Flip Chip Opto High Power Build Thread

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I don't sit and take shit from an uneducated and incorrect person such as yourself...let alone let you walk around all high and mighty as if you have anything to stand on while attempting to degrade me. You are wrong in everything you have countered to me. You have attacked me and others many many times verbally. All on unwarranted grounds if you think that you should be given any respect in return.
I have said it many times...show me some proof. The only thing you have shown is your lack of being a respectable person and lack of understanding of basic lighting concepts.

No one is trying to prove anything. That is your cross to drag.

Do you not get the idea of exploring a patent? Attacked verbally. You were never asked a single thing. That is what is burning you. Getting what you asked for. You came in and asked for it, with your shit dribble attitudes. You passive aggressive think you are not being aggressive. And then answered you cry like little babies.

And remember what has pissed you 4 off is I never began a single conversation, and never asked for help from anyone. You all invaded and that is a fact.

You are trolls, so choke on it. Don't post here. Problem solved.
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Thanks man the only time I get mean is in response to Sativied, but even we learned from each other. I am amazed that HPS was able to step up its game with the 1000W DE and to learn that LEDs could technically go above 100% efficiency.
"Mean" :lol: At least there's a method to my madness that doesn't involve butthurt.

Not so sure about that "each other"... that's actually sounds quite arrogant from you. I tend to skim through the posts of butthurt people (as indicated in your first sentence). I never considered you a reliable source of information, had you figured out long ago. It's what I do, separate bullshitters from SMEs. At most you posted something that sparked my interest enough to learn something about it from authoritative sources. More importantly, I think others learned something from us 'discussing' and whether that's about hps or led is really irrelevant to me.

That 1000w DE was also the topic in a thread about a year ago:

How efficient were those poor-taste-bud-creating DE bulbs then compared to your leds... Gavita invented DE by the way.

"Sativied, you are irrationally ignoring the facts. LED is more efficient at creating photons than HID. HPS is 36% when brand new, LED is up 56%."

That's nearly a year ago, same hps... did you not recently post you estimate the DE is 42% efficient... And how many of you have said 56% efficient LED, or had it a year ago...

I'm sure you will have your delusional comebacks as usual, the obvious fact is you've been downplaying HPS and making "irrational" comparisons of the most crappy HPS bulbs (many many examples, even basic lumen count for 600w bulbs) to the max one can push a LED IF running it very softly increasing the setup costs 'even' more. You've show an extreme amount of bias that dismisses you as a credible intellectual honest source.
And yes, you are their leader, they at least parrot a lot of what 'you' say. Like the 35% HPS efficiency (somehow it first lost 1%) that others then defend at all cost...

Nice job trying to steer the thread in a more positive direction though. At least you tried that. +karma

You all have been to Barcelona once and pretend to be a tour guide for Spain and then get upset if someone deviates from your route. It's like you're not willing to give up some misplaced feeling of having a "head start", the only thing that matters is learning ability, and then such bias is only an obstacle.
This is how it all started...
View attachment 3373455

So show me where I attacked you here or before this...There is one post of you and me before this one...and there is no attack there either.
You are the one attacking.
You can just not respond and we are done. But if you care to keep this going I have all day to show you every time you are wrong and lying.

Too lazy to even check the first page of that thread but it's not just your question, someone wanted to make him look like an idiot and you sort of joined in even if you didn't mean to. Tactful it was certainly not. Could have simply asked about the results at different distances. Surely if he would have replicated a more common design you'd all been a little 'nicer'.
Too lazy to even check the first page of that thread but it's not just your question, someone wanted to make him look like an idiot and you sort of joined in even if you didn't mean to. Tactful it was certainly not. Could have simply asked about the results at different distances. Surely if he would have replicated a more common design you'd all been a little 'nicer'.
They are all just clowns at this.
Too lazy to even check the first page of that thread but it's not just your question, someone wanted to make him look like an idiot and you sort of joined in even if you didn't mean to. Tactful it was certainly not. Could have simply asked about the results at different distances. Surely if he would have replicated a more common design you'd all been a little 'nicer'.
Then I'll help you out. Yes someone asked a question...and he blew up about it. I asked to clarify...and he blew up again.

