6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

3/12/15 day 19
I know why @FrozenChozen isn't posting pics of his DPK :P... @provisionseeds sent him a couple of duds (they were free, I guess you can't complain!), and he doesn't want anyone to see that they're duds! In THREE WEEKS I've watched my nutsack hair grow more! I know he's not doing anything wrong, they just aint growing!
He popped a couple more about a week or so ago and same thing, except these took like 5-6 days to crack! They barely have a cotyledon and single blade now too!
Poor guy gave me the only 2 viable DPK seeds out of the 5 pack and I'm poor man growing it! I may have to give him the other one back, so at least he has DPK!
not viable or forgot about?
ooops! I totally forgot that I even popped any beans! I've been so f'in busy.... let me go see if the're even alive still
they're still damp, but actually look smaller.... that's what I get for not paying attention.... I'll move 'em around a bit, I doubt they're dead, they just get ZERO light under the rest of the canopy... my hps side is a bit more full, 9 plants in a 2Lx3Wx4H chamber not including "Anna".... The IG side has 8 plants, same dimensions... These girls have been on the floor and I think that needs to change.... If they continue to grow, I'll put up updates!
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Its been 10 daysish.... maybe more
Blame it on the ppl i deal with everyday, but almost feels like @AlaskanMedMan is bitch fishing for "free" shit.
Be happy the ppl around you > @FrozenChozen that are willing to help, instead of blasting ppl in his stead.

@provisionseeds we all see the good done round here for RIU members from ya'll. thnx.
@AlaskanMedMan quit your bitching, number one!
Number 2, don't complain about free. How does the saying go? Never look a gift horse in the mouth....
Provision has their shit together!
I'll admit that I forgot for a little bit about popping seeds, not longer than usual, or long enough for them to dry up or wither.... MedMan is right, the 2 that I popped for the competition have done NOTHING, I'll be the first to say that I believe that I have done nothing wrong with these, they're just growing REALLY slow. @AlaskanMedMan even got a jiffy pop from the same batch/myko mixture... The one under the Indagro is doing a wee bit better though:

Med Man,
Dont forget that you live in Alaska and sometimes shipping takes a couple extra days. @provisionseeds hasnt forgotten about you! As a matter of fact, call me when you see this... I got something for you.....

Thanks @provisionseeds this shirt looks sweet! My wife REALLY wants to tie-dye it green and gold! The gummies are delicious! You can tell they're infused immediately after eating one! I haven't gotten into the chocolates yet!
I can't wait to get this Purple Widow started! I got a couple openings in my flower chamber here in a few weeks... Hopefully I'll be able to get a couple in there!

@Sire Killem All I'm with ya, I REALLY don't like people going around talking shit "on my behalf" un-beknownst to me. Especially to a company that has done so much.

@AlaskanMedMan why do you gotta do shit like that? C'mon man, I told you I wasn't stressed about it, and that I have bigger things to worry about right now. Get off Provision's nuts, you got some freebies already, I appreciate you being upset for me, but its un called for, and I'm not upset, quite the opposite rather. If I want to complain about it, trust me, I'm more than capable.... Remember when I told you that I don't like letting people into my garden, because people don't know how to keep to them selves? Yeah... Point and Case.....

@AlaskanMedMan quit your bitching, number one!
Number 2, don't complain about free. How does the saying go? Never look a gift horse in the mouth....
Provision has their shit together!
I'll admit that I forgot for a little bit about popping seeds, not longer than usual, or long enough for them to dry up or wither.... MedMan is right, the 2 that I popped for the competition have done NOTHING, I'll be the first to say that I believe that I have done nothing wrong with these, they're just growing REALLY slow. @AlaskanMedMan even got a jiffy pop from the same batch/myko mixture... The one under the Indagro is doing a wee bit better though:
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Med Man,
Dont forget that you live in Alaska and sometimes shipping takes a couple extra days. @provisionseeds hasnt forgotten about you! As a matter of fact, call me when you see this... I got something for you.....

