed, personal circle jerk is all.
I don't sit and take shit from an uneducated and incorrect person such as yourself...let alone let you walk around all high and mighty as if you have anything to stand on while attempting to degrade me. You are wrong in everything you have countered to me. You have attacked me and others many many times verbally. All on unwarranted grounds if you think that you should be given any respect in return.
I have said it many times...show me some proof. The only thing you have shown is your lack of being a respectable person and lack understanding of basic lighting concepts.
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