CXA3590 Build Plan

- easier to drill thru with no bottom stop.
- no need to change to a bottoming tap.
- clamp 2 (or 4) together and drill them all at once.
- easier to toss it, if mistake was made
- acts a thick buffer to keep the heat flow toward the water

- more work
- need to bond it with thermal glue
- might not be necessary, or desireable

A second pad would do nothing but harm cooling performance in this instance. Since you're doubling the thickness of the TIM, and you have the added thermal resistance of the pad. Tj is going to be higher than if it were just mounted on the tube.

It's risky, but you could always tap a through hole and put some teflon tape on the mounting screws.
A day in the life of Bevis Doer

Mornings aren’t memorable; mostly they are over by the time last night’s drugs have worn off. Some time before noon Bevis rode his supercharged Honda motorcycle to MityFine Electronics group where he has an internship (chicks dig those wheels!). He found that by carefully arranging the computer screens and sitting just so in his chair, he could nap the morning away. Nobody notices that sort of thing…the dumbshits!

Lunchtime is when Bevis Doer slips away to do a blunt and get his day started right. Nobody notices that sort of thing… the dumbshits! On the way back into the office area, Bevis saw Jess, the receptionist and headed her way. Jess was very busy and didn’t look up when Bevis stopped by. “Hiya Jess, nice dress!” Bevis said with an engaging smile. Without looking up, Jess said “Thanks”. “Well, I’m off to the products planning meeting, I’ve got a presentation to work on, see ya” Bevis said while trying to catch Jess’s eye. “Mmhmm”, said Jess.

Bevis Doer’s uncle is a major shareholder in MityFine. His mother arranged the internship for Bevis. After four years in Junior College and 5 years at University of Phoenix, Bevis figures that he is ready to run the company. His uncle has a catch in his throat when Bevis discusses this with him. He should get that looked into.
Bevis was late to the product planning meeting and slid into a seat towards the back. Nobody noticed he was late…the dumbshits! Steve was going through the list of action items and product development status. The product had passed the phase 1 checkpoint and was moving into phase 2 and a lot of buzzwords were used. Bevis wrote these terms down. He would find them handy when he was in charge. These meetings are sure useful. Other words that he learned were: clamped drilling template, KISS (keep it simple stupid), fluid dynamics, Storming Phase, NORML phase.

After the meeting, Bevis headed over to the coffee station to talk with the guys. Actually, the team was evenly split between men and women but Bevis called them all guys. This made the women feel more included. Bevis walked up to Spacer (he had nicknames for all of them). “Hiya Spacer, great meeting huh?” Spacer looked Bevis’s way and nodded. “Hey Spacer, you missed a spot while shaving this morning. What are you some sort of Wookie? HA HA”. Bevis was always the joker. The guys started to split up and head back to their desks. Bevis followed and sat down at his own. He found that by carefully arranging the computer screens and sitting just so in his chair, he could nap the afternoon away. Nobody notices that sort of thing…the dumbshits!

End Part 2
A day in the life of Bevis Doer, part 3

It was hot in the rush hour traffic as everybody headed home. Bevis threaded his way through it at seven miles and hour. $10,000 to supercharge my Honda and all I can do is 7 mph he grumped as he pulled onto the shoulder and sped off. Nobody notices that sort of thing…the dumbshits! When Bevis got home (damn cop, I wasn’t going that fast!), Bevis heated up some hot pockets and logged into RUI. He’d learned some good words today and put them into use when he trolled some losers. They didn’t notice that he was trolling them…the dumbshits.

After dinner, Bevis sparked one up and headed out for some fun. He’d met his ex at the strip club. The marriage only lasted a couple of months. He got laid on his wedding night. Too bad he couldn't remember it, it was the only time. He was stressed out over flunking the Phoenix of Arizona business calculus class for the third time and was throwing dishes about. Stacey started recording the tantrum on her cell phone and he directed a plate at her. He didn't mean to hit her. Dad settled things with Stacey who moved in with the bouncer, Charlie. Neither work anymore. His son, Charlie Jr. was born 4 months later.

End of part 3
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I'm just poking fun at you. Don't worry, this will end with part 4. Go ahead and delete it if you don't like it -- you've done it once before. I can always repost it.