Thanks @provisionseeds this shirt looks sweet! My wife REALLY wants to tie-dye it green and gold! The gummies are delicious! You can tell they're infused immediately after eating one! I haven't gotten into the chocolates yet!
I can't wait to get this Purple Widow started! I got a couple openings in my flower chamber here in a few weeks... Hopefully I'll be able to get a couple in there!

@Sire Killem All I'm with ya, I REALLY don't like people going around talking shit "on my behalf" un-beknownst to me. Especially to a company that has done so much.

@AlaskanMedMan why do you gotta do shit like that? C'mon man, I told you I wasn't stressed about it, and that I have bigger things to worry about right now. Get off Provision's nuts, you got some freebies already, I appreciate you being upset for me, but its un called for, and I'm not upset, quite the opposite rather. If I want to complain about it, trust me, I'm more than capable.... Remember when I told you that I don't like letting people into my garden, because people don't know how to keep to them selves? Yeah... Point and Case.....

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@FrozenChozen It's ok FC! He's just looking out for ya =)

I got some really good news for you. I'm not gonna say 100% but i'm going to see if i can get some big companies to show some love to the community.
sup fellas. i hate to say, i am out due to a code red. ive been compromised by the pigs due to some kid fighting with his gf and then hiding in my basement. i live in a apartment that everyone knows the deal, very cool with it, but the door to enter doesnt have a lock. some kid running from the cops ran into the basement, the cops ripped open my storage unit seeing it looks like someone could sneak in there (im not going to lie, if i was that girls father and chased him into the basement i would of ripped my shit open too), and found my 400w setup. they took my two 5 month old cold stunted plant and yea. havent heard from them or anything..but am expecting them to come back with a warrant and yea.. had to get rid/hide everything. so yea
ill be watching if the law permits and good luck to the remanding contestants.
sup fellas. i hate to say, i am out due to a code red. ive been compromised by the pigs due to some kid fighting with his gf and then hiding in my basement. i live in a apartment that everyone knows the deal, very cool with it, but the door to enter doesnt have a lock. some kid running from the cops ran into the basement, the cops ripped open my storage unit seeing it looks like someone could sneak in there (im not going to lie, if i was that girls father and chased him into the basement i would of ripped my shit open too), and found my 400w setup. they took my two 5 month old cold stunted plant and yea. havent heard from them or anything..but am expecting them to come back with a warrant and yea.. had to get rid/hide everything. so yea
ill be watching if the law permits and good luck to the remanding contestants.
sup fellas. i hate to say, i am out due to a code red. ive been compromised by the pigs due to some kid fighting with his gf and then hiding in my basement. i live in a apartment that everyone knows the deal, very cool with it, but the door to enter doesnt have a lock. some kid running from the cops ran into the basement, the cops ripped open my storage unit seeing it looks like someone could sneak in there (im not going to lie, if i was that girls father and chased him into the basement i would of ripped my shit open too), and found my 400w setup. they took my two 5 month old cold stunted plant and yea. havent heard from them or anything..but am expecting them to come back with a warrant and yea.. had to get rid/hide everything. so yea
ill be watching if the law permits and good luck to the remanding contestants.
one of those not much to say, but clicking the like button would seem wrong. Sorry to hear man. Be safe, the warrant they went for may have been phone tap and FLIR so good call to can it. Edit : meaning just because they don't come to the door, does not mean some kind of warrant was not sought or issued.
Still growing in that trash can?
I didn't get the power supply replacement in time, first one was defective. a senile fungus is running one for this comp though. I'm probably going to stick a c99 female in with a NL male I have and use the trash can as originally intended, a breeding isolation box with very nice lighting.
sup fellas. i hate to say, i am out due to a code red. ive been compromised by the pigs due to some kid fighting with his gf and then hiding in my basement. i live in a apartment that everyone knows the deal, very cool with it, but the door to enter doesnt have a lock. some kid running from the cops ran into the basement, the cops ripped open my storage unit seeing it looks like someone could sneak in there (im not going to lie, if i was that girls father and chased him into the basement i would of ripped my shit open too), and found my 400w setup. they took my two 5 month old cold stunted plant and yea. havent heard from them or anything..but am expecting them to come back with a warrant and yea.. had to get rid/hide everything. so yea
ill be watching if the law permits and good luck to the remanding contestants.
That sucks man, I feel for you. I wish you the best, hopefully they realize that it would be wrong to try to prosecute since they weren't looking for plants when they came in. That's why warrants have to include what they are looking for and where they are looking for it. Anyways, I hope everything turns out okay, wishing you the best!
@FrozenChozen Cool that you came back to sort out the Provision stuff, but this is still a competition and you're still the host, are we gonna get a ruling on those cups at any point?
Which cups?
Also waiting on both your confirmation and the parts to replace burnt out power supply on LEDs.
replacing a power supply is alright as long as it is the same "specs" as what you started with
Which cups?

