What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

What are the best nutrients out there?whats better advanced nutrients or hydro fuel?

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    Votes: 9 69.2%
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    Votes: 4 30.8%

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While this is clearly the most economical route, a lot of knowledge is required to build your own plant food, knowledge that maybe 1 out of 100 folks have on these forums.

That point aside, you posted a picture of your stock solutions in the past and if i recall correctly there were 5 bottles? IMO, that's a little bit of a PITA to work with every time you want to mix up a res, no?

And what about a soil/promix/coco formula? Would one be working with another handful of stock solutions? For me, there is something to be said about working with a minimal number of bottles as I tend to mix up my plant food in gallons jugs and water from there.

But in regards to your mixture, why all the potassium? I'm messing with potassium sulfate right now and the additional potassium added to a 9-3-6 formula has made zero difference in these harvested plants. Granted these are promix plants, yours may be hydroponic.
It's by far the best way to provide the plant with the food it wants and needs, imho. That said because the plant is able to grab what it wants when it wants, not wen you feed her. For that reason alone it turns t way way wayyyyyy better imo. Dense and amazing. And all natural. Kinda cause don't trust everything I read or hear so organic means..... A lot lets just say that.

But the results are worth it and actually like stated above by home brewer, it's cheaper in the long run for better flowers, can't wait to get the strawberries going..... Reminds me.... Gotta check the bonsai garden!✌️
Thread should be renamed 'poor man's grow' . because all I see is people complaining about spending a few extra bucks on fuss free , quality nutes. my lovely fruit plants love ph perfect technology and they love their privacy without me mucking around with ph up / down etc etc.

Next someone will post a reply on how to make a ph pen out of dog shit or something to save 3c.
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Seriously tho.... Creating your own soil is one of the best ways to increase yeild and knowledge. You have to know about the plant in order to create the soil or medium for it. It's knowledge that can't be taught or told, but learned though experience. And it's not that hard..... 13 elements the plant needs.... Oxegyn carbon and air.... ...the almighty greenhouse effect provides ovides that,,,no matter the area as for the other 10, let's make that easy to understand, N P K. That takes care of that,,,,7....calcium, magnesium, Boron, iron, copper, zink, that's what YA see and see with the charts and the pH uptake. What's missing? Why aren't they mentioned, or is there something missing? Uncle Buck will tell you the real answer, however this is for the free thinkers who go off the beaten path....

There still one major element missing, other than the thought Molybdenem, otherwise known as lead.......COPPER,
Thread should be renamed 'poor man's grow' . because all I see is people complaining about spending a few extra bucks on their lovely fruit plants In return for ease of use and quality.

Next someone will post a reply on how to make a ph pen out of dog shit or something to save 3c.
Thread should be renamed 'poor man's grow' . because all I see is people complaining about spending a few extra bucks on their lovely fruit plants In return for ease of use and quality.

Next someone will post a reply on how to make a ph pen out of dog shit or something to save 3c.
It's like they don't get the ROI or enjoy it. Don't get it man. Right with YA......thanks for putting that out there
^ Not sure we are banging on about the same thing , but you seem to know what you're doing And enjoying it . That's what matters. Peace man
all I see is people complaining about spending a few extra bucks on fuss free , quality nutes. my lovely fruit plants love ph perfect technology and they love their privacy without me mucking around with ph up / down etc etc..

I don't understand how scooping 1/2 tsp of dry fertilizer is a "fuss" to be free of by paying a premium for multiple bottles (of water-based product shipped and stored through the supply chain.).

And, the whole ph-free thing. If your nutes are balanced and your soil contains buffers, you shouldn't need to ph. I don't ph and I'm using stuff that costs about $1 per plant, per grow.

If you like what you use, that's fine. I just wanted to add context to how you differentiated what you use. (I don't think it's that different.).
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AZ I use hydro. Full 200 L res. Not soil. But Yep . Beating a dead horse. people just need to realize it does work. And it's not just for Noobs. Simple.
AZ I use hydro. Full 200 L res. Not soil. But Yep . Beating a dead horse. people just need to realize it does work. And it's not just for Noobs. Simple.

I rarely see anyone say Advanced Nutrients "doesn't work." Just that it seems expensive and opaque (with its three-dimensional assortment of products).

Now you say you're a larger-scale grower. Ok, so you'd scoop a cup instead of a tsp. I still don't understand what the "fuss" would be.

