What do you recycle?


Well-Known Member
I have to drive 10 miles to drop my trash off at the dump and yall are bitching about being charged chump change for roadside pickup?? Just wow....bongsmilie
There is a normal bin 20 meters left out the front door and another with all the recycling bins 40 meters the other way. They come every night to empty them!


Well-Known Member
I have to drive 10 miles to drop my trash off at the dump and yall are bitching about being charged chump change for roadside pickup?? Just wow....bongsmilie
We used to have to drive ours too. My problem is not so much recycling, but that we're being forced to when it really doesn't make that much difference. Just makes ppl feel better. And it's not chump change BTW..


Well-Known Member
We used to have to drive ours too. My problem is not so much recycling, but that we're being forced to when it really doesn't make that much difference. Just makes ppl feel better. And it's not chump change BTW..
The last guy said $23 a month that I would gladly pay I even checked out a dumpster shits over $300!! I'm paying about $23 a month for gas that's 20 miles round trip and sometimes more than 1 trip a week not to mention all the time, it takes over 30 minutes for 1 trip like I don't have anything better to do it's bullshit I'd kill for roadside trash pickup maybe even recycle. lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Of course! I recycle ice cream tubs and large plastic yoghurt pots to put weed in or to weigh it. :)
And here I am buying cases of half gallon mason jars. :eyesmoke:

There is a normal bin 20 meters left out the front door and another with all the recycling bins 40 meters the other way. They come every night to empty them!

I can shoot a gun out my window though anytime night or day and music loud as I can stand their are more ups. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You always come up smelling of roses
In northern Colorado, the trash companies offer trash service with several levels of bins- and one option of bags; you pay for the bags up front, then only use them as needed. I use a small bin. In addition, large recycling bins (with lids) are available FREE to anyone paying for trash service, and they're picked up every other week on trash day.

My recycling bin is usually full every other week, my small trash bin never ends up full- even if I skip a week.

The reason why we aren't paid for recyclables in the US boils down to government subsidies and other kickbacks favoring natural resource extraction as opposed to recycling used materials. Clearly, that makes it a man-made problem.

Those who believe their recycling is wasted are invited to go see for themselves what happens to their recycled trash. It certainly doesn't go to waste here!

Fun fact du jour; the average aluminum soda can requires a similar amount of electricity to manufacture- most of which is the electrolysis from ore- as running your widescreen TV for FOUR HOURS. Recycling aluminum saves 95% of this.

Americans still throw away enough aluminum IN SODA CANS ALONE to rebuild the entire commercial airline fleet... every year.

By contrast, BMW has joined with other German carmakers to develop ways to recycle the ENTIRE car, seat cushions, fluids, wiring, dashboards and all.

Those who think it doesn't matter are unaware of the massive- and heavily subsidized- destruction of natural resources behind their beer cans.

Casting pearls...


Well-Known Member
It's a huge policy here to recycle. All the bins are colour coded for this reason.

In some countries it's compulsory, for example in Germany they make them pay more for the glass bottles to make sure they are brought back.

I recycle a bit, could do more. I heard that all the bins get mixed together so what's the point?

How wasteful or resourceful are you?
Honestly, if you didn't have a boyfriend, I'd recycle my penis inside your vajayjay every day. Yup. That's what I would do.


Well-Known Member
It's a huge policy here to recycle. All the bins are colour coded for this reason.

In some countries it's compulsory, for example in Germany they make them pay more for the glass bottles to make sure they are brought back.

I recycle a bit, could do more. I heard that all the bins get mixed together so what's the point?

How wasteful or resourceful are you?
Husbands. I've taken number two back more times than I can count. It's all about the D. Sigh.


Well-Known Member
We do the usual glass/plastic/cardboard recycling. I just "recycled" an old end table, an old cabinet door, a older rubbermaid tub and an old( well it was new but been around for years) faucet setup into little sink for my grow room. I'm limited on space so i built this to fit in a 2'x2' space. If i remember I'll grab a pic once i get it assembled, i just painted it last night. I think I only spent about $20 for the drain, trap and piping. I recycle cars..lol..I have a spare car for parts for the car i drive everyday, and 2 whole spare trucks for parts for my plow/junk truck. I've stripped every useable part of any car I ever junked and have it all on shelves in my garage. Reduce,reuse,recycle.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
We do the usual glass/plastic/cardboard recycling. I just "recycled" an old end table, an old cabinet door, a older rubbermaid tub and an old( well it was new but been around for years) faucet setup into little sink for my grow room. I'm limited on space so i built this to fit in a 2'x2' space. If i remember I'll grab a pic once i get it assembled, i just painted it last night. I think I only spent about $20 for the drain, trap and piping. I recycle cars..lol..I have a spare car for parts for the car i drive everyday, and 2 whole spare trucks for parts for my plow/junk truck. I've stripped every useable part of any car I ever junked and have it all on shelves in my garage. Reduce,reuse,recycle.
Very creative, I love that! Let's see a pic.


Well-Known Member
I live out in the sticks we have no trash pick up.....around here the county gubment has small collection sites . Fortunately there is one about 7 miles from home .I go there aproximatly once per week and put my recyclables in the proper containers but my closest neighbor burns his trash and when the wind blows in my direction I have to smell his stupidity we've had words before over this matter but he continues to do what he has done for 60 plus years(his words not mine)....to get even I fire up my amps take the loudspeakers outside point them in his direction and jam continuously for as long as I can sometimes I even invite some friends over for beers, weed and music and we have a god damn recycling free for all....damn it's fun !