Temple ID

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I have been a Minister with the Universal Life Church & Universal Life Church Monastery since 2009, and as a legally registered minister I can register ministers, I will make Temple ID cards that are something like this.

If you want to become a Registered Minister, you can become a Legally Registered minister online in just a few seconds. Here are some sites that do this.





The Universal Life Church was started before the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which provides protection to religions. There were a lot of cases with Native Americans, and Psychedelic Churches from the 60s, and a few people sacrificing animals and stuff. The RFRA protects Religious practices.

The Church was on the show Black List recently

And Conan O'Brein is even a Minister, he joined to preform a Gay wedding on his show. And I have heard Joe Rogan say that he joined so that he could preform a Marriage legally.

In case anyone does not know, the Universal Life Church is a Non-Christian Church that accepts Ministers from ANY Religion. There are even Atheist Ministers but most of the Ministers are Polytheist, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Wiccan, Shamans, and various other Religions, even Christians. I practice Polytheistic Hinduism as a Minister of the ULC, and use Sacred Herbs like Marijuana in accordance with 4,000 year old tradition for the God Shiva.

The Temple IDs will have a short list of Religious Freedom Rulings, such as the RFRA. As well as a list of Legal Maxims, not exactly these ones, but here are some examples of what Maxims are.

"The Conclusion as to the use of a thing from its abuse is invalid"

"Blessed is the exposition by which anything is saved from destruction"

"Intention is the soul of an instrument"

"The cause of the church is equal to public causes;and for the best reasons"

"An argument from a like case avails in law"

"Hear the other side" No one is to be judged without being heard

"Causes of dower, life, liberty, revenue, are among the favorable things in law"

"An argument from things frequently happening is common in law"

"An argument from division is most powerful in law"

"A good judge decides according to justice and right, and prefers equity to strict law"

"The argument from the greater to the lesser is of no force negatively, postively it is"

"Every kind of action proceeds in its own way"

"Abundant caution does no injury"

"The accessory right does not lead, but follows its principle"

"The action has not accrued within six years"

"A personal right of act dies with a person" this is why rich people make Trust funds for their kids, because the trust fund can act as a person to hold the money when they are no longer alive to do it themselves.

"When the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is acquitted"

"External actions show internal secrets" this goes further to say that if someone is abusing an Authority given to them by law, they are Trespassers in the Law.

"The burden of proof lies on the plaintiff"

"An act of law shall prejudice no man"

"The act itself does not constitute guilt unless done with guilty intent"

""It is the duty of the Justice to administer justice to everyone seeking it from them"

"To questions of fact a judge does not answer, to questions of law the jury do not answer"

"Equity follows law"

"That which is equal and good is the law of laws"

"It is one thing to possess, another to be in possession"

"A tree is so called while growing, but wood once it ceases to grow"

It will also explain your legal rights as a Minister

Can I get you to marry my cat to this cat next door? I think they are in serious love... Also, my other neighbors dog humps the other dog in the butt, but they are both boy dogs, can I schedule a time for them to repent and say their Hail Marys? Or shall we get them married too? Also, can I tithe? To you... I'd like to donate to your cause, it seems legit....
can this get you work finny ? It seems quite important
It is the work. Once the Temples get started and I make the Temple IDs, I will be able to send them out to people. Then I will start sending letters to Police departments where people are practicing so that they know how to deal with a Temple if they find one, and if the Police arrest anyone in a Temple for practicing their religion, we will have work.
Right now there is Medical Marijauna and Recreational Marijuana, this is just the beginning of Religious Marijuana. And all the other sacred Herbs also.
I'll personally opt for -not- notifying the police heh heh

I see why you would not want to, but I have already been arrested for my Religion twice, so I am just trying to help other people not go through the same thing. There was no one to tell the Police before.
i hear ya and respect being pro-active. i'm just not accustomed to swatting a hornets nest if you follow.

perhaps as the temple gets significantly larger and already has attention being drawn to it, then this may be a necessary step. my policy is zero contact w leo, they are not to be trusted under any circumstance.
i hear ya and respect being pro-active. i'm just not accustomed to swatting a hornets nest if you follow.

perhaps as the temple gets significantly larger and already has attention being drawn to it, then this may be a necessary step. my policy is zero contact w leo, they are not to be trusted under any circumstance.

The Temple is just one part of something much larger. If you look into the Culture of India, the Sadhus and Shaivites smokes pretty regularly, but EVERYONE drinks Marijuana in Milk on Holi.

So this isn't like a new thing, it is Hinduism and it is actually the right way to practice it and we have full blown religious rights. Like a Christian Church with Bread and Wine.
If you want to learn about Ancient Religious Brewing, here are some links:






An Ancient Mesopotamian Keg Party


In a Temple you would breed your own yeast strain. For example, there is Bread yeast, Wine/Beer Yeast, Champagne yeast and Distiller's yeast. That is in order of the strength of alcohol it makes. To check the alcohol content of a brew you would get a hydrometer and check the gravity. Then to breed the yeast you would keep it at the bottom of the brew container, then add more materials and yeast of a new strain, then test the gravity of that next one. And keep adding strains with each brew, then eventually stop adding strains and start separating the yeast glob into different containers and letting each section of the glob continue as its own strain, then eventually figure out which one makes the Wine or Beer you like the most.