replacing a power supply is alright as long as it is the same "specs" as what you started with
The ones @snowboarder396 is using. They look like Berkeley and Jensen 18oz cups. He claims they are, and posted a photo of a bag from, Western Family cups. But Western Family cups are smooth, they don't make any that look the way his do. And I can't find ANY 16oz cups that look the way his do, the ONLY ones that look like that, as far as I can tell, are the Berkeley Jensen 18 oz ones. My suspicion is that he just put them into the other bag before taking the photo.

His cups
Berkley & Jensen 18oz Cups

Western Family 16oz cups (The cups that he claims they are and posted a picture of the bag from)

I was actually MORE willing to give him the benefit of the doubt before I saw he had posted a picture of the Western Family bag. That changes it, in my mind, from an innocent mistake (Like he forgot to check the size) to intentional cheating.
Are we seriously still on this crap.... First of Ace Yonder, I never claimed that they were berkley jensens or whatever name brand you mentioned. I never mentioned any name brand other than making a reference to the person asking what my cups were in which I replied I already posted a picture of them in my original post. SO please do not sit there and try and said I said that they were a certain name brand but I showed a picture of something else in my post. Because that is not the case. Btw the picture of the blue cups with western family is not the same bag that I took a picture of with "supposed cups".

These cups were not bought for this competition I bought them way back during the fourth cup. These cups were not a problem then either. BTW just because you can google a picture doesn't mean that your gonna find every brand, size, shape, color cup with pictures.

This shit is really getting old I have never seen so much bitching and pissing over things since I first started and reading over the cup comp threads. This is getting ridiculous. The few of you that think you know everything there is to know about cups. I understand that with being a promoted competition, everyone will be keeping a close eye on one another and accusations will be made..

With that being said dont just come out either start throwing accusations out your asses either without proper knowledge or without askng questions or proof.

If FrozenChozen wants more proof I can provide it, I will sit here video recording my cup plants sitting next to the bag they came from pull one out setting them next to my potted cup plants to show the same size as they are followed by a measuring cup next to them with 16 oz of water which I will then pour into the cup showing its 16oz.

But if I seriously have to do this then we mind as well have all remaining contestants do the same, because this is getting pretty old now. I've never seen this many issues with past competitions seriously.
you two need to get off your horses and try going to a store and actual look at whats really provided. The cups I bought was from one of my local stores that if I were to go into could take a same picture with bag of the cups I have. GOOGLE, or some website is not going to show everything they have. they show generic pictures, not a picture for every single item.

If you seriously think that western family only has blue cups then you must be on something or have not looked very hard.
They have red ones too, same design online, but the thing that I can't find online, is a blue cup with the ridge design like yours and the B&J ones. Those being in that bag means we can't find the exact product you bought, no B&J Blue and Red 18oz, no Western Family 16oz Blue and Red with ridge design like B&J.

I would really like to see the store shelf picture though, I think we should make that an entry requirement for round 7.

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The bottom of my cups say 16 on them.

SB396, do you mind taking a pic of the bottom of one of those cups from the bag? And another to show the cup from the bag next to the cup with plant?

If the cups say 16 on bottom, and are the same size when pictured next to each other, then I owe you an apology.