She might have a case against the school...but not against us taxpayers.
She should pay back the loan to the bank, like she AGREED to do. And if she can prove the school was a farce, then let her collect from the school. NOT from us taxpayers.
These " Schools " are a joke & should be shut down , we were told about how they rip off ignorant people by the recruiter at U of M where our kids went/ attend .
Young people without the advantage of scholarships or parents with means look to these " accredited" schools as a leg up in life , they sign the loan agreement in good faith that the so called colleges will supply them with the tools needed to get a degree , at graduation they find out their so called education isnt even sufficient to get an entry level management position at McDonald's .
Ok so then we say too bad, the ignorant wide eyed kid should of used due diligence & investigated the schools accreditation & graduation to employment ratios as a reason they should pay the scam they got caught up in , a scam the government approves .
Being that these con game schools are eligible for & 99% of the time use government ( tax payer ) funded tuition it bolsters the kids faith where their attendance & graduation of the school will lead to gainfull employement , where was the government's due diligence in approving these schools for loan funding ?
Now the kid graduates Elmer Fudd Tech & finds out their " degree " isnt fit to wipe their ass with , now they are deep in debt with no usefull education ,hmmmm .
Who's more responsible for the situation ?
#1 The government which KNOWINGLY approves loan applications to schools with less than 1% successful transition ratios of graduates into the work force .
#2 The ignorant desperate kid who was mislead every step of the way by the school recruiter, with part of the deception being the governments participation in the scam by knowingly lending kids tuition fee's for schools that dont offer the proper curriculum for a graduate to enter the work force using the education provided ?
It's a scam the government promotes with its complacency & participation , who's getting kick backs from the governing body approving tuition loans to these scam schools ?
I wouldn't go as far as saying these kids dilema equates to Rosa Parks struggles but it is a nightmare for them , if the government continues allowing & helping these con game schools to mislead kids then let government eat the bill .