Christian Monks actually used to call yeast by the name "God-is-Good"

If you mess up making Wine, it makes Vinegar. This is where Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar and stuff like that come from.

Once a Temple has yeast, they can not only make Wine and Beer, but also Bread and Vinegar. Then it is not hard to figure out Cheese (from Milk, but different than Wine making)

How and What to Microbrew

Microbrew just means that is was not made in a massive amount. If you make a 1 gallon jug of wine or beer at home, that is a "Microbrew", and if you make 10 gallons in a garage, that is also a Microbrew. I am not sure at what point it stops being a Microbrew, but it just means you didn't make enough to ship around the country or whatever, it's a small amount.

You can also Microbrew other things:

Chocolate, if you grow Coco beans or buy like 10-20 lbs of coco beans, then make Coco tea, add chocolate then make that Tea into hash... You have make a "Microbrew" of Chocolate.

Peppermint Hash and Candy, Peppermint is actually an invasive species. If you plant it, it will come back every year. And you can take the leaves and make it in to hash. This can be added it Chocolate or Candy to give it Peppermint flavor.

Candy can be Microbrewed, it's not hard to make candy. All you need it sugar, corn syrup, water, flavor, color & a heat source.

Hot Sauce can be Microbrewed, I have even heard of this happening before. One of our neighbors when I was a kid made his own Hot Sauce, and he went around to Grocery stores and asked if they wanted to put some on their shelves.

In America it is legal to brew your own wine or beer, just not to make your own Liquor/Moonshine. I think it is something like 100 Gallons a year you are allowed to brew for personal use. And it is not hard to brew your own wine or beer and you can even make Champagne (not true Champagne, since it's not from that region of France). If you use Bread Yeast you will make weak wine/beer, if you use beer/wine yeast you will get stuff that is a little stronger, if you get Champagne yeast you can make it even stronger, and if you get Distiller's yeast it will be the strongest possible.

Here is how to make Wine, Mead and Champagne:

Wine and Mead are the same, but Wine uses Fruit and Sugar, While Mead uses Honey and Sugar. Mead just means you used Honey.

1. Get a Fermenting Cap or Fermenting lid or whatever it is called, if you search those things it will show up.

2. Whatever Container you use, fill it up about 1/4-1/3 of the way with fruit and sugar, lots of sugar, sugar becomes alcohol. No matter if the container is 1 gallon or 10 gallon, about 1/4-1/3 should be fruit and sugar, before water is added. If you are making Mead you could go up to 1/2 Honey and use less sugar.

3. Mix in Cinnamon or whatever Herb you want to mix in here. Then add water and mix.

4. As long as your water was hot from the sink and not Boiling in a pot before it went in the container, it should be ok to add your yeast. You may want to wait for it to cool a little if your water is extra hot, but about 10-15 minutes after you add the yeast you should start to see bubbles, it may take a little longer and you may have to shine a light through it.

5. If using Wine or Beer or Bread yeast it should take like a month to finish, if you use Distiller's yeast or Champagne yeast, it won't take as long.

6. If you are not making champagne, you would siphon and bottle at this point. If making Champagne, you would add water and Sugar to the bottom of your empty bottles, then add the wine that is finishing. Then once the lids were on the bottles, they would finish fermenting, and this would cause bubbles. This is done with beer and champagne.

If you make your own beer or wine, here are some herbs that are mixed in to a brew sometimes.

Hops: Contains Myrcene, this is the herb that people usually use to make beer.

Bitter Orange Peel: Contains a Epinephrine or Synephrine, it is used in beer making to make a stimulating beer instead of a depressant.

Lemon Grass: Contains Myrcene, Lemonene and other Terpenes.

Cinnamon: Contains Cinnamaldehyde for smell and flavor

Lemon Peel/Zest: Contains Lemonene

Orange Peel: Contains Lemonene

There are more, but this should be a good list for people just starting. There are also "Fermenting Sweeteners" since Sugar is turned into alcohol, if you want to make your Alcohol sweet there are plants like Stevia that have been used for this forever. It contains a Sweet compound different than sugar, so it does not turn into alcohol and it will still be sweet when you drink it.

Another Herb that was historically used in Wine Making, but us not used very much anymore is White Lotus aka Sacred Lotus. White Lotus contains a compound that attaches to the Dopamine receptors, and in ancient Egypt it was extremely common to let White Lotus sit in wine, then to filter it out and drink it. Or even just leave it in and drink it if it is just a few full flowers instead of a bunch of ground up flowers.