Remember what I said about gentle humor...if you'd just tone your spite down a bit, your lampooning of the LED discussion group could actually be funny.
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I'm just poking fun at you. Don't worry, this will end with part 4. Go ahead and delete it if you don't like it -- you've done it once before. I can always repost it.

Remember what I said about gentle humor...if you'd just tone your spite down a bit, your lampooning of the LED discussion group could actually be funny.

I don't even read the drivel so you are just...whatever.
A second pad would do nothing but harm cooling performance in this instance. Since you're doubling the thickness of the TIM, and you have the added thermal resistance of the pad. Tj is going to be higher than if it were just mounted on the tube.

It's risky, but you could always tap a through hole and put some teflon tape on the mounting screws.

Thanks. That is exactly what I was concerned with. I think I can get some screws that will work. The standard is 3 threads in. But, I can also get .025 walls, and attach the COBs with thermal glue.

That might be way better.
A day in the life of Bevis Doer, part 4

Bevis pulled his supercharged Honda into the parking lot of the strip club. He gunned it a few times so that the babes inside would know he was there. Chicks dig those wheels! Bevis popped a Molly before heading in. Hooboy this is going to be a great evening. Diamond is dancing tonight. Bevis liked Diamond. He keeps asking what her real name is. It’s a great way to open up a conversation with a stripper. Inside the club, Bevis pulled up a chair at a table just off the stage and watched the show while coming on to the Molly. When Diamond danced, Bevis put a twenty on the stage and stood there while she danced for him. He shook his hips and danced with her. She thought he was cool.

A few blocks away from the strip club, a cop flashed some lights and he pulled over. The cop knew Bevis and didn’t ask for his driver’s license. He got on the phone, told his dad where he was and they talked business for a bit. Dad arrived later and a tow truck came by to pick up his bike. Dad didn’t say anything until they got home and the gates had shut. “Dammit Bevis….” This pissed Bevis off. “I’m almost 30, why can’t you treat me like an adult?” “Linda’s on duty as security guard and I’ve asked her to call me if you try to leave or flirt with her. We have the keys to your bike; you can have them tomorrow morning. Good night Bevis.” Dad went inside the house and locked the door. Bevis headed into his basement apartment, checked into RUI on his cell phone and made a high pitched laugh. Those idiots on RUI said they thought he was a jerk. They don’t know that he is trolling them…the losers!

Bevis took a couple of downers to help him sleep. Listening to Nyogthaeblisz while drifting off to sleep, He thought of Diamond and what it must have been like with Stacey. Bevis Doer reached down to pleasure himself but passed out before he could finish.

End of part 4
And I got my Aluminum ordered. I guess I need to make end caps out of flat stock. $100 min order is the best I've seen.

Aluminum 6063-T52 Bare
Extruded Square Tube
2" x 0.25"
Cut to: 48

$49.58 x 2 $99.16
Need some of these.
Mfr. Lead Time: 1 week

And for the Gap. The good stuff. pk3
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It occurs I don't need end caps. I'll make a pair of cuts in one end about 2" inward. I'll knock that down with a block and hammer. Now I have a 45 degree closure. I'll MAAP weld that instead. Cut the ears off, for safety and kewl.

Oh, I'll drill it first for the water fitting. Do both end, done.
It occurs I don't need end caps. I'll make a pair of cuts in one end about 2" inward. I'll knock that down with a block and hammer. Now I have a 45 degree closure. I'll MAAP weld that instead. Cut the ears off, for safety and kewl.

Oh, I'll drill it first for the water fitting. Do both end, done.
Doer reached down to pleasure himself but passed out before he could finish.
Most of us are laughing at you. I will waste all your time. What do I care?

The joke is that you think these petty insults matter to someone like me.

They don't. This kinda of stupid troll talk only matters to stupid trolls.


So, the only ones not laughing are you idiot "victims"
I figured this was a joke by the 3rd page and scrolled through the nonsense to see when you revealed yourself. NOBODY IS LAUGHING. The Joke is not funny unless the victim laughs too. This could be a funny thread -- there is a lot of opportunity to poke fun at each other but you come off as plain mean spirited. Suggest that this thread is moved to Toke n Talk, where it belongs.

Frankly speaking, you've wasted everybody's time, take satisfaction in that and let it go.