Do plants droop after transplanting?


Well-Known Member
No, I do not ever experience drooping when I transplant. I'm very good at it. ;)
I'm with Seamaiden - "Not if you do it right!". Although to be fair, it can happen, if you're not that slick at transplanting. This can be a traumatic experience to your plants - so, be prepared, be gentle and practice!

And yes, as was said above, always finish your transplanting with a good watering.


Well-Known Member
hey, just transplanted today as well, got the exact same wilting n i had watered till it flows out the bottom. the plants day 5 of flowering as well which was a bitty sketchy lol. hopefully itll perk up the next day like sativasam says! usually when my plant wilts i add water and it perks up which threw me a little


Well-Known Member
Better to let it wilt for lack of water than for too much water. Lack of water is totally easy to correct, too much water, not so much. Don't ask me how I know.


Well-Known Member
mm yeah i learnt that the hard way before, i let the soil dry a day (used a moisture meter) before transplant though so it shouldnt be a problem :/


Well-Known Member
I'm with Seamaiden - "Not if you do it right!". Although to be fair, it can happen, if you're not that slick at transplanting. This can be a traumatic experience to your plants - so, be prepared, be gentle and practice!

And yes, as was said above, always finish your transplanting with a good watering.
I got to practice on a LOT of other plants. So, when it came time to transplant my little mj's, I just did it as I always do.

Having my new pot ready with slightly damp soil (just don't want it completely dry)...
Place the plant so that my palm is down over the soil and the stem comes up between my fingers.
Invert pot, squeeze gently to work loose.
Gently break up bottom of roots (NEVER more than 1/3 of roots!).
Gently upright into place, start packing soil from the bottom of the rootball up.
Firm soil down into place.
Water well.
Watch 'em grow. :)


Well-Known Member
ayeee tis good advice, pretty much how i done it. just hoping i wake tomorrow and the plant perks up and doesnt go all yellow on me. pherhaps i just shocked them a little. canadianreefer how did you transplant yours?


Well-Known Member
damnit i over watered..just checked with the moisture meter. this is gonna be a long ride!