Well-Known Member

I have been a Minister with the Universal Life Church & Universal Life Church Monastery since 2009, and as a legally registered minister I can register ministers, I will make Temple ID cards that are something like this.
If you want to become a Registered Minister, you can become a Legally Registered minister online in just a few seconds. Here are some sites that do this.
The Universal Life Church was started before the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which provides protection to religions. There were a lot of cases with Native Americans, and Psychedelic Churches from the 60s, and a few people sacrificing animals and stuff. The RFRA protects Religious practices.
The Church was on the show Black List recently
And Conan O'Brein is even a Minister, he joined to preform a Gay wedding on his show. And I have heard Joe Rogan say that he joined so that he could preform a Marriage legally.

In case anyone does not know, the Universal Life Church is a Non-Christian Church that accepts Ministers from ANY Religion. There are even Atheist Ministers but most of the Ministers are Polytheist, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Wiccan, Shamans, and various other Religions, even Christians. I practice Polytheistic Hinduism as a Minister of the ULC, and use Sacred Herbs like Marijuana in accordance with 4,000 year old tradition for the God Shiva.

The Temple IDs will have a short list of Religious Freedom Rulings, such as the RFRA. As well as a list of Legal Maxims, not exactly these ones, but here are some examples of what Maxims are.

"The Conclusion as to the use of a thing from its abuse is invalid"
"Blessed is the exposition by which anything is saved from destruction"
"Intention is the soul of an instrument"
"The cause of the church is equal to public causes;and for the best reasons"
"An argument from a like case avails in law"
"Hear the other side" No one is to be judged without being heard
"Causes of dower, life, liberty, revenue, are among the favorable things in law"
"An argument from things frequently happening is common in law"
"An argument from division is most powerful in law"
"A good judge decides according to justice and right, and prefers equity to strict law"
"The argument from the greater to the lesser is of no force negatively, postively it is"
"Every kind of action proceeds in its own way"
"Abundant caution does no injury"
"The accessory right does not lead, but follows its principle"
"The action has not accrued within six years"
"A personal right of act dies with a person" this is why rich people make Trust funds for their kids, because the trust fund can act as a person to hold the money when they are no longer alive to do it themselves.
"When the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is acquitted"
"External actions show internal secrets" this goes further to say that if someone is abusing an Authority given to them by law, they are Trespassers in the Law.
"The burden of proof lies on the plaintiff"
"An act of law shall prejudice no man"
"The act itself does not constitute guilt unless done with guilty intent"
""It is the duty of the Justice to administer justice to everyone seeking it from them"
"To questions of fact a judge does not answer, to questions of law the jury do not answer"
"Equity follows law"
"That which is equal and good is the law of laws"
"It is one thing to possess, another to be in possession"
"A tree is so called while growing, but wood once it ceases to grow"
It will also explain your legal rights as a Minister