Thanks man the only time I get mean is in response to Sativied, but even we learned from each other. I am amazed that HPS was able to step up its game with the 1000W DE and to learn that LEDs could technically go above 100% efficiency.

At least there's a method to
my madness that doesn't involve butthurt.
Not so sure about that "each other"... that's actually sounds quite arrogant from you. I tend to skim through the posts of butthurt people (as indicated in your first sentence). I never considered you a reliable source of information, had you figured out long ago. It's what I do, separate bullshitters from SMEs. At most you posted something that sparked my interest enough to learn something about it from authoritative sources. More importantly, I think others learned something from us 'discussing' and whether that's about hps or led is really irrelevant to me.
That 1000w DE was also the topic in a thread about a year ago:
How efficient were those poor-taste-bud-creating DE bulbs then compared to your leds... Gavita invented DE by the way.
Sativied, you are irrationally ignoring the facts. LED is more efficient at creating photons than HID. HPS is 36% when brand new, LED is up 56%."
That's nearly a year ago, same hps... did you not recently post you estimate the DE is 42% efficient... And how many of you have said 56% efficient LED, or had it a year ago...
I'm sure you will have your delusional comebacks as usual, the obvious fact is you've been downplaying HPS and making "irrational" comparisons of the most crappy HPS bulbs (many many examples, even basic lumen count for 600w bulbs) to the max one can push a LED IF running it very softly increasing the setup costs 'even' more. You've show an extreme amount of bias that dismisses you as a credible intellectual honest source.
And yes, you are their leader, they at least parrot a lot of what 'you' say. Like the 35% HPS efficiency (somehow it first lost 1%) that others then defend at all cost...
Nice job trying to steer the thread in a more positive direction though. At least you tried that. +karma
You all have been to Barcelona once and pretend to be a tour guide for Spain and then get upset if someone deviates from your route. It's like you're not willing to give up some misplaced feeling of having a "head start", the only thing that matters is learning ability, and then such bias is only an obstacle.