Use whatever you want. You don't have to have a reason. It's just, when your reasons sound like strawmen, I feel like following up to add some context.
AN works but its definetely not Worth the price.theres a lot of cheaper alternative on the market if you only want something that works. In general , i'd say , more additive the company add to their schedule, more shitty it is. Why would u need 35678 bottle if plant needs 17 elements?

for info,potassium is involved in transpiration and metabolism. in general , plants consume more potassium if the environnement isnt ideal or the light is low.Usually plant that lack of potassium can grow well but the plant is ''weak'' , flexible and fragile.It can affect the taste. most plant can grow well with 1:1 N:K ratio.

theres 3 types of nute; standalone,2-parts and 3 parts. standalone are simple to use and cheaper but they lack of flexibility. 2parts are usually more complete and provide overall the best deal.combine performance and simplicity.3parts provide more flexibility and are used from start to finish.

If you look at the back of bottle you can see what the ingrédients...if theres no info on ingrédients, i suggest to check for another alternate. Avoid product that contain carbonates, it can lead to problem.Carbonates are insoluble and will build up.

If the ammonium content is higher than 20% of the total nitrogen, u may experience some nutes burn and/or calcium deficiency and/or other disorder like ph instability and soft growth. Nitrate are often described as the best nitrogen source for plant production because plants requires less energy to proceed nitrate and promote uptake of P,Ca and K but nitrate only fertlizer are also known to constantly rise ph so low ammonium content is recommanded to balance the alkalinity. I would recommand 10-20% of ammonium.

check how much magnesium it contain.is the source nitrate magnesium or sulfate magnesium? sulfate magnesium is the prefered source because its provide sulfur and more magnesium.If theres no sulfate magnesium in the mix,then theres a great chance you will need sulfate magnesium(aka epsom salt)

In resume, a good fertlizer contain nitrate calcium , phosphate and magnesium sulfate along with micronutrient. nothing else is needed. some company add more potassium than others... That's ok but not needed.

the source of micro is crucial.Edta is know to have bad stability above ph 6.0 and have high affinity for calcium.Theres some study that conclude edta and dtpa increase metal solubility in alkaline ph but reduce uptake of these same metal by plants.Take note that synthetic chelate are not utake by plants. when the metal chelate comes in contact with roots,the chelate release the metal and the chelate go back in solutiion.So theres a risk that edta build-up to a toxic level and edta is well known to be toxic to plants at low concentration.theres a lot of debate and study on synthetic chelate , I invite you to use Google if your looking for more info.

for all these reason i wouldnt recommend edta chelated micronutrient.Iron dtpa is acceptable since its more stable than edta and doesnt share the affinity for calcium but eddha is the prefered source of iron chelate . micronutrient in sulfate form combined with humâtes and organic acids is the way to go IMO.

company who are well known to use edta micro; AN, GH , BOTANICARE, JR PETER.

sorry for my english, i'm too high to correct : (
To make 200 gallons of my hard water mix #17, it costs 7 dollars, and a lot of that is for pH down to deal with hard water.. It would be more like 5 dollars for a soft/RO water formula.

That's enough to change an 18 gallon reservoir over 11 times.

I plugged in prices for if you bought 50 pound bags of macros (and small bags of micros)

View attachment 3375333

very nice man. your a real bro.

i noticed your mix is high in iron(5) , manganese(2) and boron(~0.7).can you explain me why?
Blah blah blah . if you can point me to another nute line that works well and I don't need to mess with ph or pens at all. Let me know. I'll seriously give it a go.
Till then you guys can only justify your hate and I will just laugh.
Blah blah blah . if you can point me to another nute line that works well and I don't need to mess with ph or pens at all. Let me know. I'll seriously give it a go.
Till then you guys can only justify your hate and I will just laugh.

You get out what you put in. Whether you're in hydro or coco/promix/dirt, you're shorting yourself on yield and quality with what you're using right now. But hey, no pens, right?
Blah blah blah . if you can point me to another nute line that works well and I don't need to mess with ph or pens at all. Let me know. I'll seriously give it a go.
Till then you guys can only justify your hate and I will just laugh.
And AN appreciates your loyalty, they love people like you who will defend them and their tactics. People don't want to learn how to grow, just dump it in and hope it comes out right.
Blah blah blah . if you can point me to another nute line that works well and I don't need to mess with ph
Blah blah blah, Most others I have tried I have not had to 'mess' with the pH and guess what? NO Ph burn at all. Just more sensationalized hype from A.N to blind noobs and the gullible.
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