The Harper's Song

Death is a kindly fate.
A Generation passes, Another stays,
Since the time of the ancestors.
The gods who were before rest in their tombs,
Blessed nobles too are buried in their tombs.
(Yet) those who built tombs,
Their places are gone,
What has become of them?
I have heard the words of Imhotep and Hordjedef,
Whose sayings are recited in whole.
What of their places?
Their walls have crumbled,
Their places are gone,
As though they had never been!
None comes from there,
To tell of their needs,
To calm our hearts,
Until we go where they have gone!
Hence rejoice in your heart!
Forgetfulness profits you,
Follow your heart as long as you live!
Put myrrh on your head,
Dress in fine linen,
Anoint yourself with oils fit for a god,
Heap up your joys,
Let your heart not sink!
Follow your heart and your happiness,
Do your things on earth as your heart commands!
When there comes to you that day of mourning,
the Weary-hearted (Osiris) hears not their mourning,
Wailing saves no man from the pit!
Make holiday, Do not weary of it!
Lo, none is allowed to take his goods with him,
Lo, none who departs comes back again!

Grapes have been important to pretty much every Religion ever. Around 5,000 BC the first Wine was made somewhere in Iran, this was probably done completely on accident because grapes naturally contain their own yeast, which causes them to ferment without any yeast being added. To make Champagne you need Champagne Yeast though.



In Egypt, Wine making was a large part of Farming.

For anyone that is going to breed Grapes, it is good to added Genetics from Wild Varieties in order to get new things. This is how we got the Modern Cow from Ancient Greek Bovine and Ancient European Wild Bovine, the Wild one is now extinct and we can't make new cows with it. But there are still wild grapes.

Here is a site that sells a few Wild Grape Cultivars:


And you would breed them with regular grape strains:


If you are going to breed a strain, you need to get a Male plant. So start off by growing regular seeds, not feminized. Then once you get a male, make clones. Feminized (seedlees) seeds are made by creating a Hermaphrodite plant and breeding it with a female plant. Hermaphrodites can be made with many species of plant by rubbing them with silver, or putting silver in the soil, or using a product like colloidal silver all over their leaves and stem.

Spotting a Male is also not very hard, what you do is make clones of your plants and put the new cuttings in the dark for 24 hrs, or put them on a 12/12 light cycle. They will eventually show you which ones are male and which are female. Males have pollen sacks, females have a hair looking thing. (Grapes might have both parts, and the female part is what becomes the grape)

Once you have males, you can then get Feminized seeds. If you want to make your own strain, you need to make sure you have 2 different strains, 1 strain male, 1 strain female. Then you pollinate the female and you will get seeds if you do it right. keeping them together in a grow room with a fan is also a good idea.

Once you have seeds, you breed the seeds with their brothers and sisters. This is called "Locking in the Genetics". You have probably seen the Square with the 4 Genetic things, at this point you can choose exactly which genetics you want to show themselves and after a few breeding cycles you will have the "Phenotypes", that is what is in the 4 squares. This is how a strain is stabilized, and you have a new strain. This can also be done with different kinds of Tomatoes or Marijuana or Onions or anything.


Right now there are Polytheists, Hindus, Zoroastrians and Pagans all over the place, but there is no real Network yet and they are not recognized as Religions by people in America because Christianity has blinded people, you can find Yoga studios and Magical Herb shops, but they are never seen in the context of a Temple. So now is the time to change that, and here is how to start. These things can be given out for free for Temple Congregation, as well as taken home by practitioners for a donation to keep Temples open.

A Seed Library is similar to a seed bank except that the goal of a seed bank is to spread the seeds to the local community and visitors, instead of storing seeds in the event of a civilization ending event.

In a seed bank you would try to get as many seeds from as many different species and store them under conditions that would keep them alive the longest, and you might allow the public to buy some seeds. In a Seed Library, you would actually grow as many of the plants as you could and make more seeds every year to give out, and you would do give-aways and contests and all kinds of stuff like that to keep it interesting.

Here is a website where you can get seeds for tons of Sacred Herbs.


Ayahuasca Vine


Chacruna(Ayahuasca 2nd Ingredient)



The Tree of Life


Panaeolous Mushroom Spores



Coffee seeds


"Wild Coffee" (caffeine free)


Bufo Alvarius Toad



Waxy Leaf Frog



Marijuana seeds (Shiva based, not Zoroastrian)




Henna (Plant used as a Dye) seeds


Kratom seeds



Mulungu seeds


San Pedro seeds



Guarana seeds


Sacred Tobacco (Stronger than regular tobacco, but it is organic with no additives, and because it is stronger it is used in smaller amounts and to stimulate dreams, nicotine can stimulate dreams)


Uziza is closely related to Pepper, and it contains much more Caryophyllene. Uziza is used with Pepper to flavor food in Nigeria, and it used to be used commonly in Europe, but it has not been common outside of Nigeria since the Middle Ages. In Africa they have all kinds of Spices that a lot of us have not heard of, like "Grains of Paradise".

Uziza on American Amazon



Uziza on UK Amazon

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