Question and blow up...
Screen Shot 2015-03-16 at 1.52.01 PM.jpg

Clarification question...trying to be nice so he didn't blow up...
Screen Shot 2015-03-16 at 1.52.14 PM.jpg

And as to be expected...another blow up...
Screen Shot 2015-03-16 at 11.13.57 AM.jpg

And just to throw it out there...at 36" the spread would be over 6' diameter....basically 2 meters. So again...not even a valid reason to blow up considering what was being questioned was still wrong for the way backpedaled into, but regardless a blow up anyways.
Did I say canopy? Blowing up
Why do you think only canopy? Blowing up

You seem a bit retarded
What? So, no one brings new tech online? These are brand new patents. I don't even have the COB cost yet. But, just one is worth a 1000w HPS.

I am so surprised at the Luddite attitude, on RIU. Even your light and minor comment is sand in the gears.

I really thought this was a cutting edge, sub-forum, applauding new attempts.

Did you even look at the spec? 400w PAR.

Not you so much, I don't know you, but when I add your comment, to the general attitude all I can say is stogy and backwards thinking.

So, I'm curious. Why did you bother to say that? Examine your inner motives.

But, here is the answer. NO.

the effort you put forth to reply to that minor comment says it all about your focus. but fuggit, im bored, so ill throw you a chicken bone.

400parwatts for how much canopy?

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Yes someone asked a question...and he blew up about it. I asked to clarify...and he blew up again.
Yes that's your perception I get that. So basically you perceived he blew up and figured let me imply again he is doing something pointless. But prefixed with "If you don't mind me asking" showing nicely you expected he would, but still decided to see if you could make him blow up again, or something you perceive as such.

you get backed into a corner and the name calling starts
That sums up nicely how you guys operate.
There you go again...you get backed into a corner and the name calling starts. Use your education instead of primitive instincts. Or just man up and be accountable for what you say and do.

Or just shut up, since you began bullying from the first.
This thread is filled up with so much unnecessary effort and energy, with the exception of some supplemental insight from a few wizards; too much drama.

Poor @Greengenes707, once again he is dragged into an ongoing dispute with a newcomer (to the LED section).

@Doer, can you explain to me what patent research is? I'm curious about how it works and what you've established so far in your personal endeavors with the matter.
They think they are so smart but they are really cowardly since they have removed physical safety from their calculation.

Also they lack the credentials to be around real thinkers in real life, so they resort to dumb children reactions, not knowing any better.
This thread is filled up with so much unnecessary effort and energy, with the exception of some supplemental insight from a few wizards; too much drama.

Poor @Greengenes707, once again he is dragged into an ongoing dispute with a newcomer (to the LED section).

Dragged in? He crashed in pre-out of control.

@Doer, can you explain to me what patent research is? I'm curious about how it works and what you've established so far in your personal endeavors with the matter.

Well, thank you. I have received some details about the patent now. And the way I look at them is to dig into the patentable concept in detail. How did it arrive, from what university research, who are the named patent holders, etc And then I look at the quality of their published work, and also see if there are any other tech implications there.

Thanks very much for your inquiry.

We so far have 1200W. 1800W, 2400W and 3000W COB for customized fixtures other than our standard 960W COBs.
Our technology enables customers to boost the COB power (3x nominal current) for higher lumen output within the same small LES.

Regarding the driver, we use MW 600W driver. It is so far the most powerful driver that we can find with UL and CE certificates.
Hence, our customized COBs are forced to follow the 600W x (1, 2, 3, 4, ..., n) rule.

Following are some video clips that I mentioned in our earlier conversation.

(1) COB performance after drilling damage

(2) Surface impact test

(3) 1200W COB performance

Best Regards,

Pao Chen, Ph.D.

Flip Chip Opto
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